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Overnewton Anglican Community College


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Few joys can match walking alongside a child as they grow from toddlers through childhood and into a young adult. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, and family friends share in the excitement of watching first steps, hearing first words, pasting first paintings on walls, watching the first team sport, musical performance, dance concert or reading their first book. The pride matches this excitement from various transition points through that child's life as a student and into the world beyond school.
At Overnewton College, all staff members share in this joy, too, because we work and walk alongside families in this journey with their children. Families provide the most crucial relationship in a student’sstudent’sstudent'sstudent's life. The family provides the moral, spiritual, and relational framework upon which a young child grows. The College and broader community work together to support the family and, therefore, our students' growth.
The vast majority of children enter Overnewton at a Preparatory level and continue their thirteen years of schooling in the one College. The points of connection that this creates for a student are immense. This creates for families, teachers, and education support staff are unique and an exceptional characteristic of an Overnewton education. Overnewton Anglican Community College is known for the commitment it takes to and expects of its families. The College’sCollege’sCollege'sCollege's parents and staff work together to ensure that students have the opportunity to enjoy a rich diversity of curricular and co-curricular experiences that will help them to develop as questioning, articulate, literate, global thinkers with integrity and depth of character.
The three-way partnership between parents, staff, and children makes the College a vibrant and happy place. It is a community where everyone is valued and respected, all with something to offer to the College. At Overnewton, our community provides a supportive village essential for families to remain healthy and for young people to develop to their potential in the most supportive and caring environment. The future is an unknown and exciting place. It will provide some great, fantastic, and unknown challenges and opportunities for each of us, but most of all, for our children. When the school and the homework as closely in sync as they do at Overnewton, our students are given the best foundation and framework to jump into that future.
Overnewton Anglican Community College strives to be an inclusive learning community with a strong Christian foundation. We value a respectful environment where students, staff, and families, working together, aspire to excellence. Broad educational opportunities prepare students to serve as empowered, thoughtful, community-minded citizens.
Our Vision A community of learners embracing the future. Our Values Our Christian Foundation binds and informs our values. All members of the community are encouraged to grow spiritually and explore their faith. We are proud to belong to the Overnewton community, doing our best to contribute positively, within and beyond it. The Overnewton community includes students, staff, and families, both past and present. The educational and ethical standards that are promoted have a profound effect on the broader community.
We respect ourselves, our environment, and the people who are part of our past and present. We acknowledge the right of everyone to equality of opportunity and forgiveness for mistakes. We are lifelong learners, helping each other in our journey towards more excellent knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. We strive to excel in our learning, work, relationships, and playmaking most of every opportunity we are given.

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