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  • Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo


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    Leading Islamic University Research Based on Unity of Science for Humanity and Civilization in the Year 2038. Education and science and technology-based science's unity to produce professional graduates and morals al-karimah. Improving the quality of research for Islam, science, and Society Organizing devotion is beneficial for community development. Explore, develop, and implement the values of local Develop cooperation with various institutions in the scale of regional, national, and international. Realizing governance of international standard professional institutions. Childbirth graduates who have the academic and professional capacity with magnanimity can apply and develop science unity. Develop research and community service that contributes to improving the quality of life in a religious community and nation.
    UIN logo shape Walisongo is a lantern, symbolizing science pengetehuan that illuminates life. The lantern's primary function looked at UIN Walisongo's role in implementing the Tri Dharma College: education and teaching, research, and community service. The logo consists of several elements, each of which contains the following meanings: Gunungan is a puppet whose shape tapers upward, as the shape of the mountain peaks. Gunungan was created in 1521 AD (1443 Saka) by Sunan Kalijaga, a trustee of Walisongo; Gunungan is a symbol that contains multiple meanings. First, symbols define UIN Walisongo Walisongo in exploring, developing, and applying local wisdom. Secondly, the symbol mustika mosque. Third, the image of upside-down mountains resembles the human heart, which contains the implicit meaning that anyone with a heart should always remember to worship God. Fourth, a symbol of unity between the elements of divinity, kernanusiaan, and the universe. God as the axis of knowledge (Theocentric) in synergy with human beings as the axis of knowledge anthropocentric). The synergy's main objective is to take back the dignity of man as a mercy to the ambassador.
    With the humans' concept to concentrate dirt to God for human benefit, the Five sides of mountains symbolize the five principles of Pancasila Four node geometry. This geometry is inspired by the ornament wall Mantingan Mosque. The mosque in the village tertetak Mantingan, Jepara, Central Java, was established in the Sultanate of Demak. In 1559 AD (1481 Saka). The construction of this mosque is the son of Sheikh Muhayat initiation Shah, the Sultan of Aceh, named Raden Toyin. He went to Jepara and married Queen Kalinyamat, which incidentally Trenggono Sultan, Sultan of Demak Kingdom. Raden Toyib got the title of Sultan Hadlirin and was once crowned as Duke Jepara until death. 
    Nine stars are a symbol of the number nine trustees committee innovator in Java. They are ijtihad with full wisdom in some fields, such as religion, culture, arts, health, agriculture, and society. The white dot in the middle of the shaft hinted at God. Book or open book symbolizes a scientific basis. Posts Walisongo as the name of the university.

    Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
    Founding year: 1970
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Leadership: Prof. Dr. Muhibbin, M.Ag (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities






    Address: Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Jalan Walisongo No. 3-5, Semarang , 50185, Indonesia

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