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The Steward School


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From day one, The Steward School has made our family feel welcome. A strong sense of community flourishes throughout the campus. Our family has found a school that empowers our children to think outside the box, choose and tackle challenges with confidence, and set goals with affirmation. Our children love their school, and they have a love for learning!
At The Steward School, we recognize that choosing a school is not only about finding the right fit for your children today. It is also about preparing for the future. The right school will prepare students with the skills and experiences they will need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. At Steward, we understand that there is not only one path to success. Our students' possibilities are limitless.
To unleash those possibilities, we engage our students with lessons that pair strong academics with innovation opportunities and real-world understanding. Across the country, statistics show that student engagement plummets from 80% in elementary school to just 40% by the beginning of high school (Gallup Student Poll). However, The Steward School is defying that trend. Engagement is a core part of our Mission, which is to prepare our students for college and life in a community defined by robust academics, inspiration, engagement, and care.
Our intentionally sized school is large enough to provide the resources for students to explore their interests and curiosities across academics, athletics, and the arts concurrently and small enough to give them the personalized attention they need to pursue those interests. This environment helps shape today's students into the type of adults our world will need in the future.
Our Mission is to prepare our students for college and life in a community defined by robust academics, inspiration, engagement, and care. We foster personal accomplishment through effort. We expect our students to care for and respect one another, accept personal responsibility, and behave honorably. Steward's commitment to small class size ensures focus on each student's talents and passions. Students are required to articulate, share, and defend their opinions while considering their fellow students' views. We believe a diversity of talents, abilities, and cultures among our student body offers a rich and well-rounded educational experience. We value our sense of community, made possible by our commitment to a relatively small population.
The Steward School's educational philosophy expresses who we were founded to be, who we are, and whom we strive to become. While we value and celebrate traditional academic achievement and intellectual accomplishment, we believe that each child is an individual and should be treated as such. This is a more critical guiding principle than any linear scale.
We celebrate the fact that we have a student population of differing talents and abilities. The essence of the school's culture is rooted in the ethics of care–care for oneself, others, the school community, and a cause greater than oneself. Competition exists and is essential at Steward, as it is in college and life. Discovering the satisfaction that comes from becoming profoundly and thoroughly engaged and knowing that you are spending life in a meaningful way is an important life skill, regardless of whether one wins or loses.
At Steward, efforts are made to gauge the appropriate level of expectation and support for each student's individuality. Every child is unique. The importance of the individual — and treating each individual with the dignity to which they are entitled — is a theme that runs very deep in the Steward mission. Steward has an emotional commitment to preparing our students for new ways of thinking and innovations in the way we approach issues, the ways we value each other, and how we relate.
The use and integration of technology into learning is essential to student growth and development. Understanding and respecting differences are necessary to become fully educated. A genuine understanding of other cultures, histories, and how members of different cultures think and view the world is essential to a global society.
At Steward, balance is a core value, if not an essential element of all. To the extent that we discover the individual, recognize and honor all facets of that individual, and help him or her form self-respecting, meaningful. Rewarding relationships with the world, we will have succeeded. This is The Steward Way.
The Steward School has celebrated, nurtured, and supported each of our three children. Each brings their own individual academic, athletic, and social interests, strengths, and campus challenges. The faculty, staff, and administration have met them and us where they are and helped us all grow and shine. The Steward School is committed to helping students do more than acquire basic facts and skills. Steward provides a child-centered environment, which is appropriately focused on every child as a learner. Our goal is to give students how they can think, understand, and apply their knowledge in intellectual and practical problem-solving.

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