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  • St. Peter's ACHS College School


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    St. Peter's ACHS College School is an independent academic Catholic day and or residential boys school grades 1-8. Since 1990, our school, with its small classes, has offered a unique and challenging academic school program using and combining Religion, sports, and a "hands-on" approach as a part of its academic base.
    Our unique program is designed specifically for boys "to put the fun back into learning" and has allowed them to progress at their speed and development rate. Our enriched academic program encompasses, and in many areas, has surpassed the Ontario Ministry of Education School Curriculum expectations and guidelines. Over the years, many of our graduates have found success and have experienced a smooth transition to high school. Much of that success is mostly partly attributed to the foundations gained through the unique and individualized program offered at St. Peter's ACHS College School.
    Our vision is simple "Create a safe, fun, interactive learning environment for boys with a strong emphasis on excelling academically and physically at their level and pace. Our mission is to provide a unique, innovative approach that makes students excited about learning.
    The House System at our school is a means of encouraging students to take an active interest in the school's life through their involvement in academic, athletic, and artistic activities. At our school, we have four houses. Each student is a member of one of these houses and will remain with that house for their entire stay at St. Peter's ACHS College School. Everything a student does during his career at our school is representative of the house. Students earned points through various areas and activities and are totaled at the end of the school year. The house with the most points will be presented with the Championship House Plaque.
    A-Rank Leadership System is promoted at our school. Just as sports teams have a captain and assistants, all our students at our school are encouraged to achieve rank status. The Rank system is set up to help other students, staff, and the school promotes high academics and leadership skills. The rank system provides students with a mentor and teaches them to resolve conflict and problem solve and set goals to improve. Ranks assist in school government and are taught to help the students around them.
    Students at our school are tested regularly. At ACHS College School, assessment is ongoing and is gathered from a variety of methods and observations. Parents and students receive a written report evaluating the students' performance and achievement a minimum of three times per year. Parents are kept up to date with daily log sheets, personal interviews, and phone calls.
    Our school life's academic component is focused, with our efforts aimed at assisting each boy in reaching his full potential. Students work independently at their level and speed in a highly disciplined environment. We appeal to all learning styles, enabling them to work more effectively, enabling them to experience tremendous success.
    The school has integrated various teaching philosophies in education and stresses maximum hands-on and visual concepts derived from the Montessori Foundations of education. Students have great influence in the school regarding its policies, discipline, conduct, and program. They take ownership of their education and assist in governing the student body. At St. Peter's ACHS College School, students are expected to work hard and can do so with confidence in a comfortable setting.
    Class size is significant at our school. To be most effective, we have set up our classes to have no more than 15 students per classroom for grades 1-2 and no more than 20 students per classroom for grades 3-8. The overall student/staff ratio is 10:1. Our classes are kept small enough to ensure that students get a great deal of attention, support, and individualized instruction from their teachers.
    Our school day begins at 8:15 a.m. sharp with our national anthem's singing followed by prayers and inspection. Most mornings are devoted to the study of communication skills, including Spelling, Grammar, Creative Writing, Reading, Comprehension, French, Computers, Handwriting, and Math. Afternoons are usually set aside for Leadership Development, Religion, History, Science, Geography, Health, Outdoor Education, and Art.
    Religion takes an active part in our school as part of the curriculum. St. Peter's ACHS College School is actively dedicated to teaching the tenets of the Roman Catholic Faith. Students are taught Roman Catholic Doctrines, Teachings, and Values. They are taught and expected to live a Catholic lifestyle, as per our Religion under Christ. As part of this, students are expected to attend Mass regularly to help develop their faith.
    Non-Catholic students are welcome at our school and would be required to take Religion as a subject. Our school is proud to have students in attendance from various religious beliefs. We will not force our religious beliefs on anyone that is not a part of the Catholic Denomination.

    St. Peter's ACHS College School
    Founding year: 1990
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Boys
    Leadership: Mr. Peter Thyrring (Headmaster)
    Address: St. Peter's ACHS College School, 6101 County Rd 20 Amherstburg, Ontario, N0R 1G0, Canada

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