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  • Redlands


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    Throughout its 130 year history, Redlands has sought to be an independent provider of education that continually moves with the times while cherishing its history and valued traditions.

    Academic learning lies at the heart of our mission. Our academic program aims to cater to a diversity of interests and abilities while ensuring that core competencies are addressed. The Redlands Learning Platform underpins the planning of our programs of study, their delivery in classrooms, and assessment. It uses two world-recognized high-quality frameworks to achieve enjoyable, challenging, meaningful, and useful learning. With students' active participation in their learning, we seek to move students progressively in skills and attitude towards being both independent and co-operative learners; we aim to take students beyond the acquisition of knowledge to a deeper understanding of concepts and ideas. To this end, we promote higher-order thinking skills, challenging students to apply their knowledge and understanding to problems and situations previously not experienced.

    In Years 11 and 12, students can choose a course of study leading either to the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or International Baccalaureate (IB). Redlands has offered the IB for over 25 years, longer than any other school in New South Wales.

    Our approach to discipline aims to provide a safe and constructive environment for learning and promotes self-respect and respect for others and the School. Its ultimate goal is the internalizing of self-discipline.

    The academic program is significantly complemented by a wealth of sporting, cultural, and service extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that invite students to contribute to existing experience and expertise and explore new opportunities. Highlights include a comprehensive Snowsports program, Sailing, a Winter School at the High Country Campus, and a Ballet and Dance Academy. All students are expected to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity and one co-curricular activity each year. These programs are designed to expand the social experience, encourage active contribution to the School community, and help students develop teamwork, leadership, and other associated skills.

    The total mix of the Redlands offering aims to provide our students with a rich and balanced education, preparing them for future roles as good and responsible citizens and successful and active members and leaders of society. In this regard, the development of critical values, attitudes, and dispositions is a crucial part of our educational intention for every student.

    Our Redlands School motto, "Let your light shine," epitomizes our expectation that all students will seek to do their very best in all that they undertake, that they will pursue excellence, and that their efforts will not be simply for their benefit but also importantly for the benefit of others.

    Redlands seeks to engage and develop continuously staff who are highly knowledgeable in their subject areas and the art and science of teaching. We aim to employ teachers who are or aspire to be leaders in their field. Our teachers are encouraged to focus on innovation and bring the best educational theory and practice into the classroom. As a result, students and teachers are jointly engaged in learning, varied, stimulating, and ongoing. Redlands teachers appreciate the importance of role modeling and seek to convey their passion and commitment to life and learning to their students.

    The Redlands community is a diverse, participative community of highly motivated people, which readily accepts newcomers. It is a very inclusive and collaborative culture where individuality is also welcomed, respected, and celebrated.

    Redlands is an outward-looking school, developing well-rounded, confident young adults who are prepared for post-school life. Our graduates have recorded success in the full range of careers both within Australia and internationally. Many contribute significantly to their communities and carry with them the values underpinned their education at Redlands.

    Vision is to inspire girls and boys to achieve life-readiness and let their light shine through the provision of a world-recognized, contemporary education.

    We aim to provide a diverse, co-educational environment based on innovative, flexible, and research-based teaching practices. In this context, staff and parents will work together to instill sound values in the young people in our care and inspire them to recognize and develop their unique potential and use their knowledge and abilities for others' good.

    Our school motto is: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." Matthew. Our ethics, standards, and practices are based upon established Christian values.

    Founding year: 1884
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr Peter Lennox (Principal)
    Number of staff: 0






    Address: Redlands, 272 Military Road Cremorne, New South Wales, NSW 2090, Australia

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