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Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School


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Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School is a welcoming, vibrant, and supportive community. Our values underpin the high-quality education we offer our students, with state-of-the-art resources, facilities, and technology that enable them to transition smoothly into the world. Features of Ivanhoe Girls'

  • Outstanding teaching staff, who are inspiring, dedicated to learning needs, and committed to excellence
  • Excellent VCE results
  • Varied tertiary choices, many in non-traditional fields
  • Pastoral care nurturing resilience, relationships, and well-being
  • Opportunities to develop leadership skills and get involved in social service
  • An online learning management system, teaching girls how to use technology effectively
  • Opportunities to participate in exchange programs and study tours
  • A vast array of co-curricular activities, including sport, art, and many specialized clubs, accommodate various interests.

Our Mission Ivanhoe Girls' aims to provide the best learning and teaching underpinned by the Christian philosophy, enabling every girl to achieve her potential and be a confident, optimistic, and responsible citizen. Our Values

  • The care and unique worth of every individual in the School
  • The Christian foundations upon which our School is built
  • Enjoyment of learning
  • The breadth of educational opportunities embracing the academic, cultural and physical
  • Excellence in all facets of School life
  • Independent critical thinking and life-long learning
  • Cultural and spiritual diversity
  • Truth, integrity, and compassion
  • Facing challenges and learning from experience
  • Non-selective entry
  • Citizenship and service to others
  • Environmental awareness.

Our Goals To provide a learning environment for girls which:

  • provides dynamic and challenging learning opportunities which cater to a full range of girls' interests, abilities, and learning styles
  • enables each girl to feel safe and confident to pursue her learning
  • enables girls to practice independent, critical thought and develop a life-long love of learning
  • enables each girl to explore and develop her spirituality through knowledge and appreciation of the Christian philosophy while affirming tolerance and appreciation of other beliefs
  • fosters responsibility through a values-centered education
  • develops leadership, teamwork, and research skills in a range of settings
  • fosters healthy attitudes which enable girls to respect one another, develop resilience, enjoy school life and approach the future as responsible, caring citizens
  • equips girls with the flexibility to thrive in a changing world
  • recognizes effort, achievement, and success
  • is based on our students' needs and informed by current research and practice
  • is achieved through building the most effective team of teachers
  • is supported by providing the best resources and facilities in an attractive environment which the girls care for and respect.

At Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School, the individual's focus is at the core of all we do. The caring relationships at the heart of the School, especially between the class teacher and each student, provide the best possible foundation for learning. The security of an encouraging and supportive environment gives our students a strong sense of belonging, self-esteem, and resilience, which enables their learning to flourish.

Every student has a range of significant adults to provide them with guidance and a sense of connection. Additionally, frameworks such as the Peer Support program enable senior students to provide mentoring for younger year levels, encourage cross-age friendships, develop leadership skills, and provide excellent role models. Junior School Pastoral Care In Junior School, class teachers ensure that all staff knows their students' unique needs as they arise. Our professional, qualified counseling team supports the staff and students. Our Special Friends program, which pairs younger and older Junior School and Early Learning Centre students, provides another level of support and connectedness.

Senior School Pastoral Care In the Senior School, every student is placed in a small tutorial group with around fourteen other students under direct care. Tutor groups meet daily, and each tutor comes to know every member of the group near enough to provide strong encouragement and support. The tutor group provides a strong sense of connection and belonging and focuses on many school activities, including social events and community service ventures. Tutors monitor each student's involvement and achievement and produce a rich and diverse program to bring out their best and develop essential life skills. We aim to foster community awareness and a commitment to respect others and have an active appreciation of the value of diversity in our culture.

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