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  • Northbury Primary School


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    Northbury Primary School is larger than most primary schools with a capacity of 918 pupils. The large Victorian building has been extended to provide additional classrooms, administrative areas, a dining hall, and a car park. The infant and junior schools merged to form Northbury Primary School on 01/01/14. Northbury Primary is a school where children will be able to fulfill their potential in all areas of learning. We put great emphasis on the all-around development of children, not just on their academic achievement. We include activities that promote positive attitudes and behavior, alongside their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. To achieve this, we have a highly dedicated staff committed to seeing our pupils enjoy education to the fullest.
    At Northbury Primary School, we aim to provide a caring and sharing environment, which is conducive to effective teaching and learning. We seek to develop self-confidence, respect, and tolerance towards others. We seek to promote a happy, welcoming atmosphere where each child feels valued and is enthusiastic to learn to his/her potential.
    Northbury Primary School is located in Abbey Ward, an area of deprivation (0.49 deprivation indicator - twice the national average) close to Barking Town Centre. Abbey Ward has a high percentage of overcrowded households (34% - more than twice the national average) and an ethnic minority population of 59.3% (national average 23.5%).35% (25% nationally) of our pupils are counted as free school meals and this reflects the deprived home circumstances of the families attending our school. 10% of pupils are on the SEN register.
    85% of the pupils' first language is not English (20% nationally), with 96% of the pupils belonging to minority ethnic groups (32% nationally). Our main ethnic groups are Black African (27%), Asian Pakistani (21%), Asian Bangladeshi (13%), and White Other (10%). 4% is White British. Our main first languages are English (15%), Urdu (16%), Swahili (11%), and Bengali (9%). In total, there are over 40 languages spoken by the pupils. The main religious groups are Muslims (60%) and Christians (30%).
    The school holds the Gold Healthy Schools Award, the Gold Sustainable Travel Award, the Gold Primary Science Quality Mark, the Silver Food for Life Award, the Bronze Eco-schools Award, the Bronze School Games Mark, and the DCSF International School Award.
    The school seeks to offer a wide and well-balanced curriculum with a special emphasis on English, Mathematics, and Science. The school uses Letters and Sounds like the main phonics scheme, yet draws on several other schemes to reinforce the teaching. Computing lessons are taught in the computer suites and using the laptops. The Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, Music, French, P.E., and PSHE are taught as subjects through appropriate study units, based on the National Curriculum documents. We also teach Philosophy for Children.
    We aim to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum. Children with Special Educational Needs must be identified as early as possible so that they can get the support they need. You can help by informing the class teacher of any difficulty you feel that your child is experiencing. We offer pupils support as soon as the need is identified by developing a structured program of work closely matched to their needs. We also liaise with other agencies to secure further support. Parents are kept informed of pupils’ progress through regular review meetings.
    The school welcomes all pupils to be part of the learning community, regardless of gender, race, language, or disability. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all learners where appropriate to ensure equality of access. The new building ensures that all learners will be able to access the curriculum, regardless of disability.
    We aim to ensure that all pupils who speak English as an Additional Language receive support to gain full access to the school curriculum. An initial assessment is made as soon as possible after pupils arrive at school. The work is carefully planned in collaboration with class teachers to help pupils gain confidence in using the English language. Pupils are supported in the classroom, in small groups, and individually.
    Religious Education is delivered through a scheme of work based on the 'Agreed Syllabus for R.E.'. It is not our intention to promote any one particular religious view as right or wrong. Our assemblies comply with the Education Reform Act which means that we have a daily act of worship that is in the main of a Christian nature. However, we encourage our pupils to respect all religious and cultural beliefs that are reflected in the school and our local community. Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from RE and assemblies, and if you wish to consider this option then please contact the Headteacher.
    PSHE education is a planned program of learning through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members, and members of society.

    Northbury Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mrs. P. Roopra (Head)
    Address: Northbury Close, Barking, Essex, IG11 8JA, United Kingdom

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