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  • Deutsche Internationale Schule Riad


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    Get a first impression of the modern premises of our school, which are located along with the excellent sports facilities on the grounds of Al Bustan Village.
    In our school, with the regular language of instruction German, our Kindergarten children start with early English. From elementary school, our students have two hours of Arabic per week. French is added as another foreign language in grade 6.
    The school objective is the central examinations in grade 10. With the passing of these examinations, our high school students - provided appropriate achievements - acquire the access authorization for the senior secondary school and can easily switch to any German high school to take their "Abitur".
    There is a Christmas party, a summer party, field trips, there is a parents' council, student representatives, as at any other school in Germany, a computer room, etc. Some of it has its regional character. Santa Claus, for example, is coming on a camel with his gifts at Christmas, the summer party is taking place by the pool, field trip destinations are often in the desert.
    Under the Mission Statement "Democratic, Innovative, Sensitive, Respectful", the German International School Riyadh looks back on more than 40 years of history and is also proceeds into the future. As one of two German schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we offer students a smooth transition from kindergarten to tenth grade as a possibility to enter a gymnasiale Oberstufe (senior years). One of our future goals is the introduction of the GIB. Modern high-tech equipment, modern teaching methods, well-equipped science rooms, dedicated teachers, and an individual support concept (inclusive learning) characterize our small but mighty school. The good social climate at DISR is a daily glimmer of light in the middle of the desert.
    With the entry into Kindergarten, a new phase of life begins for your child. For you as a parent, this means letting go a bit more and entrusting your child with new caregivers. The different play areas and learning areas of our Kindergarten as well as the spacious outdoor area make it possible for the children to learn with fun, to be creative, explore the world, and develop their personalities.
    We want to encourage children to discover and understand the world, responding to their interests, arousing their curiosity, and strengthening their talents. It is important to us that the children develop good social behavior, so we promote helpfulness and consideration and respectful and friendly interaction with each other and take into account the individuality of each child.
    The employees of the Kindergarten are aware of their role model function. We provide the children with diverse, stimulating opportunities so that they can learn and research with all their senses and playfully and creatively engage with their environment.
    We accompany the children for a little period on their life path and support them. Therefore, we attach great importance to partnering with parents based on mutual tolerance, respect, and appreciation. As a German Kindergarten, the celebration of important traditional festivals of our culture is an integral part of our conception and something special for every child. We have great interest and respect towards all other cultures.
    The "main occupation" of children is playing. Children learn while playing. This is a fundamental aspect of our educational work. While playing, children find their options for conflict resolution, the development of social skills, and the acquisition of knowledge. The children decide for themselves, what, when and with whom they want to play. We assist the children in developing their playing ideas as a contact and guide. We provide them with a variety of materials and thus always give them new ideas.
    We primarily focus on the interests and the questions and needs of the children and their daily surroundings. We take the ideas of the children and develop them together with them (so-called "situational approach"). This active cooperation also animates our projects and topics.
    The conscious and learner-oriented contact with the English language in Kindergarten is intended to arouse the interest and enjoyment of learning languages. Simple language structures, e.g. colors, numbers, animals are taught and consolidated. The teaching of elementary language skills is playful and without pressure to perform.
    The children in our kindergarten come from different countries or from a multilingual environment whose first language is not always German. Under the name "Deutsch als Fremdsprache - DaF", children whose German language skills are deficient receive additional support for the German language.
    The first days in Kindergarten - Our goal is that the children master the transition to Kindergarten as easily as possible. Therefore, the adaptation of each child is individually discussed, planned, and carried out with the parents. For the start in our Kindergarten to be positive for your child, this time of adjustment is very important.
    It depends on many factors (age of the child, pre-existing Kindergarten experience, an only child, occupation of parents, disengagement of parents from child), and we can not say in general terms how it works and how long it takes.
    On the first day, parents or one parent join the child in Kindergarten and get to know the Kindergarten teachers, the premises, and the group. In a first conversation, the parents receive important information about the activities in the Kindergarten and the group. The teacher can make first observations and first contact. A first, brief separation can already take place in the case of a positive contact by the teacher. The course of familiarization is then discussed individually with the parents from day today.
    Our school offers a piece of home away from home, starting with two-year-old kindergarten children until they finish school in 10th grade. To best promote, challenge, accompany and support our students is our main interest. We are striving to establish further education after grade 10. Therefore, we aim to establish the gemischtsprachige IB Diploma program to allow our students to obtain a university entrance qualification at our school, and we are enthusiastic about this pedagogical approach and its implementation.

    Deutsche Internationale Schule Riad
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Uwe Schusterl (Principal)
    Address: Deutsche Internationale Schule Riad, Prince Saud Ibn Abdullah Ibn Jalawi, Al Aarid, Riyadh , 13332, Saudi Arabia

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