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Sunshine Christian School


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From small beginnings over 30 years ago, our school has grown into a Christian community united by a desire to bring up young people to love God, love each other, and love learning. We believe in developing the whole child and providing high-quality physical education, arts, and camping/excursion programs alongside our wide-ranging curriculum and rigorous academic study. Our school is known for its strong Christian foundations, excellent pastoral care, sound academic record, vibrant curriculum, and big family'.

As a school of the Lutheran Church of Australia, we are driven by a belief in education's great importance. The first Lutheran migrants came to Australia to bring up their children in the faith to serve God and serve the world. This unwavering belief in the importance of providing quality Christian education still drives us as a school today.

The staff of Sunshine Christian School are highly experienced and consider it a great privilege to serve the children placed in our care. In partnership with our families, we aim to create an environment where all children can explore their God-given gifts and talents and move on into secondary education and beyond, ready to serve and ready to succeed.

Our vision is a community loving God, loving others, loving learning. Our mission is:

  • To provide a quality Christian education in the Lutheran tradition, which assists parents to enable their children to grow and flourish as lifelong learners.
  • To work towards individual and community wellbeing and wholeness – cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
  • To engender the responsibility to serve others, appreciate cultural inclusivity, and foster the individual God-given talents of all in our community.
  • To keep enrolment at Sunshine Christian School available to all, regardless of financial status, cultural background, or academic ability.

We seek to operate by the values shared by all Lutheran schools in Australia as expressed in the Lifelong Qualities of Learners document lived out in our context and community. These values are:

  • Love
  • Justice
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Service
  • Courage
  • Humility
  • Hope
  • Quality
  • Appreciation

Our aims

  • To provide students with a comprehensive education program that is conducive to the development of their talents and skills for responsible Christian living and service.
  • To encourage students to strive for excellence in learning according to individual ability.
  • To help students value themselves as persons created in the image of God, redeemed by Christ, and made members of his body, the church, and to express their new life in Christ in their relationship with God and others.
  • To include as a core part of the program, a Christian Studies curriculum which has been deliberately and consciously taught from the perspective of confessional Lutheranism.
  • To provide an alternative to a secularistic, humanistic philosophy and practice of education.
  • To promote the school community's spiritual life and development through regular worship, the study of the Scriptures, and pastoral care.
  • To assist parents in the fulfillment of their God-given responsibilities to their children.
  • To assist the State in providing it with responsible citizens equipped to contribute positively to the community.

Sunshine Christian School is committed to the principles of a liberal democracy

  • We believe in an accountable, democratically elected government.
  • We respect and observe the rule of law and believe that no person is above the law.
  • We believe in equal rights for all before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, or other attributes.
  • We believe in the freedom of religion and the need to practice tolerance and understanding of others' beliefs.
  • We believe in the value of freedom of speech and freedom of association but also acknowledge that we have the responsibility not to abuse this freedom.
  • We believe in the values of openness and tolerance, and value and respect all members of the school community regardless of background.

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