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Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


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The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is a major regional university complex in Belarus, integrating all education levels. It is a big-scale scientific center of the region, a classical type university acknowledged by the international community.

The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno provides a variety of activities for students, which aim to consolidate the university community and help our students demonstrate their professional skills and participate in the public life of YKSUG.

Our foreign language courses are designed for people with different training levels: from beginners to those who already have some knowledge and want to improve them. You will master English, French, German and Italian with us.

The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno actively cooperates with universities and organizations of neighboring and far-abroad countries, such as Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Austria, Germany, Finland, Bulgaria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Norway, Latvia, Moldova, and Sri Lanka, within the framework of more than 140 international cooperation agreements.

Staff and students of YKSUG visit foreign universities and organizations to undergo training/internships, share experiences, give lectures, conduct research, and participate in international projects, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, cultural, sporting, and other events.

For the first time in 2015, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno held Russian Language Summer School. It brought together 26 participants from 9 countries, Poland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, and the USA. In addition to the Russian language classes, participants had an opportunity to enjoy fascinating excursions around Grodno and Belarus and also take part in meetings with local artisans who held workshops on traditional folk art for the guests.

In 2016 the holding of YKSUG Russian Language Summer School was planned from 1 to 21 August. Educational institution the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is the most critical scientific Center in Grodno region where highly qualified researches work. YKSUG has up-to-date analytical equipment for carrying out different kinds of research. Each year more than 200 scientific projects are carried out at the University, 60% of them have practical goals.

Over 140 projects of young researchers win on Republican Scientific Work Contest each year. Research results are used in the industry sector; more than 1000 articles are being published in around 600 foreign and local peer-reviewed scientific journals, including top-rated publications from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno provides a variety of activities for students, which are aimed to consolidate the university community and to help our students demonstrate their professional skills, as well as participate in the public life of YKSUG.

The Student Initiatives Center provides advisory, organizational, and informational support of students’ ideas and projects implementing and allows:

  • Realize ideas and projects.
  • Learn how to draw up project proposals and initiatives.
  • Find like-minded people, ready to engage in the preparation and implementation of students’ projects.
  • Obtain expert advice on the preparation and implementation of individual and group projects.

The Student Initiatives Center is always open to new ideas and projects. Any student, who is interested in the implementation of their initiatives (ideas, projects) and initiatives of other students based on their needs, can participate in the activities of the Center.High-quality, diversified, and available medical assistance is provided for the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in the Health Care Center.

The medical center activity is based on the achievements and experiences of modern science. Our specialists continually develop and improve their professional skills. The Health Care Center is a comfortable environment, helpful staff, convenient working hours, and individual approach to everyone who applies. Medical services for students of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are provided at exceptional prices. The Health care center is equipped with modern equipment that enables to provide quality medical assistance for everyone. Dentistry and massage are among the medical services. Individual massage techniques depending on the health status and problems for each client are selected in our Center.

For more than 20 years, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno is actively involved in managing international projects within Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, EU Cross-Border Cooperation programs, and others. The University proved itself an experienced, reliable partner, and it is always open for new international partnerships development and cooperation.

ALFA Educational Services is an official student recruiting representative at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. It provides recruiting of students from South-Eastern Asia, France, Great Britain, Israel as well as additional services including organization of students transfer to the place of study, pick-up service at the airport, meals for the first three days after arriving, help in medical examination and obtaining a temporary residence allowance in the Republic of Belarus, preparation of the admission documents, finding accommodation, adaptation to the living conditions in Belarus during the first school year and help in getting medical assistance.

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