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  • Robbins Hebrew Academy


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    At RHA, we have developed a curriculum that is at the cutting-edge of academic innovation. Based on decades of research by the world's best minds in education, our pedagogy inspires students to explore, discover, debate, and imagine – the very skills researchers have identified as essential for becoming original thinkers and principled leaders. We are at the forefront of a shift in education that focus on abstract skills and a partnership in learning between students and educators.
    What is more, education at RHA goes far beyond academics. What makes us unique is our close-knit and nurturing community, where families celebrate each other's time has and rally together in times of crisis, where older students help our younger children feel like they belong, where staff and faculty know every student, no matter the grade where leadership, integrity, care, and responsibility are cultural cornerstones. These relationships lead to learning that is ingrained and personal.
    It is no wonder that, nearly 60 years after it was founded, Robbins Hebrew Academy remains at the forefront of Hebrew education in Toronto. Begun in 1957 as the Foundation Day School at Beth Tzedec Congregation, it became the United Synagogue Day School (USDS) as enrollment increased. Today, RHA remains a vital member of the Prizmah Centre for Jewish Day Schools. RHA provides a full integrated Judaic and General Studies program to students from Nursery through Grade 8.
    Extraordinary things happen at RHA. That is because we see learning as an active, creative process that values curiosity, independent thinking, multiple perspectives, and challenging convention. We are guided by the World Economic Forum's thinking, which outlines 16 core literacies, competencies, and character traits that learners will need in the 21st century.
    Our activities foster a love of Israel and Jewish identity and culture and fluency in Hebrew. The results speak for themselves. Our students take top spots in global and national competitions – from math to Bible studies, from creative writing to athletics and debate.
    Our graduates become leaders of industry and institutions (including a Toronto Maple Leafs player) and become committed global citizens who care for their communities and the world around them. Robbins Hebrew Academy is the first Jewish day school in Ontario to be CAIS accredited – the gold standard in educational excellence, putting us in the company of some of Canada's most exceptional independent schools.
    At Robbins Hebrew Academy (RHA), we equip our students to succeed as global citizens in the 21st century. We are incorporating skills like innovation, perseverance, and collaboration right into our curriculum. Our students explore, discover, debate, and imagine the future through the lens of concrete, real-world problem-solving.
    We are not just developing minds, but the character of our students. We empower our students to discover their own unique Jewish identity while building their role in making the world a better place. RHA is also Ontario's first Jewish school to be recognized for excellence in education through CAIS accreditation (Canadian Accredited Independent Schools).
    Kids want a place where they can explore their world and express their creativity. Parents want nurturing educators who inspire a love of learning right from the very start. RHA's early year's program is designed to apply best practices in early childhood education with substantiated research-based practices worldwide.
    What does this look like in the classroom? Students are exploring in small groups; critical thinking conversations are being explored; differentiation is evident through small group learning. The classroom is the 'third teacher,' bringing the outside environment to the classroom and providing provocations to enhance inquiry and exploration. Teaching that allows children to express themselves in a multitude of ways that are meaningful to them.
    Our Judaic Studies program highlights the joy of Jewish learning and inspires a spiritual and meaningful connection. Our General Studies and Judaic Studies program is designed to instill a critically thoughtful engagement in learning through integrated units of study while providing the essential skills in the academic areas taught. The children are encouraged to ask questions, investigate, and come to their conclusions with our teachers' guidance. Our nurturing staff offers encouragement, support, and challenge that is based on knowing every child.
    The children use an inquiry-based approach to explore 5-6 units per year, integrating science, social studies, and language arts in General Studies. In Judaic Studies, they integrate the calendar cycle of Jewish events, Hebrew Language Arts, and Bible Studies. Critical thinking questions guide the integration of units within a framework of thematic concepts and global educational outcomes. Our curriculum is based on education research about the interconnected nature of knowledge. This means that learning is best acquired when connections can be made to previously acquired knowledge or different curriculum areas; therefore, much of our teaching includes interdisciplinary units.
    Middle School program designed to meet the unique needs, interests, and talents of students. Significant themes and shared critical thinking questions across General and Judaic Studies frame student inquiry. General Studies curriculum is aligned with the Ontario curriculum and Judaic Studies with a scope and sequence created by staff based on best practices. In conjunction with the Critical Thinking Consortium and the Jewish Theological Seminary. Both programs are inspired by best practices in teaching and learning with a focus on critical thinking.
    There is an emphasis on learning relationships that encourage children to become lifelong learners as members of the Jewish community and the world. Academic expectations are designed for 21st-century learners and are supported by an enhanced learning environment with technology and library resources. The day begins in a homeroom program where global issues and thoughtful questions provide the context for rich discussions. Students develop a keen awareness of the obligation to repair the world (Tikkun Olam). Leadership Opportunities: From Student Council, the Yearbook Committee, to the Tikkun Olam Committee, there are leadership opportunities for all Middle School students. Depending on their particular interests, students are encouraged to find the role that best suits their interests.

    Robbins Hebrew Academy
    Founding year: 1957
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 400
    Leadership: Ms. Claire Sumerlus (Head)</li><li><i class="fa fa-group"></i><b>Grades or Year Groups: </b>Junior KG to Grade 8</li><li><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i><b>Number of Students: </b>400</li><li><i class="fa fa-map-pin"></i><b>Postal Code: </b>M5P 3K3
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: Robbins Hebrew Academy, 1700 Bathurst Street Toronto, Ontario, M5P 3K3, Canada

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