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Southwestern Oklahoma State University


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Welcome to Southwestern Oklahoma State University--a university known for its quality academic programs and its friendly service to students, alumni, and friends.

Located in the center of western Oklahoma, students may take classes on campuses in Weatherford and Sayre. Students may complete associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees while attending either the traditional on-campus classes or participating in distance-learning opportunities provided through state-of-the-art technology.

As a premier university responding to an ever-changing world, SWOSU will provide an environment for faculty, student and graduate success and public service through a variety of elements:

  • Innovative and accessible academic programs.
  • Student activities and opportunities.
  • Cultural inclusion and diversity.
  • Expanded international programs, opportunities for international students, and promotion of global awareness.
  • Community and private sector partnerships that benefit students, faculty, and staff, and the community.
  • Student and faculty research, scholarly, and creative activities expand bodies of knowledge and enhance life quality.
  • Activities and investments that promote ethical, intellectual, professional, and personal growth.
  • Promotion of university and community health and wellness.
  • Commitment to advancing and maintaining technologies that optimize university operations and classroom and student distance learning.
  • Management of our financial resources and the establishment of new avenues to support and preserve quality programs.
  • Expansion of alumni relations, recognition, partnerships, and support.

The mission of Southwestern Oklahoma State University, a member of the Regional University System of Oklahoma, is to provide educational opportunities, research, scholarly and creative activities, and service in a safe, accessible, nurturing learning environment that meets the needs of the state and region and contributes to the educational, economic, and cultural environment. SWOSU provides traditionally strong study programs leading to a variety of degrees, from associate to doctoral degrees. The University's areas of study, nationally accredited programs, general education curriculum, service, experiential learning activities, and participation in student activities and organizations provide students with opportunities to obtain skills, knowledge, and cultural appreciation that promote students' achievement alumni.

SWOSU understands that financing a college education today is challenging, but it does not have to be overwhelming. SWOSU is proud to pay out $30 million in student financial aid to over 70% of our student body. We want you to attend SWOSU, and we are happy to help you make it happen.

Financial aid for college opportunities is designed to supplement your or your family's contribution to the cost of education. While financial aid cannot replace family contributions, SWOSU is dedicated to creating a financial aid package that will meet your needs. For hard-working students in Oklahoma, financial aid can come in the form of scholarships. SWOSU offers scholarships based on academics, athletics, and a variety of other categories. SWOSU also accepts scholarships earned from foundations and organizations outside of SWOSU.

Whether through scholarships or financial aid, we are committed to making sure prospective students in Oklahoma. We worldwide have the financial help that they need to become part of our community.

We are delighted to have approximately 220 international students on our campus from around the globe. International students are valued members of the SWOSU community.

The mission of the Office of International Student Affairs (ISA) is to support international students throughout their relationship with SWOSU—from admission to graduation and beyond. Our goal is to work with each student for their personal, academic, and career success.

Service Learning can involve a short project, requiring one or two class sessions, or it may be deeply embedded in the course's curriculum, extending through the entire semester. Service Learning may be a required component or an optional one. Service Learning projects can occur within our immediate Weatherford community, the county, the entire western and central Oklahoma region, or the state. They can also occur when a class on the SWOSU campus helps another campus entity design the Service Learning brochure. Our program has a rather broad definition of "community!.

The Oklahoma Territorial Legislature Act established the University in 1901 as the Southwestern Normal School. The Normal School was authorized to offer two years of training and four years of preparatory work for students who were not qualified for college admission. The first classes met in 1903.

In 1920 the preparatory or academy courses were eliminated, and two additional years of college work were added. The state legislature approved a change of name to Southwestern State Teachers College. The first baccalaureate degrees were awarded in May 1921.

Other significant changes in name and purposes occurred in 1939 when the institution was designated as Southwestern State College of Diversified Occupations. In 1941, it became the Southwestern Institute of Technology when the college added a School of Pharmacy, degree work in the arts and sciences, and trade schools to its original function as a teacher-training institution.

In 1953 the University inaugurated an advanced professional program leading to the Master of a Teaching degree, now called the Master of Education degree. In 1974 the Oklahoma State Legislature changed the institution's name to Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU). In addition to the M. Ed. degree in 16 different fields of specialization, SWOSU offers the Master of Business Administration, the M. S. degrees in Management and School Psychology, the Master of Music degree, and its first professional doctorate program, the Doctor of Pharmacy.

On July 1, 1987, by an act of the Oklahoma Legislature, Sayre Junior College merged with Southwestern Oklahoma State University. This location, designated as Southwestern Oklahoma State University at Sayre, is 59 miles west of Weatherford.

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