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Ipswich Girls' Grammar School


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Welcome to Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School. At IGGS, we aim to educate students to become confident; well-educated young women prepared for higher learning, global citizenship, and life. The school was established in 1892, and we are fortunate to have a proud history and many traditions. Our professional staff is committed to providing each girl with a positive, personalized, holistic education within our safe, first-class learning environments.
The school is frequently commended for our students’ high academic results, confidence, diligence, self-discipline, and community service. These commendations result from new, evidence-based learning and teaching programs, dedicated and talented teachers, the individual attention given to each student, and the productive partnerships we enjoy with parents and Old Girls. IGGS’s tertiary entrance outcomes and literacy and numeracy results are continually among the best in Queensland.
In our co-educational Junior School, core literacy and numeracy skills are developed using explicit teaching methods. As students progress through the middle and senior years, teachers use a combination of explicit and student-centered teaching and learning methods. We believe this approach best enables our students to become confident, independent learners equipped with 21st-century skills to empower them to transition to higher education and life beyond the school’s gates. At Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School, we have high expectations for our students.
Our pastoral care programs teach students to be well-mannered and diligent in all that they do. They are also taught to respect themselves, their families, the local community, and the world in which they live. We guide students on how to be useful team members and, above all, expect them to maintain high moral and ethical standards and display care and compassion for others.
Our Vision Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School inspires girls to become confident, well-educated young women. Mission Shaped by our proud history and traditions and focus on academic excellence; our school provides a personalized, holistic education by expert staff in engaging learning environments. Values are the Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School core values that are at the heart of our community. BothSchooll and students seek to promote them through all our endeavors. Our five values foster excellence, integrity, resilience, and responsibility. They influence an IGGS girl’s self-worth, behavior, and how she interacts with her peers and the wider community. With strong moral and ethical values, our girls develop into responsible, capable, global citizens who create higher learning, leadership, and life opportunities.
At Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School, you can rest assured you are giving your daughter every opportunity to realize her full potential. She will be engaged and challenged by our rigorous academic curriculum. Professional, dedicated teachers will foster her true potential through personalized learning in well-equipped and engaging learning environments. She will discover her talents and abilities outside the classroom with our many co-curricular activities. Her personal development will be nurtured through our comprehensive wellbeing program as she grows into a well-educated, kind, confident, community-minded young woman. IGGS girls receive more attention in every class every day. Each girl has a Personalised Academic Action Plan tailored to her specific needs. Her progress is regularly monitored to ensure she is inspired and challenged. Extensive and learning support programs are available to all students who need them.
With our three distinct yet connected School precincts—Junior, Middle, and Senior—our girls enjoy a sense of belonging in a robust and supportive school community. Changes to the senior assessment and tertiary entrance system are being appropriately addressed as Queensland moves from the OP system to the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) system. We know that academic excellence and personalized care are essential for the kind of education you want for your daughter and look forward to welcoming you into our school community.
Our Middle School girls are happy, well-educated, considerate young women who have an abundance of opportunities to develop academically and personally. Your daughter receives exceptional guidance through the transition from primary to secondary schooling and from co-education in the formative years to girls-only classes from Year 7.
Students who join us from other primary schools are placed in one of five Houses. Girls with relatives who attended the school are allocated to the same House. Each House’s cross-age nature facilitates a nurturing relationship between girls of different ages, along with House spirit and a sense of belonging. The IGGS rigorous academic curriculum strengthens essential learning skills, promotes connectivity, and builds a solid foundation for further study.
Our Middle School Life Skills program, tailored to adolescent girls’ needs, enhances your daughter’s resilience, and provides her with tools to positively and proactively approach her social and emotional life. In the Senior Years, we aim to inspire, challenge, and instill the confidence necessary to ensure your daughter is well equipped to thrive in her adult life. Our Year 10, 11, and 12 girls are getting ready for the world outside secondary schooling. They move from Middle School to our Peter Phillips Senior School complex with our state-of-the-art, university-style KCC Lecture Theatre, just one of the facilities that prepare our girls for tertiary learning experiences.
Guidance for career paths is offered through our comprehensive Careers Education program. Through the program, our girls develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions in their Senior Phase of Learning and life beyond school. Recent changes to the senior assessment and tertiary entrance system are being addressed in our academic curriculum as we, and all Queensland secondary schools, prepare to move from the OP system to the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) system. Our dedicated House Group teachers, specialist teachers, enrichment and learning support team, and career and pastoral counselors provide academic and emotional guidance and support.

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