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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara


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History of the birth of UIN North Sumatra is a long journey from the birth and dynamics of higher education institutions that previously still status 'institute' namely the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of North Sumatra. The desire to change the status of IAIN SU into a university is undoubtedly based on a passionate spirit to improve the quality of education with a mandate more sweeping in various fields in North Sumatra, specifically, Indonesia and Southeast Asia in general.
Along with the planned transfer of status, then internally, IAIN North Sumatra keep trying to fix themselves, both in academic, administrative, and institutional facilities and infrastructure. Externally, these efforts have received funding commitments from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Government of Indonesia (GoI), which are now being used for various academic and institutional development activities. From the Local Government of North Sumatra, IAIN SU has secured a commitment to procure a new 400-hectare campus area to develop an integrated campus in the future. To realize all it would need the contribution of society and academic community to encourage the development of IAIN / UIN North Sumatra towards the better, advanced, and quality.
With the efforts that have been made and the blessing of prayer for all academic community, IAIN SU's status as State Islamic University (UIN) of North Sumatra has been approved by Presidential Decree no. 131/2014 dated October 16, 2014, by President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).
The vision of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra is a Society of Learning based on Islamic values ( Islamic Learning Society ). The mission is to Furthermore, to achieve the vision, the mission is held: Implement education, teaching, research, and community service excellence in various fields of science, technology, and art based on Islamic values. The birth of scholars who excel in various fields of science, technology, and art studies based on Islamic values. The development of various branches of science, technology, and art based on Islamic values. The rise of civilization based on Islamic values

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