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International University "MITSO"


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The International Law Competition "Youth for Peace" is one of the first events held within the United Nations Academic Impact initiative, which unites higher educational institutions with the United Nations Organization with the aim of support and promotion of the world-accepted principles related to human rights, literacy, sustainable development, and conflict resolution. The International Law Competition "Youth for Peace" is included in the National Commission's working plan for the IHL Implementation under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The main goal of "Youth for Peace" is to disseminate the idea of tolerance and intercultural dialogue conduct, demonstrating the importance of peaceful coexistence of nations. In 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus included "Youth for Peace" in the list of the most prestigious competitions in the field of international law in the Republic of Belarus.

Our mission is to give people who have trusted us, education of high quality as the best tool for building career and life. To create for the people who work with us, a unique opportunity for self-realization. Our goal is to become the most prestigious university in the country.

International University «MITSO» is one of the most prestigious universities in Belarus. Specialists in economics, management, law, and information technologies are trained at the International University. Schools of sciences in the spheres of law and economics are created and actively function at the university. Foreign citizens and stateless persons not residing at Belarus' territory have the right to get higher education:

  • for a fee by the international treaties
  • for a fee as a result of graduating from the preparatory department of the university
  • for a fee based on interviews to establish proficiency in the language in which the educational process is carried out.

The university trains specialists in the field of Economics, Management, Logistics, Law (both National and International), and Information Systems and Technologies.

All the necessary communication skills in social, cultural, and educational spheres a certificate of successful passing of the Russian language course.

At the university, you can also take a supplementary exam on the Russian language to get a language certificate ECL, recognized in the European countries for admission to university and employment.

International Law Competition "Youth for Peace" is an annual contest for students from different countries. The participants are expected to demonstrate excellent knowledge of international humanitarian law, international public law, and human rights law, as well as the ability to adapt to the changing environment. The Competition provides students with an opportunity to enrich and extend their knowledge in international humanitarian law through participation in the simulated armed conflict. In the previous eleven years, the Competition has seen student teams from more than 35 countries worldwide.

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