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  • St Martin's Primary School


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    We are a brand new co-educational, Church of England primary school and nursery in West Drayton. We are the newest member of the Frays Academy Trust, and as such, we join schools that already have a wide range of expertise as well as maintain the freedom to control our budget and provide a curriculum that suits the needs of our pupils.
    We are committed to providing the very best for our children and we believe that this means a great deal more than simply those results that can easily be tested and presented in tables. To us, Christian primary schooling is about developing children’s learning attitudes, their characters, and their spiritual awareness so that they will want to go on learning forever. Although this still ensures high standards in English and Maths, it means so much more besides.
    Our pupils find themselves in a busy, supportive, and enthusiastic learning environment where there is always much to do, see and learn. We aim to provide a stimulating and structured environment in which all members of the school community are valued.
    St Martin’s Primary School is a Church of England School and part of the LDBS Frays Academy Trust. St Martin’s Primary School is committed to delivering excellent primary education for children in West Drayton and to enable our children, their families, and our staff to flourish and realize their God-given potential.
    At St Martin’s CofE Primary School, we provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We encourage all children to be tolerant and respectful to those of different faiths and beliefs. This is done by providing the children with an understanding of the main festivals and key dates of significance to British culture. e.g. Remembrance Day, the Queen’s Birthday, and major political events such as elections.
    We ‘promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We also recognize that these values are not solely exclusive to Britain and that these values have developed in Britain through a process over a substantial period and can only be maintained and developed by active engagement of citizens in democratic, lawful, and respectful institutions and processes, of which our Primary School is one element.
    Our curriculum is planned to be not only educational but also enjoyable for both pupils and staff. The school day is carefully planned to ensure children gain maximum benefit through an exciting curriculum and other extracurricular activities. Our staff has a wealth of experience and knowledge and lessons are alive with challenge and involvement for all. Children demonstrate an interest and a keen approach to learning and this is encouraged through the carefully planned curriculum for all. Through the School Council, pupils have a voice that is heard.
    The foundation stones to a successful education lie in the acquisition of basic skills. Without these skills, children will not make the educational progress that is expected of them. At St. Martin’s C.E. Primary School, we place great emphasis on learning basic skills. We hold the Basic Skills Quality Mark award for recognition of the school’s work in Basic Skills. Children will be taught and expected to learn number bonds and times tables, as well as calculation methods for the four rules of number. In addition, children will be taught phonics, through the use of the Read Write Inc program, basic spelling rules, and reading skills. Our reading scheme is ‘Big Cat’ which provides a variety of texts to challenge the pupils. Our aim is that when pupils leave Year Six, they will be highly numerate and literate, with a real joy for learning.
    We are extremely fortunate that so many staff value the contribution made by other activities beyond the classroom. As a result, a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities are offered at lunchtime and after school all year round. These range from sports clubs, such as Football, Tennis, and Multi Sports, to Phonic, Singing, and Art-based clubs. In addition, a range of educational experiences also supports our school curriculum. Visits are arranged for all classes and include, amongst others, trips to the zoo, museums, places of interest such as Hampton Court, and a residential school journey in Year Six. Although we have limited school grounds, St Martin’s uses another local primary school field for some sporting events.

    St Martin's Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mrs. Tighe (Head)
    Address: Rowan Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7UF, United Kingdom

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