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International Sakharov Environmental University


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International Sakharov College of Radioecology under Belarusian State University was established according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers.

At the present moment, ISEI BSU has more than 60 agreements of cooperation with foreign partners in education, science, and information exchange. Within the framework of these agreements, different scientific conferences are organized, joint research in ecology and renewable energy sources are conducted, and publications are issued.

ISEI BSU cooperates intensively with the offices of international organizations and programs operating on the territory of the Republic of Belarus: United Nations Office in Belarus, UNICEF in Belarus, UNESCO, German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and others. ISEI BSU also cooperates on a long-term basis within the Baltic University Program (Sweden).

SEI BSU participates in the implementation of projects within the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Institute actively cooperates with Meshchersky Science and Technology Center (Ryazan). ISEI BSU hosts international conferences, student competitions, roundtables, and pieces of training. Every year it hosts International Conference "Sakharov Readings: environmental problems of the 21stcentury" with experts and scientists from foreign countries.

One of the strategic objectives of ISEI BSU is the development of international relations, scientific cooperation and student exchange with foreign partners, and the expansion of interaction within the CIS as the primary organization in the sphere of environmental education. Since 2012, ISEI BSU has its branch in the Republic of Armenia (Yerevan) the branch trains specialists according to the education programs adopted in the Institute. ISEI BSU actively carries out activities in the field of international student exchanges.

With the International Atomic Energy Agency's support, ISEI BSU annually hosts regional Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources for representatives of the CIS, Central, and Eastern European countries.In recent years, ISEI BSU has intensified its efforts in searching for new prospective foreign partners. This fact contributed to the intellectual and material development of university science and education programs. International activity of ISEI BSU is aimed at ensuring closer and effective integration with the international university community, obtaining additional opportunities for accelerated development and competitive advantages.

The life of ISEI BSU students is exciting and creative. Student Club prepares students for participation in various competitions, festivals, and concert programs. Different celebrations are organized during the year. Based on Student Club, the following art groups are formed: Dance Studio «Chance» Club of the Cheerful and Sharp-Witted Vocal Studio ISEI BSU Support Group.

Youth organizations play a significant role in the student life of the Institute:

  • Primary Organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union is the association of initiative and energetic young people of our Institute The organization actively helps everyone to realize their creative potential and realize all kinds of ideas.
  • Primary Student Trade Union Organization is a public organization that unites students, undergraduates, and postgraduates of the Institute and implements the protection of socio-economic rights and legal interests of its members.
  • Guild of Students — the body of student self-government of ISEI BSU.

To meet the demand of consumers of educational services and additional attraction of extrabudgetary funds, on November 17, 2017, Director of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University approved the procedure for providing paid services by the Department of International Relations.

Paid services include:

  • Consideration of documents of foreign applicants to invite to study.
  • Issuance of an invitation to obtain a study visa of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Preparation of documents in English / Russian.
  • Certification of the finished translation.
  • Issuance of an additional copy (document in English, certified translation).
  • Advice and assistance in preparing documents to participate in paid study programs abroad.
  • Services of a personal mentor for the period of admission to the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU with a meeting at the airport.
  • Services of a personal mentor for the period of admission to the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU with a meeting at the railway station.
  • Services of a personal mentor for the period of admission to the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU.
  • Issuance of an additional copy of the contract.
  • A certificate confirming the payment of tuition fees to international students.
  • Execution of a package of copies of certain normative documents of the ISEU BSU certified following the established procedure.

Not more than 30 years ago, environmental education was not so crucial, not only in our country but in the world. However, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 dramatically changed the lives and consciousness of a significant part of the world's population. The tragedy in Belarus aggravated by the fact that the scale of the disaster could be assessed only professionals have the knowledge to work at the meeting point of different sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. The country was lack of such specialists.

In May 1991, within the framework of the United Nations International cooperation on Chernobyl issues, Associate Professor of the Chair of Nuclear Physics of Belarusian State University M. Ljutsko introduced the project of International Sakharov College of Radioecology. The project was supported by the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the I Congress of the memory of Andrei Sakharov.

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