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Andrassy Gyula German Language University of Budapest


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Andrássy University Budapest (AUB) was founded in 2001 and is the only wholly German-language university outside the German-speaking countries. As a European university in Hungary, it is supported by five partner states (Austria, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary) and also by Switzerland and the autonomous region of Trentino-South Tirol. About 250 students and numerous scholars from more than twenty countries study, teach, and research at AUB.
AUB puts the focus on European integration with the main topic of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Danube region. The university's goals are the development and advancement of experts on Europe and interdisciplinarity in instruction and research. In addition to the advancement of German as the language of science, the university relies significantly on strengthening cooperation among the countries along the Danube. Scholars research projects in European integration processes, transformation processes, the quality of democracies and economic systems, and the identity formation of nationalities, cultures, and minorities.
AUB was the first university outside of Germany to be accredited according to German rules and criteria. With its quality assurance system certified by the evalag evaluation agency from Baden-Württemberg, the university guarantees the best study and teaching conditions. It was the fifth in Hungary to be accepted into Hungarian colleges' excellence program, thus earning the title "University of National Excellence."
Numerous scholarship opportunities and the excellent staff-student ratio (1:7) allow for a goal-oriented and efficient program in small learning groups. In addition to interactive lectures and seminars, simulations, excursions, case studies, and experiments create an essential connection between scientific theory and professionally related practice.
A well-equipped library offers comprehensive literature for study and research in the German language. This asset is supplemented by the Austrian György Sebestyén library, located at AUB.
AUB students and professors come from over 20 countries across the world. This diverse student body and faculty create unique and rich study conditions for all. AUB admits excellent, newly graduated German-speaking students from all over the world, but mainly from Europe. AUB offers Masters courses and a Ph.D. program with a 7:1 student-faculty ratio. In these programs, education is closely connected to research by involving students in research projects, field studies, and numerous internships.
At AUB, interdisciplinarity is incorporated structurally in the faculty layout ensured in the curriculum by the interdisciplinary study programs implemented methodically into the joint transdisciplinary courses and embedded academically in overlapping research topics. European topics, including those regarding European integration, lie at the forefront of research and instruction of all disciplines at AUB. More specifically, the Central and Eastern European countries and the Danube region are taken into particular consideration. Students at the AUB gain proficiency in analyzing various aspects of European integration, but they also experience European diversity in their small international study teams. These subject areas and methodological approaches help AUB reach their ultimate goal of fostering cooperation between macro-region countries.
Thanks to the unity of well-instructed research, competitive and innovative study programs, and excellent student mentoring, AUB can ensure very high job market qualities. Moreover, AUB-alumni is seen as outstanding potential employees in the job market.

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