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Nippon Sport Science University


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Since the foundation in 1891 of its parent organization, the Administration Office of the Educational Foundation of NIPPON TAIIKUKAI, Nippon Sport Science University has continued to promote physical education and sports, improve the health of the country's citizens, and cultivate elite athletes to create a prosperous and vibrant society.

Following the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964, the university has been cultivating outstanding athletes. It has been contributing immensely to equipping Japanese athletes with the skills to compete on the global stage. As a result, athletes with Nippon Sport Science University ties have brought home 128 gold, silver, and bronze medals, accounting for a quarter of the medals won by Japanese athletes. This history and tradition of world-renowned achievements continue to bring glory to Nippon Sport Science University.

In 2020, Japan will once again host the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. We view this event as a new turning point in our history to pursue innovative approaches that help us shape the future.

Nippon Sport Science University's new mission is to elevate possibilities through the common universal culture of sport to carve out a whole new world in which people can live happy and enriching lives.

Based on the keywords "sport," "body," and "life," we will work to expand and deepen our range of academic offerings while demonstrating our capability as a comprehensive university dedicated to the arts and science with a focus on the physical body. To continue making great strides on the global stage, we will work together with our faculty to promote education, research, and social contribution initiatives.

Our Mission:

  • We focus on studying the human potential holistically by conducting pioneering research in sport science and putting it into practice to improve citizens' physical strength and enhance athletes' competitive abilities internationally.
  • We contribute to maintaining international peace with the power of sports by deepening and developing Japan's sports culture and promoting the Olympic movement.
  • We produce top athletes and individuals who earnestly act as leaders in local communities to create a healthy, affluent sports society.

Nippon Sport Science University aims to be a leading university in physical education and sports in Japan, using our original creative educational system and research to realize a future knowledge-based society and promote local development. We foster mentally and physically mature, healthy, and cheerful individuals ready to excel in their endeavors.

Nippon Sport Science University has an original approach to generating awareness of what it means to be a student at NSSU to encourage students to concentrate on studying and playing sports. Below are some of our specific activities, which include the handing down of the university's traditions.

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