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French School of Kuala Lumpur


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When it opened its doors in 1962, for a handful of students, the French School of Kuala Lumpur was generously accommodated in the premises of the Alliance Francaise and no one could imagine then the rapid development that it would experience. Today, the Lycee Francais of Kuala Lumpur accommodates around 800 students from the Kindergarten to Terminale in premises that have undergone several changes.
The mission of French schools abroad is to provide schooling for French children who move to Malaysia with their parents, but with the additional mission of enabling each child to achieve their full potential in a multi-cultural environment. Welcoming students of other nationalities and from other cultural origins, be they children from the host country or children of another nationality, is an undeniable asset for all students at our school.
The Lycee Henri Fauconnier has been affiliated with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) since 1990 and as such benefits from the expertise of educational professionals, who guarantee the quality of the education provided. The network of French schools abroad contracted to or in partnership with the AEFE, is unique in the world, as it enables each student to benefit from an education conforming rigorously to the curricula and spirit of the French educational system, as well as to the republican values embodied by it.
Our ambition is to prepare our students for the world of tomorrow so that they are better armed to face the challenges of the 21st century and become responsible and tolerant citizens. This objective is fully apparent in the cultural richness of the teaching offered to them.
Taking each student’s individuality into consideration is an indisputable factor in their success, which is why a personalized pedagogic relationship is one of our teaching priorities, and the educational personnel is ready to provide help and confidence to the students to accompany them in their learning and schooling. Finally, the collaboration between families, the pedagogic team, and the school’s administration is a necessity to make our investment, in serving your children, all the more efficient.

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