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Polotsk State University


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PSU is one of the largest research and education centers in the Vitebsk Region. Today PSU offers 45 study programs and has more than 10,000 undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. students. The university researchers have created and patented more than 1000 inventions. The university developments are patented in Belarus, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, the United States of America, Canada, Japan, and China. The University continues the traditions of the outstanding Belarusian enlighteners. The University is a partner of research and educational projects sponsored by the European Union.

Our mission is that 'We learn to master something new under conditions of uncertainty, solve non-standard tasks of the modern engineering, work in a team, appreciate the time, remember our roots and love Belarus.'

International cooperation has always been a priority for PSU. We tend to increase the effectiveness of cooperation with international partners, join best practices in the fields of study and research activities, provide competitiveness at the market of educational services and increase the international authority of the University as a regional center of higher education, science and culture.

The University provides all facilities for students who can spend their free time improving creative abilities, broadening horizons and the communication sphere, finding new friends. The mission of the student activity at PSU is to promote the realization of a youth initiative, raise social activity, and useful activities for the University and its students. Solo and choreographic studios, intellectual games club, and KVN, student theatre ART, are trendy among students at the University.

The main aim of the Preparatory department is to provide applicants' training for entrance exams, and successful study process at higher educational establishments, professional orientation according to a chosen program at Polotsk State University.

Preparatory that department includes full-time pre-university training, an introductory section for entrance exams, and nuclear testing. All forms of study at the Preparatory department are carried out based on payment.

International project activity contributes to the integration of the University into a global research and education area. It is a resource for solving the University's strategic tasks aimed at developing research and innovative activities, increasing education quality, and developing academic mobility.

Participation in international projects, implementation of joint scientific researches, and education projects can be conducted under bilateral agreements or as members of an international consortium.

Financing can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Direct financing from the Fund or the program.
  • With University co-financing.
  • Co-financing within programs of coordinated and joint contests, through Belarusian support mechanisms (BRFFR funds and others).
  • Grants for individuals.

The other services provided by Polotsk State University are:

  • Foreign language learning: We provide you with audio-visual facilities such as language labs with all the necessary equipment inside. Moreover, we share the most effective study and practice techniques and allow practicing a language with a native speaker. All you need to build speaking confidence and fluency is to make this breakthrough and join us!
  • Facilities for children: We allow your children to show themselves in creative activities, develop cognitive and logical abilities, attention, creative and logical thinking, memory, speech, and imagination
  • Food facilities: The dining halls at Polotsk State University are great places where you can enjoy appetizing meals and snacks, delicious pastries, and spend time with friends and colleagues.
  • Tourism services: The tourism and excursion center offers the excursions around the historical and architectural complex of the former Jesuit College in Polotsk and tourist trips around Belarus.
  • Sports facilities: Sports Club of Polotsk State University invites best city trainers and University lecturers to carry out the training process in the sports sections. There are ten sports groups in the Department of Physical Training and Sport: basketball (boys), sports aerobics, athletics, weightlifting, skiing, judo, table tennis, swimming, tourism.
  • High technology services Polotsk State University carries out different types of work like Development of design and Estimating documents for building constructions of the first and second responsibility levels. A detailed survey of building constructions includes flats during their redevelopment and Engineering and geological and geological investigation, etc.
  • Psychological centers: If you would like to develop and improve, effectively deal with interpersonal relations, solve life tasks, and find support and psychological help among experienced and skilled psychologists. Our staff is highly skilled specialists in the field of psychology. They hold individual consultations, and psychological training carries out psychological diagnostics, including individual programs for psychological correction.

The faculties at Polotsk State University are:

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
  • Faculty of Engineering Faculty
  • Faculty of Information Technology
  • Faculty of Finance and Economics
  • Faculty of Law

The volunteer center of Polotsk State University is a free-will student's and staff's union of the University who tends to carry out different voluntary activities. The volunteer center aims to improve a high moral standing among volunteers by promoting ideas of volunteer work for society and solving socially significant problems (due to participation in social, ecological, humanitarian, cultural, and educational projects and programs.)

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