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    Job Description Kære fremtidige kollega Først og fremmest, lad os starte med at sige, at et job som Sælger hos Circle K ikke er for alle. Men det er et job der passer til mange, og måske også dig? At arbejde som sælger på Circle K er ikke som ethvert sælgerjob. Os der arbejder her er vilde med det, og spørger du en af vores uundværlige sælgere om hvorfor, vil de bla nævne: Selvstændighed, fleksibilitet og ansvar. Vi leder efter en positiv teamplayer som: Har en sælger gemt I sig, motiveres af salg og kan levere en service lidt ud over det sædvanlige Kan bevare overblikket og humøret, når der kommer uforudsete udfordringer ind af døren, og formår at løse dem med sund fornuft. Også selvom der er lang kø Har en interesse for at tilberede mad. For vi elsker det! Og vi ser derfor gerne, at du har lyst til, at lave de lækreste sandwich og de bedste burgere. Forstår vigtigheden af, at vores kunder får den bedste oplevelse når de besøger os. Dette indebærer også at butikken, kundetoilet og forplads er ren og pæn. Du forstår betydningen af, at arbejde i et team, hvor alle er afhængige af- og stoler på, at hver løfter sit. Og til tider er villig til at give lidt ekstra. Hvad kan vi tilbyde dig? Hos Circle K er der plads til alle! Vi værdsætter diversitet og forskellige måder at tænke og arbejde på, og vi arbejder altid samme som One team! Det er altafgørende at du har lysten og motivationen til at lære nye ting, udvikle dig og bidrage til vores ”one-team” kultur. Hvis du har ambitionen om at bygge en karriere, får du unikke muligheder i Circle K, så længe du har den motivation der skal til. Udover helt unikke udviklingsmuligheder, tilbyder vi et job med yderst attraktive fordele og personalegoder. Som en del af vores Circle K familie vil du bla få medarbejderrabat på brændstof, bilvask samt på mad og drikkevarer i vores butikker. Derudover tilbyder vi: En attraktiv pensionsordning og sundhedsforsikring Fordelagtige lønninger og forskudttidstillæg Og ikke mindst, Danmarks bedste kollegaer Mange der i dag driver vores stationer eller arbejder på vores kontor, startede deres karriere som sælgere på stationen, måske var tanken bare at blive hos os et stykke tid, men det var begyndelsen på en lang karriere! Og for dig der har andre mål og drømme i din karriere, er Circle K et fantastisk sted til at få erfaring, der er værd at tage med sig videre i arbejdslivet. Så hvis du vil have et job, hvor du kan være med til at give vores kunder den bedste oplevelse, udvikle dig og blive en del af et fantastisk team på Circle K i Kolding, så er det nu du skal sende din ansøgning afsted. Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Store Manager Martin Kurth Larsen på tlf nr.: 75 54 21 80 Antal timer: Cirka 8 timer om ugen. Fast vagtplan. Vagterne vil primært være placeret hver anden weekend. Ansøgningsfrist og tiltrædelse: Løbende Som en del af rekrutteringsprocessen, indhenter vi referencer fra tidligere arbejdsgivere. Hos os behøver du, hverken CV eller ansøgning for at søge job. Når du trykker på ”ansøg nu” kommer du til en portal, hvor du skal svare på nogle spørgsmål om forskellige arbejdssituationer, som samtidig giver dig et indblik i, hvordan det er at arbejde i Circle K. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig. På vej i den rigtige retning - vil du være med? Hos Circle K er der plads til alle og vi arbejder altid sammen som One team! Vi værdsætter diversitet og forskellige måder at tænke og arbejde på. Vi opfordrer derfor alle til at søge stillingen – uanset alder, køn, religion, handicap, etnisk baggrund etc. Hos Circle K arbejder vi for, at transporten i Danmark bliver mere klimavenlig. Nærmere bestemt arbejder vi for, at elbiler, flydende el og biobrændstoffer er både tilgængelige og effektive, da de får en afgørende rolle i den bæredygtige fremtid, vi sætter kursen mod. Læs mere her, og bliv klogere på den grønne omstilling, du måske ikke havde regnet med, at du kunne blive en del af https://www.circlek.dk/groenomstilling   Om os Circle K er en af de førende convenience, energi og brændstofleverandører i Danmark, og alene herhjemme har vi 225 Circle K butikker og i alt 434 lokationer (Circle K, Ingo, 1-2-3). Vi er en del af den canadiske Alimentation Couche-Tard gruppe. Gruppen har samlet mere end 14.000 butikker og stationer, og ca. 122.000 ansatte i 24 forskellige lande rundt om i verden bl.a. i Canada, USA, De Baltiske Lande, Skandinavien, Irland, Polen og Hong Kong. Vores mission er enkel: Vi ønsker at gøre rejser nemmere og mere behagelige for vores kunder. Vi er kendt for nyskabelse indenfor conveniencesektoren og for vores spidskompetence, som er lækker mad og drikke til danskerne på farten.
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    Job Description Kære fremtidige kollega Lad os sige det som det er. At arbejde som nattesælger hos os er ikke for alle. Men vi tror det er noget for dig! Os som arbejder her er vilde med det, og hvis du spørger en af vores uundværlige nattesælgere, hvorfor de elsker at arbejde ved Circle K, kan det ofte koges ned til 3 ord: Frihed, fleksibilitet og selvstændighed. For at trives i netop denne stilling skal du nemlig først og fremmest forstå hvad det vil sige at arbejde med frihed under ansvar. Da du primært står alene i butikken når du er på arbejde, har du ansvaret for at det hele spiller i løbet af natten, så vores kunder oplever service i verdensklasse, får serveret lækker mad og får den bedste oplevelse i butikken. Din rolle og dit arbejde som nattesælger vil være altafgørende for at butikken kan køre optimalt resten af dagen. Og vi er ikke et sekund i tvivl om, at det er en rolle du kan påtage dig! Vi leder efter en positiv teamplayer som: Er en rigtig natteravn, der bare arbejder bedst når vi andre ikke gør. Erfaring med tidligere nattearbejde er derfor et plus! Kan lide at tilberede mad. For vi elsker det! Og vi ser derfor gerne, at du har lyst til at ligge en dyd i at smøre de lækreste sandwich og lave den bedste burger. Kan holde hovedet koldt, når der kommer uforudsete udfordringer ind af døren, og formår at løse dem med sund fornuft Har en smule rengøringsvanvid, eller blot forstår at vores kunder får den bedste oplevelse med et rent toilet og en ren butik Motiveres af at yde fantastisk kundeservice og ved hvad der skal til for at vores kunder får det bedst mulige pit-stop når de er på farten om natten Hvad kan vi tilbyde dig? Hos Circle K er der plads til alle! Vi værdsætter diversitet og forskellige måder at tænke og arbejde på, og vi arbejder altid samme som One team! Det er altafgørende at du har lysten og motivationen til at lære nye ting, udvikle dig og bidrage til vores ”one-team” kultur. Hvis du har ambitionen om at bygge en karriere, får du unikke muligheder i Circle K, så længe du har den motivation der skal til. Udover helt unikke udviklingsmuligheder, tilbyder vi et job med attraktive fordele og personalegoder. Som en del af vores Circle K familie vil du blandt andet få gode medarbejderrabbatter på brændstof, bilvask samt på mad og drikkevarer i alle vores butikker. Derudover tilbyder vi: En attraktiv pensionsordning og sundhedsforsikring! Fordelagtige lønninger og nattillæg Og ikke mindst, Danmark bedste kolleger! Så hvis du vil have et job, hvor du har fri om dagen men ejer natten, så send os din ansøgning med det samme, og så lover vi dig, at du bliver en del af et fantastisk team på Circle K Sønderbro. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig. Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Store Manager Peter Hansen på tlf nr.: 98 13 40 23 Antal timer: Ca. 8 timer i gennemsnit om ugen. Fast vagtplan med nattevagter hver anden weekend. Der kan desuden forekomme enkelte aftenvagter på hverdage Ansøgningsfrist og tiltrædelse: Løbende Som en del af rekrutteringsprocessen, indhenter vi referencer fra tidligere arbejdsgivere. Hos os behøver du, hverken CV eller ansøgning for at søge job. Når du trykker på ”ansøg nu” kommer du til en portal, hvor du skal svare på nogle spørgsmål om forskellige arbejdssituationer, som samtidig giver dig et indblik i, hvordan det er at arbejde i Circle K. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig. På vej i den rigtige retning - vil du være med? Hos Circle K er der plads til alle og vi arbejder altid sammen som One team! Vi værdsætter diversitet og forskellige måder at tænke og arbejde på. Vi opfordrer derfor alle til at søge stillingen – uanset alder, køn, religion, handicap, etnisk baggrund etc. Hos Circle K arbejder vi for, at transporten i Danmark bliver mere klimavenlig. Nærmere bestemt arbejder vi for, at elbiler, flydende el og biobrændstoffer er både tilgængelige og effektive, da de får en afgørende rolle i den bæredygtige fremtid, vi sætter kursen mod. Læs mere her, og bliv klogere på den grønne omstilling, du måske ikke havde regnet med, at du kunne blive en del af https://www.circlek.dk/groenomstilling  
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    Job Description JOB TITLE: Digital Advertising Operations Specialist COMPANY: Circle K Business Centre DEPARTMENT: Global Digital Platforms REPORTS TO: Sr. Manager, Global Digital Activations (Tempe, AZ) LOCATION: Business Centre Riga (Latvia) POSITION SUMMARY This role will be reporting to the Digital Advertising Operations Manager, and the main responsibilities will include building, testing, and repairing digital advertisements for multi-digital platform advertisement campaigns. The individual will be responsible for understanding, utilizing, and improving multiple Content Management Systems (CMSs). They will also be monitoring a range of digital advertisements aimed at generating demand for convenience store products and services, in alignment with the team's objectives. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES The candidate will build and ensure the quality of multiple digital ads on various CMS; They will manage the execution process of digital campaigns; Oversee software testing and collaborate with Campaign Planning and LIFT Product teams to ensure accurate and fully implemented paid campaigns; The candidate will also build and manage digital promotion requests for Circle-K BUs, and interact with Circle-K IT Systems, Pricebook and stores to troubleshoot issues with digital ads and promotions. REQUIREMENTS Bachelor’s degree in Business/Marketing/Advertising; 3+ years relevant experience preferred; Strong leadership skills with the ability to build relationships cross-functionally; Problem-solving, analytical skills and resourcefulness; Self-starter who takes initiative with the ability to work in both a team environment and independently; Quick learner; Superior time management and organizational skills as well as the capacity to manage workload peaks, multitasking and meeting tight deadlines; Strong customer service experience and the ability to foster relationships as necessary; flexible, patient, courteous, professional; Excellent written and verbal communications skills; Ability to thrive in an atmosphere of change and innovation; Proficiency with a content management system or similar software; JDE experience is a plus; Experience with managing multiple business units Proficiency in MS software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook); Fluent in English. PHYSICAL DEMANDS Ability to communicate, verbal or written, to associates, vendors, and customers; Ability to operate a computer; Ability to travel as needed. What you can expect at Circle K: Monthly salary: 1800 - 2000 EUR Gross Hybrid work model (3+2) Covered tariff plan for your mobile phone Health insurance Employee discounts in our stores Global and fast-paced work environment Positive atmosphere and great colleagues around you Continuous personal and professional development driven by challenging goals. Interested? We encourage you to apply by 27th of May, 2024. We know great companies are built from within by great people like you. Come grow with us!
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    Job Description Looking for new opportunities in your career? Wherever you’re heading, let’s go there together. Our ambition is to be an exceptional place to work. We will put our very best effort into your personal and professional development – because when you grow, we grow. Whatever your goal is, let’s make each other’s dreams come true. Come grow with us! Circle K Business Centre in Riga, Latvia is looking for: Intern in Fuel Accounting Department (Temporary position for 6 months) Would you like to: Understand the Fuel Accounting? Fuel invoice processing and matching with purchase orders? Help colleagues to resolve discrepancies and errors? Take part in periodical close processes, account reconciliations? Main requirements: Student of Finance, Business administration or other relevant; Willing to develop professionally in Finance area; Fluent English and Latvian (both, verbal and written); Good computer skills (MS Office); Very good communication and collaboration skills; Precise, organized and stress resistant personality; Improvement driven and good team player. What you can expect at Circle K: Paid internship: 720 EUR gross; Covered tariff plan for your mobile phone; Global and fast-paced work environment; Positive atmosphere and great colleagues around you; Continuous personal and professional development driven by challenging goals. Interested? We encourage you to apply by 31st of May, 2024. We know great companies are built from within, by great people like you. Come grow with us! Circle K Business Centre SIA PVN Nr: LV40103511774 Duntes iela 6, Rīga, Latvija LV-1013
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    Job Description JOB TITLE: Sales & Campaign Planning Specialist, North America COMPANY: Circle K Business Centre DEPARTMENT: Global Digital Platforms REPORTS TO: Manager, Sales & Campaign Planning, North America LOCATION: Business Centre Riga, Latvia ABOUT THE COMPANY: Circle K is a renowned convenience store known worldwide for quality products and excellent customer service. We are a Global Fortune 200 company and like to consider ourselves as the 'biggest start-up' though we have been in existence for more than 40 years. At a $34 billion dollar market cap value, we have over 14,500 convenience stores across the US, Canada, and Europe. POSITION SUMMARY: (Position is temporary for around 1,5 years) This position will report to the Sales & Campaign Planning Manager, North America and play a critical role in supporting the initiatives of the Global Digital Platforms team through effective management and planning of campaigns and promotions. These campaigns will be executed through the portfolio of customer marketing solutions. The Campaign Planner will be a key contact for the Business Units in Europe and Sales team and will need to work efficiently and effectively with multiple functions of the Global Digital Platforms Marketing team; some of which include sales management, content operations, Digital Advertising Operations as well as CPG clients and partners. The individual needs to be a high-achiever with superior communication skills who is a reliable self-starter, results driven and effective at collaborating across teams to drive desired results. Must possess capacity to manage workload peaks, strong multi-tasking skills and ability to meet tight deadlines. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Serve as the planning and campaign management lead for all in-store digital media; Responsible for the complete lifecycle of all campaigns, including pre-sales strategy, reserving/booking inventory, responding to RFP’s, creating/updating insertion orders, campaign management, reporting, and post campaign analysis; Lead in the creation of proposals for incoming RFPs by creating media plans to meet advertiser and category objectives; Respond to sales requests about inventory, ad products, creative specifications, and research; Ensure campaign plans include accurate pricing and utilize approved products and available inventory while adhering to defined business processes to ensure optimal program performance; Effectively communicate program details to internal operation and content management teams; Recommend tactical changes to maximize campaign performance; Act as a key client contact, developing and maintaining strong relationships while offering innovative solutions to our clients’ business needs. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree in Business/Marketing, Advertising, or related field; 5-7 years’ experience in agency or media planning responsibility; Understanding of CPG companies, shopper marketing, and digital marketing go to market strategies ; Experience in retail sales and marketing a plus; Strong communication skills with diligent work ethic, highly organized individual; Ability to multi-task and function well under pressure and tight delivery timeframes in a fast-paced, dynamic environment; Must be self-motivated, driven and able to work independently as well as part of a team; Ability to think outside-the-box and demonstrate creative problem solving; Proficiency in MS software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook); Fluent in English. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Ability to operate a computer; Ability to effectively communicate, verbal and written, to associates, vendors, customers; Ability to travel as needed. What you can expect at Circle K: Monthly salary: 1800 - 2000 EUR gross Hybrid work model (3+2) Covered tariff plan for your mobile phone Health insurance Employee discounts in our stores Global and fast-paced work environment Positive atmosphere and great colleagues around you Continuous personal and professional development driven by challenging goals. Interested? We encourage you to apply by 27th of May, 2024. We know great companies are built from within by great people like you. Come grow with us!
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    Job Description The Finance & Control department in Circle K Business Centre in Riga, Latvia is a part of the Global Finance organization and is responsible for the full accounting and financial reporting cycle for Circle K European operations. By joining us you become part of a global family, whose ambition is to become the world’s preferred destination for convenience and fuel. Circle K Business Centre in Riga, Latvia is looking for a new team player, who would like to join our team as SPECIALIST FINANCE in Accounts Receivable team (this position is temporary until 30.11.2024.) Main responsibilities: Incoming payment flow monitoring and processing; Bank clearing-related balance sheet account monitoring; Serving customer (internal and external) queries related to payments and their postings; Produce error-free accounting reports; Spot errors and suggest ways to improve efficiency; Period closing-related tasks; Participation in improvement projects. Main requirements : Bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field (can be a last-year student); Thorough knowledge of basic accounting procedures will be considered as an advantage; Familiarity with financial accounting statements; Excellent communication and collaboration skills; Fluent in English (both – oral and written); Precise, analytical, organized, solution-oriented, and stress-resistant personality; Self-motivated, positive, good team player. What you can expect at Circle K: Monthly salary: 1550 EUR gross; Covered tariff plan for your mobile phone; Health insurance; Employee discounts in our stores; Global and fast-paced work environment; Home office days; Positive atmosphere and great colleagues around you; Continuous personal and professional development driven by challenging goals. Interested? We encourage you to apply by the 15th of May, 2024. We know great companies are built from within by great people like you. Come, grow with us! Circle K Business Centre SIA PVN Nr: LV40103511774 Duntes iela 6, Rīga, Latvija LV-1013
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    Job Description JOIN OUR TEAM Our mission is simple: we make journeys easier and more enjoyable for our customers. We want to lift their spirits by delivering little boosts along the way.  We care about our people and our communities, and we look for ways to uplift people first. Wherever your journey’s going, we can help you get there.  Private Label Product Manager Type of Employment: Permanent Location: Oslo, Norway Visa requirements: A valid work permit from the EU/EEA (relocation assistance is not provided) THE TEAM The Proprietary Brands Team in Circle K is a central support function responsible for developing and growing the company’s portfolio of proprietary brand products across our 12 markets in Europe. Our mission is to grow the business and drive customer loyalty, by enabling our business units to offer quality products and value to our customers. The team works within several disciplines such as concept- and product development, category management, merchandising, design, and product sourcing. We serve as one of three Circle K Private Brand Teams in the world, with colleagues both in the US and Canada. The Proprietary Brand Team’s work within Circle K, plays into the Circle K brand promise of making it easy. Our products make our brand come to life for our customers, each and every day, and thus we play an essential role in the building of a differentiated customer offer and our retailer brand image. THE ROLE Reporting to the Director Proprietary Brands Europe within our Convenience Europe team, the Private Label Manager will manage a set of categories within our private brand offering and be responsible for overall profitable growth across all our markets in Europe. Role will include category- and brand management, concept development, product sourcing, supplier relations, marketing and negotiations. The role will work closely with our peer departments such as Procurement, Data & Analytics, Design, Marketing and Quality Assurance. Multidisciplinary understanding is an advantage, as our projects typically comprise of several disciplines. WHAT YOU’LL DO Here are ways that you’ll help make journeys better:  Manage and develop selected categories within the proprietary brand business, including securing optimal product assortment, competitive COGS, improved profitability, and differentiation in our markets. Develop partnerships with manufacturers to secure viable and sustainable sourcing, logistics and sales growth. Secure implementation of packaging, branding, design, and legal requirement compliance for all products in collaboration with internal stakeholders and external service providers. Work with the Brand & Marketing teams to define communication objectives, strategies, and action plans for marketing execution. Collaborate with Circle K Business units in Europe to secure support, adaptation, and implementation of all products, offers, programs and strategies. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Here’s what we’re looking for: Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Business or Marketing Management. Minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience from related field (category, brand, product development/sourcing, marketing, merchandising). Commercial mindset and experience from retail, FMCG, CPG. Experience in Project Management. Strong communicative skills, with the ability to work holistically and systematically. Collaborates well in an international team environment, across functions. Strong navigational skills, in an international matrix organization. Fluent in English and Norwegian, Danish or Swedish - written and oral. Strong skills in basic office tools as Excel, Power Point, Teams, One Note. WHY WORK WITH US Our office employment opportunities offer you career growth with an international company, plus a dynamic work environment that puts people first. Wherever you are in your journey, we have a place for you. Here’s some of the exciting perks we offer: Alimentation Couche-Tard is a proud receiver Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) for 3 years in a row. Complete benefits packages (health insurance, pension contribution etc.). Possibility to enroll in stock purchase plan. Employee discount on fuel and electrical vehicle charging. Paid time off plan including vacation, sick days and personal days. Work in a collaborative, dynamic, high performing, and diverse team. Learning opportunities to develop new skills and to evolve professionally in a fast-growing company. Hybrid work to allow a sustainable work-life balance. At Circle K, our culture is shaped by our team members and how we treat each other. Our guiding principles are the core values we live by and inform all our actions and business decisions. You can find them at Values and Culture | Circle K. We hope they resonate with you and look forward to discussing them during your interview. INTERESTED? We encourage you to apply by May 26, 2024 The candidates will be reviewed on continuous basis. You don't meet all the necessary qualifications? At Circle K, we are fully committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and genuine work environment. Therefore, if you're enthusiastic about this role but your background doesn't perfectly match every qualification, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles. Contact person: Rune Romberg-Stenersen Director Proprietary Brands Europe e: rune.stenersen@circlekeurope.com Only applications received through our online system will be considered, not via e-mail or other form of digital communication. We are looking forward to your application! We know great companies are built from within, by great people like you. Come grow with us!
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    Job Description JOIN OUR TEAM Our mission is simple: we make journeys easier and more enjoyable for our customers. We want to lift their spirits by delivering little boosts along the way.  We care about our people and our communities, and we look for ways to uplift people first. Wherever your journey’s going, we can help you get there.  Foodservice Training manager Type of Employment: Permanent Location: Possibility to work from any of our offices in Europe Visa requirements: A valid work permit from the EU/EEA (relocation assistance is not provided) THE ROLE Reporting to the Food Execution and Training Director within our European Foodservice Team, Food Training manager will support the foodservice teams by developing training concepts, planning programs and "way of working" execution, and creating the content for programs and tools. Food Training manager will create, accurately, and consistently deliver the Foodservice concept syllabus, script, operational execution documents, and creates and implements “Train the trainer” programs across our network. Working directly with and alongside the BU food trainers and food category managers he/she will support and execute programs, procedures, and policies. WHAT YOU’LL DO Here are ways that you’ll help make journeys better:  The Food training manager supports the Foodservice teams by developing food training strategies, planning program execution, and creating “Train the Trainers” program content. Develop training program documentation to properly execute current and future Foodservice concepts in collaboration with Food Category Teams and Food trainers in Business Units. Created and distributed concept reference guides, job aides, scripts, and e-learning modules for BUs and created the “Train the Trainers” programs. Participate with the category development project teams to assess the need, develop, and deliver new training materials for new pilot concept training in partnership with the Execution Team and the BU. Work cross-functionally with other functional teams (food service support, food safety, quality assurance, procurement, marketing, and external partner teams. Support foodservice team in training needs and lead the implementation of training plans in planned projects. WHAT YOU’LL NEED We want you to join our team! Here’s what we’re looking for: Extensive experience in project management, training, and leadership. Strong collaboration, cooperation, and communication skills. Several years of experience within the FMCG or food service industry. Strong communication skills in English, both verbal and written. Experienced with relevant Microsoft business suite tools and industry programs. Higher relevant education of 3-5 years or equivalent experience. Position requires project-specific traveling up to 25-50% of working time. WHY WORK WITH US Our office employment opportunities offer you career growth with an international company, plus a dynamic work environment that puts people first. Wherever you are in your journey, we have a place for you. Here’s some of the exciting perks we offer: Alimentation Couche-Tard is a proud receiver Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) for 3 years in a row. Complete benefits packages (health insurance, pension contribution etc.). Possibility to enrol in stock purchase plan. Employee discount on fuel and in our stores. Paid time off plan including vacation, sick days and personal days. Work in a collaborative, dynamic, high performing and diverse team. Learning opportunities to develop new skills and to evolve professionally in a fast-growing company. Hybrid work to allow a sustainable work-life balance. At Circle K, our culture is shaped by our team members and how we treat each other. Our guiding principles are the core values we live by and inform all our actions and business decisions. You can find them at Values and Culture | Circle K. We hope they resonate with you and look forward to discussing them during your interview. INTERESTED? We encourage you to apply by the 26th of May 2024. The candidates will be reviewed on continuous basis. You don't meet all the necessary qualifications? At Circle K, we are fully committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and genuine work environment. Therefore, if you're enthusiastic about this role but your background doesn't perfectly match every qualification, we encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other roles. Contact person: Diana Veigel Food Execution and Training Director Europe e: diana.veigel@circlekeurope.com Only applications received through our online system will be considered, not via e-mail. We are looking forward to your application! We know great companies are built from within, by great people like you. Come grow with us!
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    Store 6002527: 14 Commonwealth Ave., Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 1W5 Customer Service Representative As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Flexible schedulesLarge, stable employerOpportunities for fast career advancementTask varietyWeekly payNight shift premiumEmployee discountScholarship programYears of service Recognition programSupporting temporary workers through PNP (some conditions may apply) Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the cash register, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers.You will interact with many customers daily, all while working in a fun, energetic environment accomplishing daily tasks around the store! What we are looking for: Customer serviceCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestionsGreat to have: Customer service experienceMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Couche-Tard/Circle K values diversity and inclusion and aims to create a safe, accessible and rewarding workplace that showcases the unique contribution of our employees to the success of our business. As an employer, we are committed to employment equity, we encourage a wide variety of applications to ensure that we have a diverse workforce that is representative of the customers and the communities we serve. Accommodations are available upon request for applicants who participate in all aspects of the selection process.
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    As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: · Flexible schedules · Large, stable employer · Opportunities for fast career advancement · Task variety · Weekly pay · Night shift premium $1.25/h · Employee discount · Scholarship program · Years of service Recognition program . Supporting temporary employees through PNP ( some conditions may apply) Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the cash register, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working in a fun, energetic environment accomplishing daily tasks around the store! What we are looking for: · Customer service · Communication and friendly conversation · Performing at a quick pace while having fun · Working as part of a team to accomplish daily goals · Coming up with great ideas to solve problems · Thinking quickly and offering suggestions Great to have: · Customer service experience · Motivation to advance in your career! · Willingness to learn and have fun! #LI-JD1 Couche-Tard/Circle K values diversity and inclusion and aims to create a safe, accessible and rewarding workplace that showcases the unique contribution of our employees to the success of our business. As an employer, we are committed to employment equity, we encourage a wide variety of applications to ensure that we have a diverse workforce that is representative of the customers and the communities we serve. Accommodations are available upon request for applicants who participate in all aspects of the selection process.
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    8015, Boul. Henri-Bourassa Est, Montréal, Quebec H1E 2Z3 Horaire : Principalement les soirs et les fins de semaine Salaire de jour : $17.75 (prime incluse**) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir un emploi chez Couche-Tard : • Assurance collective; • Rabais corporatifs avantageux *; • Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin; • Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *; • Journées mobiles; • Programme de reconnaissance des années de service; • Programme d’aide aux employés; • Stabilité d’emploi; • Horaire flexible; • Possibilité d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise; • Le port de jeans durant les heures de travail; • Environnement de travail dynamique. * certaines conditions s’appliquent La vie chez Couche-Tard, ça ressemble à quoi : • Assurer la gestion de l’établissement sur une base quotidienne en partenariat avec le gérant (commandes, dépôts bancaires, gestion du personnel et rapports financiers); • Entretenir des relations durables avec les clients et les représentants; • Offrir un excellent service à la clientèle en accueillant chaque client et en leur offrant un produit adapté à leurs besoins; • Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin; • S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos dépanneurs : •Expérience en gestion du personnel ou dans le commerce de détail (6 mois et +); •Habiletés dans la gestion des ressources humaines. •Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin. •Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) ** Prime sujette à changement En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Francais. Viens grandir avec nous ! Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Suivez-nous sur LinkedIn! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité sur le lieu de travail et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi en encourageant les candidatures des groupes désignés suivants : les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    1066 Boulevard Mgr-De-Laval, Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec G3Z 2W9 Préposé(e) au service à la clientèle Salaire (jour et soir) : 18,25$/h (incluant prime*) + prime de rétention de 500$ après 6 mois** Horaire : Temps plein ou temps partiel de jour ou soir (à déterminer selon les besoins et vos disponibilités) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir l’un de nos magasins : Ambiance familiale;Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin;Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *;Opportunités d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise;Rabais corporatifs intéressants*;Journées de congé mobiles;Programme de reconnaissance des années de service;Le port du jeans durant les heures de travail. **Certaines conditions s’appliquent * Prime sujette à changement À quoi ressemblera ton quotidien dans un de nos magasins : Assister le gérant et l’assistant-gérant dans les tâches administratives et faire le dépôt;Dépasser les attentes des clients en les accueillant et en leur offrant un service rapide et exact;Effectuer les transactions et assurer le balancement de la caisse;Autoriser et surveiller les pompes à essence (si applicable);Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasinRemplir les étalages, faire la rotation, le ‘’facing’’ et l’étiquetage des produits;S’occuper de l’approvisionnement du café et de certains aliments et pâtisserie (si applicable);S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attirant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos magasins : Des gens souriants;Bonne aptitude pour le service à la clientèle;Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes.Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin.Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) *En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Français. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Viens grandir avec nous ! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    1066 Boulevard Mgr-De-Laval, Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec G3Z 2W9 Assistant(e) gérant(e) Salaire : De 19,75$/h à 22,15$/h Incluant prime** (selon expérience équivalente) + Prime de rétention de 5 000 $ après 18 mois* + Avantages sociaux Horaire : Principalement les soirs et les fins de semaine Pourquoi tu devrais choisir l’un de nos magasins : Assurance collective;Rabais corporatifs avantageux *;Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin;Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *;Journées mobiles;Programme de reconnaissance des années de service;Programme d’aide aux employés;Stabilité d’emploi;Horaire flexible;Possibilité d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise;Le port de jeans durant les heures de travail;Environnement de travail dynamique. *Certaines conditions s’appliquent ** Prime sujette à changement À quoi ressemblera ton quotidien dans un de nos magasins : Assurer la gestion de l’établissement sur une base quotidienne en partenariat avec le gérant (commandes, dépôts bancaires, gestion du personnel et rapports financiers);Entretenir des relations durables avec les clients et les représentants;Offrir un excellent service à la clientèle en accueillant chaque client et en leur offrant un produit adapté à leurs besoins;Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin;S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant.Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos magasins : Expérience en gestion du personnel ou dans le commerce de détail (6 mois et +);Habiletés dans la gestion des ressources humaines.Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb)Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes. *En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Français. Viens grandir avec nous ! Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    105 Rue De La Visitation, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Quebec J6E 4N4 Horaire : Temps plein ou temps partiel (à déterminer selon les besoins et vos disponibilités.) Salaire de jour : $16.25 (prime incluse**) Salaire de nuit: $19.25 (Prime incluse**) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir un emploi chez Couche-Tard : • Ambiance amicale • Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin; • Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *; • Opportunités d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise; • Rabais corporatifs intéressants*; • Journées de congé mobiles; • Programme de reconnaissance des années de service; • Le port du jeans durant les heures de travail. * Certaines conditions s’appliquent La vie chez Couche-Tard, ça ressemble à quoi : • Accueillir et offrir un service rapide et exact aux clients • Effectuer les transactions et assurer le balancement de la caisse; • Autoriser et surveiller les pompes à essence (si applicable); • Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin; • Remplir les étalages, faire la rotation, le ‘’facing’’ et l’étiquetage des produits; • S’occuper de l’approvisionnement du café et de certains aliments et pâtisserie (si applicable); • S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos magasins : • Des gens souriants • Bonne aptitude pour le service à la clientèle; • Apte à rester début pendant des longues périodes; • Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement; • Gestion de caisse; • L’esprit d’équipe; • Sens de l’organisation. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) ** Prime sujette à changement En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Français. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Viens grandir avec nous ! Suivez-nous sur LinkedIn! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité sur le lieu de travail et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi en encourageant les candidatures des groupes désignés suivants : les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    105 Rue De La Visitation, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Quebec J6E 4N4 Horaire : Principalement les soirs et les fins de semaine Salaire de jour : $17.75 (prime incluse**) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir un emploi chez Couche-Tard : • Assurance collective; • Rabais corporatifs avantageux *; • Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin; • Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *; • Journées mobiles; • Programme de reconnaissance des années de service; • Programme d’aide aux employés; • Stabilité d’emploi; • Horaire flexible; • Possibilité d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise; • Le port de jeans durant les heures de travail; • Environnement de travail dynamique. * certaines conditions s’appliquent La vie chez Couche-Tard, ça ressemble à quoi : • Assurer la gestion de l’établissement sur une base quotidienne en partenariat avec le gérant (commandes, dépôts bancaires, gestion du personnel et rapports financiers); • Entretenir des relations durables avec les clients et les représentants; • Offrir un excellent service à la clientèle en accueillant chaque client et en leur offrant un produit adapté à leurs besoins; • Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin; • S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos dépanneurs : •Expérience en gestion du personnel ou dans le commerce de détail (6 mois et +); •Habiletés dans la gestion des ressources humaines. •Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin. •Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) ** Prime sujette à changement En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Francais. Viens grandir avec nous ! Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Suivez-nous sur LinkedIn! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité sur le lieu de travail et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi en encourageant les candidatures des groupes désignés suivants : les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    105 Rue De La Visitation, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Quebec J6E 4N4 Horaire : Temps plein ou temps partiel (à déterminer selon les besoins et vos disponibilités.) Salaire de jour : $16.25 (prime incluse**) Salaire de nuit: $19.25 (Prime incluse**) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir un emploi chez Couche-Tard : • Ambiance amicale • Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin; • Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *; • Opportunités d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise; • Rabais corporatifs intéressants*; • Journées de congé mobiles; • Programme de reconnaissance des années de service; • Le port du jeans durant les heures de travail. * Certaines conditions s’appliquent La vie chez Couche-Tard, ça ressemble à quoi : • Accueillir et offrir un service rapide et exact aux clients • Effectuer les transactions et assurer le balancement de la caisse; • Autoriser et surveiller les pompes à essence (si applicable); • Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin; • Remplir les étalages, faire la rotation, le ‘’facing’’ et l’étiquetage des produits; • S’occuper de l’approvisionnement du café et de certains aliments et pâtisserie (si applicable); • S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos magasins : • Des gens souriants • Bonne aptitude pour le service à la clientèle; • Apte à rester début pendant des longues périodes; • Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement; • Gestion de caisse; • L’esprit d’équipe; • Sens de l’organisation. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) ** Prime sujette à changement En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Français. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Viens grandir avec nous ! Suivez-nous sur LinkedIn! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité sur le lieu de travail et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi en encourageant les candidatures des groupes désignés suivants : les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    1655 Av D'Estimauville, Québec, Quebec G1J 5A9 Préposé(e) au service à la clientèle Chez Couche-Tard nous prenons à cœur la santé et sécurité de nos employés. Nous offrons un environnement de travail qui respecte les mesures sanitaires mises en place ainsi qu’une stabilité d’emploi assurée. Salaire (jour et soir) : 16,45$/h (Incluant prime) + Prime de rétention de 500$ après 6 mois. Horaire : Temps plein ou temps partiel de jour ou soir (à déterminer selon les besoins et vos disponibilités) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir l’un de nos dépanneurs : Ambiance familiale;Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin;Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *;Opportunités d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise;Rabais corporatifs intéressants*;Journées de congé mobiles;Programme de reconnaissance des années de service;Le port du jeans durant les heures de travail.Certaines conditions s’appliquent À quoi ressemblera ton quotidien dans un de nos dépanneurs : Assister le gérant et l’assistant-gérant dans les tâches administratives et faire le dépôt;Dépasser les attentes des clients en les accueillant et en leur offrant un service rapide et exact;Effectuer les transactions et assurer le balancement de la caisse;Autoriser et surveiller les pompes à essence (si applicable);Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasinRemplir les étalages, faire la rotation, le ‘’facing’’ et l’étiquetage des produits;S’occuper de l’approvisionnement du café et de certains aliments et pâtisserie (si applicable);S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attirant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos dépanneurs : Des gens souriants;Bonne aptitude pour le service à la clientèle;Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes.Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin.Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Viens grandir avec nous ! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité et de l’inclusion et vise à créer un milieu de travail sain, accessible et gratifiant qui met en valeur la contribution unique de nos employés au succès de notre entreprise. En tant qu'employeur qui s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi, nous encourageons les candidatures les plus diverses afin de pouvoir nous doter d’un effectif varié et représentatif de nos clients et des communautés que l’on sert. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    3990 Ch De Chambly, Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 3M3 Horaire : Principalement les soirs et les fins de semaine Salaire de jour : $17.75 (prime incluse**) Pourquoi tu devrais choisir un emploi chez Couche-Tard : • Assurance collective; • Rabais corporatifs avantageux *; • Jusqu’à 20% de rabais sur presque tout en magasin; • Programme de bourses d’études offrant jusqu’à 2500$ par année *; • Journées mobiles; • Programme de reconnaissance des années de service; • Programme d’aide aux employés; • Stabilité d’emploi; • Horaire flexible; • Possibilité d’avancement au sein de l’entreprise; • Le port de jeans durant les heures de travail; • Environnement de travail dynamique. * certaines conditions s’appliquent La vie chez Couche-Tard, ça ressemble à quoi : • Assurer la gestion de l’établissement sur une base quotidienne en partenariat avec le gérant (commandes, dépôts bancaires, gestion du personnel et rapports financiers); • Entretenir des relations durables avec les clients et les représentants; • Offrir un excellent service à la clientèle en accueillant chaque client et en leur offrant un produit adapté à leurs besoins; • Prendre part à l’optimisation des ventes et à la rentabilité du magasin; • S’assurer que le magasin soit propre et attrayant. Ce que nous cherchons pour l’un de nos dépanneurs : •Expérience en gestion du personnel ou dans le commerce de détail (6 mois et +); •Habiletés dans la gestion des ressources humaines. •Apte à soulever et à transporter de la marchandise régulièrement, fréquemment et sans aide, au besoin. •Apte à rester debout pendant de longues périodes. Le poids de la marchandise peut varier pouvant peser jusqu’à 12 kg (25 lb) ** Prime sujette à changement En vertu de la loi sur la langue française, toute personne embauchée dans notre grande région du Québec doit parler Francais. Viens grandir avec nous ! Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site internet : https://carrieres.couche-tard.com Suivez-nous sur LinkedIn! Le masculin est utilisé, sans discrimination, afin d’alléger le texte. Nous remercions tous les candidats de l’intérêt qu’ils portent à ce poste; seules les personnes sélectionnées seront contactées. Couche-Tard / Circle K valorise la diversité sur le lieu de travail et s'engage à respecter l'équité en matière d'emploi en encourageant les candidatures des groupes désignés suivants : les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qui participent à tous les aspects du processus de sélection.
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    Store 4707041: 211 Mayville Rd, Bethel, Maine 04217 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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    Store 4705695: 8 N Main St, Johnstown, Ohio 43031 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Assistant Manager We want you to join our team as an Assistant Manager. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and create a career in management – look no further. As an assistant manager, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayPaid VacationsLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchPerformance and Incentive BonusesFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will assist the Store Manager with oversight of the Stationstore operations. You’ll help with hiring, supervising and working with the staff to accomplish daily tasks, bookkeeping and merchandising. You will help to maintain our high standards and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. Our food program has set the bar high and you’ll be executing that too. You care about your customers and set an example for the rest of your staff. You display a sense of urgency, patience and leadership. You’re good at: Leading a team of employees/managementRecruiting, interviewing, and hiringDelegation and follow-upTeaching and motivating othersPlanning and organizingCommunicating your plans and ideasCash-handling and bookkeepingProblem solvingAdvocating and empathizingSafety and Security Great if you have: Retail experienceSupervisor or management experienceRecruiting/hiring/interviewing skillsExperience handling foodHigh School/College Degree(s) Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
    • Full Time
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    Store 4705695: 8 N Main St, Johnstown, Ohio 43031 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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    Store 4703375: 6514 Preston Highway, Louisville, Kentucky 40213 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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    Store 4703361: 1114 US Highway 27 S, Cynthiana, Kentucky 41031 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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    Store 4703334: 630 (bypass Rd) River Ridge Plaza, Brandenburg, Kentucky 40108 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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    Store 4703320: 136 6th Ave, Dayton, Kentucky 41074 Availability - Shift/Days Flexible Availability Customer Service Representative We want you to join our team as a Customer Service Representative. If you have the desire to be challenged, work in a fast-paced, fun environment and to grow your career - look no further. As a Customer Service Representative, you will enjoy: Medical, Vision, Dental, & Life Insurance/Short & Long Term DisabilityFlexible SchedulesWeekly PayFull-Time or Part-TimeLarge, Stable EmployerFast Career OpportunitiesWork With Fun, Motivated PeopleTask VarietyPaid Comprehensive Training401K With a Competitive Company MatchFlexible Spending/Health Savings AccountsTuition Reimbursement Your key responsibilities: You will greet customers, run the register, cashier, make purchase suggestions and sometimes work with our food program. There is never a dull moment as you will be working around the store (inside and out) in many different areas to help maintain our high standards for store appearance and provide fast and friendly service to our customers. Provide regular and predicable onsite attendance. You will interact with many customers daily, all while working with a fun, energetic team accomplishing daily tasks around the store! You are good at: Selling products to customersProviding excellent customer careCommunication and friendly conversationPerforming at a quick pace while having funWorking as part of a team to accomplish daily goalsComing up with great ideas to solve problemsThinking quickly and offering suggestions Great if you have: Retail and customer service experienceSales associate or cashiering experienceHigh school diploma or equivalentMotivation to advance in your career!Willingness to learn and have fun! Physical Requirements: Ability to stand and/or walk for up to 8 hoursLift and/or carry up to 30 pounds from ground to overhead up to 30 minutes in a shiftOccasionally lift and/or carry up to 60 pounds from ground to waist levelPush/pull with arms up to a force of 20 poundsBend at the waist with some twisting up to one hour a shiftGrasp, reach and manipulate objects with hands. This handwork requires eye-hand coordination, and may require climbing a ladder to store and retrieve materials or place and remove signs Circle K is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Company complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) and all state and local disability laws. Applicants with disabilities may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the terms of the ADA and certain state or local laws as long as it does not impose an undue hardship on the Company. Please inform the Company’s Human Resources Representative if you need assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process. Click below to review information about our company's use of the federal E-Verify program to check work eligibility: In English In Spanish
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