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  • Hansei University


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    Hansei University is a co-educational, private, four-year college with students pursuing a wide variety of courses in various programs and majors, including graduate programs. Hanshi University aims to cultivate talents with both Christian beliefs and professional knowledge. Established in 1953, Hanshi University is committed to the concept of "righteousness, truth, and love", integrating theory and practice, and training professionals in various fields.
    All the faculty members of Hanshi University are united in order to cultivate good quality and passionate talents. Therefore, Hanshi University was selected by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology as a "designed, characteristic university (2005), and a university with a strong education faculty (2008)".Selected by the Ministry of Labor as 'Employment Support and Expansion Engineering University (2006-2008)', selected by the welfare center as a community welfare investment industry, supported by youth business groups (2009), and honored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology as 'university teachers' Strong University (2012)' was selected as the University with the highest number of foreign professors (2013) in the evaluation of the Central Daily University.
    Various outstanding organizations recognized Hanshi University. Throughout the country, Hanshi University first established the "GEMI Environmental Research Center" to create new achievements in environmental protection design. With the strategy of characterizing welfare and health care, Hanshi University's "nursing specialty" has been recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. To cultivate talents in the field of culture and art, Hanshi University has established the 'Department of Performing Arts'. In 2013, to protect and prevent the leakage of new technologies in the country, the "Industry Security Discipline" was established. Also, as China's influence in the world increased, a Chinese language program was newly established.
    Christian values and commitment to excellence in all things permeate the halls of our University. Hansei's commitment and dedication to the whole person's education are at a level unparalleled in Korea. High-quality faculty make learning both intellectually stimulating and valuable for living.
    Hans University, an international learning environment, communicates with more than 70 outstanding universities in 22 countries such as the United States, China, and Japan, thus opening the door for students to have richer exchange experiences to become global talents. To make Han Shi's talents more committed to their studies and their dreams of university life, the school has opened up the most sophisticated Ubiquitous environmental library and integrated cultural life space 'Lingshan Vision Center'. Lingshan Vision Center is the top domestic academic intelligence center with IT-system, u-service, mobile service system.
    Under the slogan of "New Dream New Hansei", Hanshi University is advancing the mid-and long-term master plan for 2020 in order for Han Shiren to start flying in all fields of the world. By 2020, it will significantly increase graduates' employment rate and increase the ratio of international exchange students to 30%. It will become an international "strong university". Hanshi University will become a continuously challenged and innovative school. We will become a new force in Korean universities in the spirit of constant challenge and fearless change.
    Seeking to internationalize and globalize, Hansei University has opened a door of opportunity for our students to develop as global specialists with a wealth of experience. They engage in exchange programs with approximately 70 outstanding universities in 22 countries worldwide, including the USA, China, and Japan. Hansei University recently opened a library and cultural complex called 'Youngsan V'ision Center,' equipped with a high-tech ubiquitous media system for students to devote themselves to their studies and follow their dreams. The Young-san Vision Center is equipped with the best academic information center with various IT systems and a Li-Service and mobile service system.
    Hansei University is currently pushing ahead a medium and long-term Master Plan for 2020, under the slogan 'New Dream, New Hansei', for talented students of Hansei to step ahead with confidence. Hansei will continue on its path to be a small yet powerful global University with a high employment rate and over 30% global student exchange rate. Hansei University is an institution that never stops innovating. With young minds' energy, Hansei will continue to meet new challenges and bring new energy to universities in Korea.

    Hansei University
    Founding year: 1953
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Kim Seong hye (President)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities
    Address: Hansei University, 30, Hanse-ro, Gyeonggi-do, Gunpo-si, 15852, Korea, Republic Of

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