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About Me

Found 6 results

  1. We are a school that focuses on and celebrates academic achievement whilst also developing the whole child. We provide broad and balanced learning experiences to excite and engage our children. We are a happy, friendly school that builds confidence and independence. The children at Highfield achieve high standards in English, maths, and science but also excel in the arts, music, and sport. Our inspiring curriculum is engaging and inclusive and develops the key skills needed so that our children are ready to move on to the next stage of their education. We work closely within our community and are a school at the heart of Shortlands. Our core values reflect the way we work and respond to each other. These are respect, creativity, honesty, responsibility, determination, and appreciation. The Highfield Schools are delighted to be part of the Nexus Education School Trust (NEST), and although we work very closely with them, the governance of our schools is carried out by the Local Committee working across both Highfield Schools. The role of the Local Committee is to provide strategic leadership and to fulfill our statutory obligations. Our key responsibilities are: Setting the aims and objectives for the schools Setting the policies for achieving those aims and objectives Monitoring and evaluating the progress made towards achieving these aims and objectives Being a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher and Leadership Team. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) combines all the subjects of the National Curriculum in a thematic and creative curriculum. It has a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject, including international mindedness and personal learning targets. The IPC has been designed to ensure rigorous learning but also to help teachers make learning exciting, active, and meaningful. The IPC takes a global approach helping children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the perspective of other people in different countries. Whilst there are many benefits to Children using technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones, please remain very aware that there are risks. Children need to learn ways they can take care of their safety and security, but they are still very young so great vigilance is required. It is imperative that as a parent/carer any child’s usage of the Internet and, if they have them, mobile phones are closely monitored. At Highfield, we aim to develop skills and attitudes that will help the children function as positively and as safely as possible using technology. Below are some useful documents and website links to help further with this, this includes setting up and enabling online parental settings. We enjoy a high level of commitment and enthusiasm from staff, children, parents, and governors which creates a friendly and purposeful atmosphere. We place importance on achieving the highest possible standards for our children, not just in the academic field but also in the wider curriculum. We are proud of our successes and of the enrichment opportunities that we offer to children at lunchtimes, before and after school. These take many forms such as individual and ensemble instrumental lessons, choir, netball, tennis, hockey, football, gymnastics, fun and fitness, dance, cross-country running, chess, and ICT. The school has a breakfast and after-school provision which is shared with Highfield Infants' School. Children from each year group are elected to become members of the School Council and help to inform whole school decision making. Other jobs of responsibility include class monitors, eco monitors, year 6 House Captains, Highfield Infants/Junior School messengers, ICT monitors, and playground buddies.
  2. Highfield Primary School is a co-educational day school for children aged from 5-11 years. It also has its own 60 place Nursery. It is situated in the center of the London Borough of Hillingdon, in the village of Hillingdon, to the south of Western Avenue and close to the Uxbridge Road. The School was opened in 1969 and has undergone major building works to accommodate the growing number of children wishing to join Highfield Primary School. The school is set within extensive grounds which creates many opportunities to take learning outside of the classroom and also giving the children space to have fun and play during break times. Highfield is a small caring school providing a warm and secure atmosphere in which each child fulfills his or her real potential. We prepare pupils for a life in which they will play an active role in their own family, in their secondary education, and within the local community. The curriculum we offer is broad and challenging. Every effort is made to make sure that children work at the level, which is appropriate to their ability. We value the partnership with our parents to achieve the high standards we all expect. Through termly open evenings, we offer the opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. As a primary school, with teachers liaising closely, we work to ensure that children transfer from nursery to infants, and from infants to juniors with confidence and ease. At Highfield Primary School we believe that everyone has a right to equal opportunities. We believe that all children, adults, and families should feel welcome and should have an equal chance to benefit from our school and everything it provides. Highfield Primary is an ambitious school that strives for the highest standards of teaching, learning, and behavior in an environment where all children and staff are valued as individuals and their efforts respected and celebrated. Our children have positive attitudes to learning, high standards of behavior, and good attainment across the curriculum. The school has supportive parents, carers, governors, and inspiring, dedicated teachers. Pupils are provided with a stimulating range of academic challenges and opportunities throughout their time at Highfield. At Highfield Primary School the curriculum has been created to engage children in their learning, whether academic, social, sporting, or being creative. It is one of the tools put in place to fulfill our school aims, ensuring that children are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will help them to succeed in life. Each child is treated as an individual and our strong pastoral support from the outset creates an atmosphere of security and cooperation. Relationships between staff and children are based on mutual trust and respect. This is a friendly school – it is important to us that your child should feel safe, valued, and happy.
  3. Welcome to our friendly school in the heart of the Shortlands community. Our school motto is Love School Life and we aim for all members of the Highfield community, children, parents, carers, friends, and staff, to be part of this. By working together we achieve the best outcomes for our children and are extremely proud of our achievements whether academic or those which are focused on developing key life skills. Our broad, balanced, and rich curriculum is supported by outdoor, active, and international learning. We focus on the development of the whole child so that they are equipped for the next stage of their learning journey. We work very closely with Highfield Junior School, sharing expertise to provide the best possible education for our children. We work to ensure that every child meets their potential through our core values Respect, Creativity, Inclusivity, Responsibility, Determination, and Confidence. Our aims and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Our School Values were agreed upon by all of our stakeholders and are used, along with the British Values, in the everyday life of our school. Each half term we focus on a particular School Value. At Highfield Infants' School, we have a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to meet the needs of individual children. We draw from a wide range of teaching resources and aim to produce confident questioning learners. Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Design, and Technology, and Music are taught through the IPC topics. The IPC topics present learning for the children in a vibrant and meaningful way, that helps to make links between subject areas. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) understanding is also promoted throughout the units. So as our children develop knowledge, skills, and understanding in subject areas they are also learning about: Their own identity, Perspectives of right and wrong, How societies, including the UK function, Their responsibilities as young citizens locally and internationally. These aspects in turn support our work in promoting both the Highfield and British values. The IPC works hand in hand with our RE syllabus giving breadth and continuity across the whole curriculum. We aim to lay the foundations for adult life in 21st Century Britain, as well as encouraging tolerance and respect for other cultures and societies. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) combines all the subjects of the National Curriculum in a thematic and creative curriculum. It has a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject, international-mindedness, and personal learning. The IPC has been designed to ensure rigorous learning but also to help teachers make learning exciting, active, and meaningful. The IPC takes a global approach helping children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the learning from the perspective of other people. Our School Council is elected by the children to represent the views of their classmates. Each class has two representatives on the School Council and they remain as a School Councillor for half a year. The School Council meets once a month and the children discuss a range of topics affecting the school. They go back to their classes to gather more ideas and feed these back at the next meeting. This enables our children to have input into the development of our school. The children discuss issues such as behavior, playtime, home learning. The minutes of each meeting are typed and shared with each class. Minutes of the most recent meetings are included below. Technology is changing the world around us and offers our children limitless possibilities. As our children's first educators we want to work in partnership with our parents and carers to teach the children how to use new technologies safely and responsibly both at school and at home.
  4. Highfield Primary School is a co-educational day school for children aged from 5-11 years. It also has its own 60 place Nursery. It is situated in the center of the London Borough of Hillingdon, in the village of Hillingdon, to the south of Western Avenue and close to the Uxbridge Road. The School was opened in 1969 and has undergone major building works to accommodate the growing number of children wishing to join Highfield Primary School. The school is set within extensive grounds which creates many opportunities to take learning outside of the classroom and also giving the children space to have fun and play during break times. Highfield is a small caring school providing a warm and secure atmosphere in which each child fulfills his or her real potential. We prepare pupils for a life in which they will play an active role in their own family, in their secondary education, and within the local community. The curriculum we offer is broad and challenging. Every effort is made to make sure that children work at the level, which is appropriate to their ability. We value the partnership with our parents to achieve the high standards we all expect. Through termly open evenings, we offer the opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. As a primary school, with teachers liaising closely, we work to ensure that children transfer from nursery to infants, and from infants to juniors with confidence and ease. At Highfield Primary School we believe that everyone has a right to equal opportunities. We believe that all children, adults, and families should feel welcome and should have an equal chance to benefit from our school and everything it provides. Highfield Primary is an ambitious school that strives for the highest standards of teaching, learning, and behavior in an environment where all children and staff are valued as individuals and their efforts respected and celebrated. Our children have positive attitudes to learning, high standards of behavior, and good attainment across the curriculum. The school has supportive parents, carers, governors, and inspiring, dedicated teachers. Pupils are provided with a stimulating range of academic challenges and opportunities throughout their time at Highfield. At Highfield Primary School the curriculum has been created to engage children in their learning, whether academic, social, sporting, or being creative. It is one of the tools put in place to fulfill our school aims, ensuring that children are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will help them to succeed in life. Each child is treated as an individual and our strong pastoral support from the outset creates an atmosphere of security and cooperation. Relationships between staff and children are based on mutual trust and respect. This is a friendly school – it is important to us that your child should feel safe, valued, and happy. View full school
  5. We are a school that focuses on and celebrates academic achievement whilst also developing the whole child. We provide broad and balanced learning experiences to excite and engage our children. We are a happy, friendly school that builds confidence and independence. The children at Highfield achieve high standards in English, maths, and science but also excel in the arts, music, and sport. Our inspiring curriculum is engaging and inclusive and develops the key skills needed so that our children are ready to move on to the next stage of their education. We work closely within our community and are a school at the heart of Shortlands. Our core values reflect the way we work and respond to each other. These are respect, creativity, honesty, responsibility, determination, and appreciation. The Highfield Schools are delighted to be part of the Nexus Education School Trust (NEST), and although we work very closely with them, the governance of our schools is carried out by the Local Committee working across both Highfield Schools. The role of the Local Committee is to provide strategic leadership and to fulfill our statutory obligations. Our key responsibilities are: Setting the aims and objectives for the schools Setting the policies for achieving those aims and objectives Monitoring and evaluating the progress made towards achieving these aims and objectives Being a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher and Leadership Team. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) combines all the subjects of the National Curriculum in a thematic and creative curriculum. It has a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject, including international mindedness and personal learning targets. The IPC has been designed to ensure rigorous learning but also to help teachers make learning exciting, active, and meaningful. The IPC takes a global approach helping children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the perspective of other people in different countries. Whilst there are many benefits to Children using technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones, please remain very aware that there are risks. Children need to learn ways they can take care of their safety and security, but they are still very young so great vigilance is required. It is imperative that as a parent/carer any child’s usage of the Internet and, if they have them, mobile phones are closely monitored. At Highfield, we aim to develop skills and attitudes that will help the children function as positively and as safely as possible using technology. Below are some useful documents and website links to help further with this, this includes setting up and enabling online parental settings. We enjoy a high level of commitment and enthusiasm from staff, children, parents, and governors which creates a friendly and purposeful atmosphere. We place importance on achieving the highest possible standards for our children, not just in the academic field but also in the wider curriculum. We are proud of our successes and of the enrichment opportunities that we offer to children at lunchtimes, before and after school. These take many forms such as individual and ensemble instrumental lessons, choir, netball, tennis, hockey, football, gymnastics, fun and fitness, dance, cross-country running, chess, and ICT. The school has a breakfast and after-school provision which is shared with Highfield Infants' School. Children from each year group are elected to become members of the School Council and help to inform whole school decision making. Other jobs of responsibility include class monitors, eco monitors, year 6 House Captains, Highfield Infants/Junior School messengers, ICT monitors, and playground buddies. View full school
  6. Welcome to our friendly school in the heart of the Shortlands community. Our school motto is Love School Life and we aim for all members of the Highfield community, children, parents, carers, friends, and staff, to be part of this. By working together we achieve the best outcomes for our children and are extremely proud of our achievements whether academic or those which are focused on developing key life skills. Our broad, balanced, and rich curriculum is supported by outdoor, active, and international learning. We focus on the development of the whole child so that they are equipped for the next stage of their learning journey. We work very closely with Highfield Junior School, sharing expertise to provide the best possible education for our children. We work to ensure that every child meets their potential through our core values Respect, Creativity, Inclusivity, Responsibility, Determination, and Confidence. Our aims and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Our School Values were agreed upon by all of our stakeholders and are used, along with the British Values, in the everyday life of our school. Each half term we focus on a particular School Value. At Highfield Infants' School, we have a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to meet the needs of individual children. We draw from a wide range of teaching resources and aim to produce confident questioning learners. Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Design, and Technology, and Music are taught through the IPC topics. The IPC topics present learning for the children in a vibrant and meaningful way, that helps to make links between subject areas. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) understanding is also promoted throughout the units. So as our children develop knowledge, skills, and understanding in subject areas they are also learning about: Their own identity, Perspectives of right and wrong, How societies, including the UK function, Their responsibilities as young citizens locally and internationally. These aspects in turn support our work in promoting both the Highfield and British values. The IPC works hand in hand with our RE syllabus giving breadth and continuity across the whole curriculum. We aim to lay the foundations for adult life in 21st Century Britain, as well as encouraging tolerance and respect for other cultures and societies. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) combines all the subjects of the National Curriculum in a thematic and creative curriculum. It has a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject, international-mindedness, and personal learning. The IPC has been designed to ensure rigorous learning but also to help teachers make learning exciting, active, and meaningful. The IPC takes a global approach helping children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the learning from the perspective of other people. Our School Council is elected by the children to represent the views of their classmates. Each class has two representatives on the School Council and they remain as a School Councillor for half a year. The School Council meets once a month and the children discuss a range of topics affecting the school. They go back to their classes to gather more ideas and feed these back at the next meeting. This enables our children to have input into the development of our school. The children discuss issues such as behavior, playtime, home learning. The minutes of each meeting are typed and shared with each class. Minutes of the most recent meetings are included below. Technology is changing the world around us and offers our children limitless possibilities. As our children's first educators we want to work in partnership with our parents and carers to teach the children how to use new technologies safely and responsibly both at school and at home. View full school
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