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  • St Anne's CofE Primary School


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    The children, staff, and governors at St Anne’s C.E. Primary School offer a warm welcome to you and your family. Our website aims to tell you about our school – what we stand for and what we want for our children. As a small one-form entry school, we know all the pupils as individuals and have created a warm, safe family environment in which they all can flourish. At the heart of our school is a clear commitment to nurturing and helping children to reach their full potential through the distinctive Christian character and promotion of Christian values.

    We have high aspirations for all our children. Our highly skilled staff team plans challenging and exciting lessons. Each classroom is a hive of activity with children engaged in learning through meaningful and relevant activities.

    We provide a stimulating, challenging, and friendly environment underpinned by trust and partnership with parents. We instill a love of learning which our children can carry with them throughout their lives. We lay great emphasis on the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of each child and expect high standards of behavior and achievement from all our pupils. We are proud of our community and want all our pupils to leave the school proud of their success, with a positive attitude, and with the necessary skills, knowledge, and wisdom to face the future with confidence.

    Our Values:

    • Through Christian values, we nurture our children to be caring, responsible global citizens.
    • We ensure that all our children are successful and fulfill their potential through high-quality teaching.
    • We develop independent and confident learners through engaging and challenging opportunities.
    • We provide a rich and varied curriculum that enables our children to flourish and excel.
    • We build strong relationships with the children, their families, and the local community.

    Adults and children work together creating a warm family community where everyone can flourish and achieve their true potential. We celebrate the fact that everyone is unique and take great pride in our diverse heritage. ‘St Anne’s recognizes that all children are different,’ ‘teachers listen to children and understand what we are saying.’ Year 6 pupil

    St Anne’s vision is for our children to be independent, motivated, and confident learners who aspire to achieve their full potential within our friendly Christian school community.

    Through Christian values, we nurture our children to be caring, responsible global citizens. We focus on a value each month over a two-year cycle. The meaning of each value is explored during collective worship and followed up in the classroom. The whole school community reflects on how each value relates to their everyday lives.

    We are a warm and close-knit family at St Anne’s with eight classes in the school – one for each year group from Nursery through to Year 6.

    As a result of our close bonds with each other, we expect that the children who begin their education with us in the Nursery will stay with us for the full eight years. Many pop back to visit after leaving St Anne’s for secondary school and beyond!

    As a Church school, a sympathetic understanding of the Christian faith and an awareness of Christian values is encouraged. We aim to provide a caring and spiritually supportive environment in which mutual respect, equality, and responsibility are valued by all. Our Christian ethos enables us to help children develop their spirituality and sense of moral purpose.

    The practice of spirituality is as important as learning about it in class, and the life and achievements of the children are celebrated in worship. The children come together every day for collective worship and each class leads collective worship each term. Additionally, Holy Communion is celebrated on several occasions in St Anne’s Church. Parents are encouraged to join in all these events in which the children take a full and active part.

    At St Anne’s School, we set high expectations for all. We understand that one of the biggest influences on a child’s education is the adults who work with them and we pride ourselves in our passionate and dynamic teachers who deliver quality first teaching through interactive learning. It’s not only the children who develop a lifelong love and capacity for learning.

    The teachers and support staff are committed to the development of their practice and knowledge. We support each others’ effective professional learning to constantly improve our teaching. We also take responsibility for this in the context of an international dimension. We have links with schools in India and our national community. We aim to put our children at the center of their learning and place great emphasis on nurturing skills and attitudes such as resourcefulness, resilience, and cooperation. A rigorous assessment cycle enables us to track and monitor children’s progress throughout the year which we report to parents formally three times a year through face-to-face meetings and a yearly written report.

    We teach Phonics through the Sounds-Write program. We introduced Sounds-Write last year in reception and Key Stage 1. Already we have seen the impact that this program has had on developing reading and writing skills in your young learners. This year we are continuing to develop this program to support spelling and writing in Key Stage 2. Miss Shaub is our lead teacher for Phonics and spelling across the school. In total, we have trained 13 teachers and members of the support team to deliver the Sounds-Write program.

    Sounds-Write is a quality first phonics program and is acknowledged by the DfE as meeting all its criteria for an effective phonics teaching program - see Sounds-Write entry on the DfE site for details. It is an exciting and highly successful approach to the teaching of reading, spelling, and writing. The Sounds-Write highly-rated, intensive courses have now been attended by over ten thousand classroom practitioners, educational psychologists, and members of local authority support teams. The program is already being used extensively in primary and secondary schools throughout Britain, Northern Ireland, the Irish Republic, Australia, Zambia, and Papua New Guinea. Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling are systematically taught across the whole school and the children are given daily opportunities to learn the skills and apply them to their writing.

    In the foundation stage children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and work towards the Early Learning Goals. We ensure that children are self-confident have a positive attitude to learning and play cooperatively with other children and adults.

    In Key Stages 1 and 2 we follow the national curriculum. Half-termly topics give focus and create common themes that serve to inspire the children whilst ensuring that key skills and values are consistently applied throughout the year.

    We ensure the curriculum is challenging and enjoyable by matching teaching techniques and strategies to a range of learning styles. We use a range of support and intervention programs to ensure all children make progress and develop their full potential. At St Anne’s we are committed to ensuring that all children find opportunities to excel and develop their unique talents and gifts to the full. We facilitate this through a wide range of opportunities.

    Children at St Anne’s also have many opportunities to perform to an audience both within the school and within Wandsworth as actors, gymnasts, musicians, and dancers. There is also the opportunity for the children to take exams in their chosen discipline. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for the children to take part in which enables them to try out new hobbies and learn new skills.

    St Anne's CofE Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 199
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Lesley Steward
    Address: 208 St Ann’s Hill, Wandsworth, London, SW18 2RU, United Kingdom

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