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About Me

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  1. UNUSA was established by the Foundation for Islamic Hospital Surabaya (Yaris). The embryo begins its establishment in 1979, namely establishing the School Health Nurse (SPK) Yaris. Then in perjalannannya also stood Yaris Nursing Academy (1985), while the SPK turned into Yaris Midwifery Academy (1997). Please do not stop there. In 2006, two institutions (AKPER-AKBID), Yaris embedding the institution and its conversion into STIKES Yaris up to now with Prodi S1 Nursing and Professional Programs nurses. STIKES Yaris in Surabaya with the provision of more than 33 years experience in managing educational institutions and encouragement of NU's, PC NU Surabaya, PW NU, and NU, then since 2012 began to put forward the process of the legality of the transition from to the Higher Education institution became the University. A big jump but the focus of such a long process, finally in 2013 formed the University of NU Surabaya (UNUSA). To facilitate the study program 16, which has been opened, UNUSA already has two campuses with complete and modern facilities. Supported by a fully equipped laboratory for each course, have their hospitals (RS. Islam Surabaya Yani and RS. Islam Surabaya Jemursari). The curriculum at UNUSA the curriculum up to date under modern society's demands with the learning method Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and oriented to student autonomy. Being a leading institution of higher education, and professional excel in Science, Technology and the Arts (Science and Technology), an entrepreneurial spirit and self-Islami berjati. Implement professional management in managing the University, which is based on Islamic rules. Develop human resources professionals who can master and apply science and technology to improve civil society's welfare with the mindset, attitude, and behavior as a professional who has the integrity and Islamic identity. Our Aim realizes the University with the organization and governance of professional, qualified, and berjati self-Islami. Produce graduates who have the intellectual ability, professional, entrepreneurial-minded, and berjati self-Islami. Generate ideas to strengthen the moral, ethical, and greater social awareness of the Indonesian nation. Empowering communities through conceptual thinking, resolving, and overcoming problems that exist in society. Produce human resources that can provide innovative, educational, and initiative in the development of education. Islamic identity is the attitude of someone's personality based on the Koran and the Hadith, which produces " generation Lil Alamin. " Principle Lil Alamin, a large umbrella to umbrella all of humanity to implement Tawassuth (center) Tawazun (Seimbang), Tasamuh (tolerant). UNUSA generation has the middle position to overarching anyone overwhelmed with umbrella Rahmatan Lil Alamin.
  2. The Islamic University of Nahdlatul Ulama (UNISNU) of Jepara is an integral part of the national education system, so it will inevitably be present in the new paradigm, concept, vision, and orientation of research and technology and higher education. Nonetheless, UNISNU has a religious identity of Ahle sunnah wal-jama'ah to produce students and graduates with a competitive advantage, having reliable and resilient competitiveness in this challenging global age. Scholar ( educated / muta'allim: educated) is a characteristic of thinking oriented to educated circumstances, even the appearance of educated human beings. To accompany the characteristics of thinking or attitude intellectualism (scholarship), UNISNU prepare beings learned to akhlaqul-Karima (budipekerti noble), which can move the character's sides temperament, habits, and religious teachings. The development of UNISNU should be seen in the context of the changes that occur so quickly, both from the conceptual side and the higher education paradigm. The development of UNISNU should also consider national and global social, economic, and political shifts and transitions. As a university initiated by the community, especially Nahdlatul Ulama, UNISNU bersilaturrahim and invite the public to raise the campus to provide the best in the people's intellectual life. UNISNU can see and place a new paradigm of higher education in Indonesia, which is based on three dimensions in formulating concepts from the regional, national, and global levels. The first is greater autonomy in management or autonomy. The broadest autonomy is autonomy in managerial terms and in determining or choosing curriculum, in the adjustment of UNISNU to the world of work or market needs. The hope is that UNISNU is useful in addition to improving the quality of human resources that master science and technology, the social sciences and humanities, and even specifically master the religious sciences ('ulum al-din ) as the legacy of "the science of religion" (' ilm al- shari'ah ), but also must develop the whole field through research and development (research and development). Talk of college autonomy needs to be criticized by the distinction between procedural autonomy and substantive autonomy on the one hand and academic freedom on the other. Substantive autonomy is the authority of UNISNU to determine goals and programs following the development and needs of the community. Moderate procedural autonomy is UNISNU institutional authority to determine ways ( means ) to achieve these goals. Academic freedom is the freedom of lecturers or scientists personally in teaching and research, to achieve truth protected by law. The development of this autonomization should be linked to responsibility and accountability. Second, greater accountability in the responsible utilization of financial resources and scientific development, educational content, and programs are organized. Accountability is addressed to governments, communities, and other stakeholders. Accountability is, therefore, also related to the professional world and society at large. The third is the greater quality assurance through continuous and continuous internal evaluation and external evaluation (external evaluation) conducted by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT). Preparing for "evaluation," UNISNU should broaden the horizons of the science base of Shariah, Tarbiyah, and Da'wah ( revealed knowledge )to the development of science, technology, art, and culture (acquired knowledge). The science is administered in eighteen courses: Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyah (Family Law), Syari'ah Banking, Islamic Religious Education, English Education, Early Childhood Education, Primary School Teacher Education, Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Management (Economics), Accounting, Islamic Economics, Product Design, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Visual Communication Design, Information Systems, Civil Engineering, Aquaculture, and Management of Islamic Education (S2). The university's vision is "Becoming the leading Islamic University in the delivery of superior human resources of the learned, intellectual, and character of Karimah based on the values of Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah in the development of science and technology and art in 2028". The university's mission is to develop university academic resources to improve the quality of effective, efficient learning, research, and community development. Developing a quality, healthy, harmonious management system based on the Islamic values of Ahlussunnah wal jama'ah. Broaden the network of cooperation continuously and selectively to accelerate and maintain and ensure university goals. The university aims to build university branding through global networking for global partnership by the teachings of Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah. Becoming the center of academic excellence ( academic excellence ) national and international standards. Being a research center based on science excellence ( research excellence).
  3. UNUSA was established by the Foundation for Islamic Hospital Surabaya (Yaris). The embryo begins its establishment in 1979, namely establishing the School Health Nurse (SPK) Yaris. Then in perjalannannya also stood Yaris Nursing Academy (1985), while the SPK turned into Yaris Midwifery Academy (1997). Please do not stop there. In 2006, two institutions (AKPER-AKBID), Yaris embedding the institution and its conversion into STIKES Yaris up to now with Prodi S1 Nursing and Professional Programs nurses. STIKES Yaris in Surabaya with the provision of more than 33 years experience in managing educational institutions and encouragement of NU's, PC NU Surabaya, PW NU, and NU, then since 2012 began to put forward the process of the legality of the transition from to the Higher Education institution became the University. A big jump but the focus of such a long process, finally in 2013 formed the University of NU Surabaya (UNUSA). To facilitate the study program 16, which has been opened, UNUSA already has two campuses with complete and modern facilities. Supported by a fully equipped laboratory for each course, have their hospitals (RS. Islam Surabaya Yani and RS. Islam Surabaya Jemursari). The curriculum at UNUSA the curriculum up to date under modern society's demands with the learning method Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and oriented to student autonomy. Being a leading institution of higher education, and professional excel in Science, Technology and the Arts (Science and Technology), an entrepreneurial spirit and self-Islami berjati. Implement professional management in managing the University, which is based on Islamic rules. Develop human resources professionals who can master and apply science and technology to improve civil society's welfare with the mindset, attitude, and behavior as a professional who has the integrity and Islamic identity. Our Aim realizes the University with the organization and governance of professional, qualified, and berjati self-Islami. Produce graduates who have the intellectual ability, professional, entrepreneurial-minded, and berjati self-Islami. Generate ideas to strengthen the moral, ethical, and greater social awareness of the Indonesian nation. Empowering communities through conceptual thinking, resolving, and overcoming problems that exist in society. Produce human resources that can provide innovative, educational, and initiative in the development of education. Islamic identity is the attitude of someone's personality based on the Koran and the Hadith, which produces " generation Lil Alamin. " Principle Lil Alamin, a large umbrella to umbrella all of humanity to implement Tawassuth (center) Tawazun (Seimbang), Tasamuh (tolerant). UNUSA generation has the middle position to overarching anyone overwhelmed with umbrella Rahmatan Lil Alamin. View full university
  4. The Islamic University of Nahdlatul Ulama (UNISNU) of Jepara is an integral part of the national education system, so it will inevitably be present in the new paradigm, concept, vision, and orientation of research and technology and higher education. Nonetheless, UNISNU has a religious identity of Ahle sunnah wal-jama'ah to produce students and graduates with a competitive advantage, having reliable and resilient competitiveness in this challenging global age. Scholar ( educated / muta'allim: educated) is a characteristic of thinking oriented to educated circumstances, even the appearance of educated human beings. To accompany the characteristics of thinking or attitude intellectualism (scholarship), UNISNU prepare beings learned to akhlaqul-Karima (budipekerti noble), which can move the character's sides temperament, habits, and religious teachings. The development of UNISNU should be seen in the context of the changes that occur so quickly, both from the conceptual side and the higher education paradigm. The development of UNISNU should also consider national and global social, economic, and political shifts and transitions. As a university initiated by the community, especially Nahdlatul Ulama, UNISNU bersilaturrahim and invite the public to raise the campus to provide the best in the people's intellectual life. UNISNU can see and place a new paradigm of higher education in Indonesia, which is based on three dimensions in formulating concepts from the regional, national, and global levels. The first is greater autonomy in management or autonomy. The broadest autonomy is autonomy in managerial terms and in determining or choosing curriculum, in the adjustment of UNISNU to the world of work or market needs. The hope is that UNISNU is useful in addition to improving the quality of human resources that master science and technology, the social sciences and humanities, and even specifically master the religious sciences ('ulum al-din ) as the legacy of "the science of religion" (' ilm al- shari'ah ), but also must develop the whole field through research and development (research and development). Talk of college autonomy needs to be criticized by the distinction between procedural autonomy and substantive autonomy on the one hand and academic freedom on the other. Substantive autonomy is the authority of UNISNU to determine goals and programs following the development and needs of the community. Moderate procedural autonomy is UNISNU institutional authority to determine ways ( means ) to achieve these goals. Academic freedom is the freedom of lecturers or scientists personally in teaching and research, to achieve truth protected by law. The development of this autonomization should be linked to responsibility and accountability. Second, greater accountability in the responsible utilization of financial resources and scientific development, educational content, and programs are organized. Accountability is addressed to governments, communities, and other stakeholders. Accountability is, therefore, also related to the professional world and society at large. The third is the greater quality assurance through continuous and continuous internal evaluation and external evaluation (external evaluation) conducted by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT). Preparing for "evaluation," UNISNU should broaden the horizons of the science base of Shariah, Tarbiyah, and Da'wah ( revealed knowledge )to the development of science, technology, art, and culture (acquired knowledge). The science is administered in eighteen courses: Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyah (Family Law), Syari'ah Banking, Islamic Religious Education, English Education, Early Childhood Education, Primary School Teacher Education, Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Management (Economics), Accounting, Islamic Economics, Product Design, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Visual Communication Design, Information Systems, Civil Engineering, Aquaculture, and Management of Islamic Education (S2). The university's vision is "Becoming the leading Islamic University in the delivery of superior human resources of the learned, intellectual, and character of Karimah based on the values of Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah in the development of science and technology and art in 2028". The university's mission is to develop university academic resources to improve the quality of effective, efficient learning, research, and community development. Developing a quality, healthy, harmonious management system based on the Islamic values of Ahlussunnah wal jama'ah. Broaden the network of cooperation continuously and selectively to accelerate and maintain and ensure university goals. The university aims to build university branding through global networking for global partnership by the teachings of Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah. Becoming the center of academic excellence ( academic excellence ) national and international standards. Being a research center based on science excellence ( research excellence). View full university
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