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Taipei Kuei Shan School


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Taipei Kuei Shan School (TKSS), fully accredited by the Taipei City Government Department of Education in the Republic of China, was established in August 1963 as a small private K-9 school and intended to be an experiment in Taiwan Education. The founder, Professor Hsiong Hui-Ying, believed that the large class size of 50 students was the root cause of many educational issues such as learning difficulties and misbehaviors. Thus, Taipei Kuei Shan School was conceived as a research project to investigate this hypothesis based on the possible benefits that could be gained from significantly reduced class sizes.
“The experiment design could be better. The test time could be longer. Although there are many shortcomings, with a strong desire and much effort, I’ve conducted a revolution-like attempt to the traditional teaching methods….” Taipei Kuei Shan School recognizes each child will grow into an individual made in the image of God. Our educational practices aim to foster self-worth as well as respect for others, are guided by proven effective methods, and are conducted in a student-oriented style. As a result of such nurturing, the unique gifts of each child can be developed into maturity. Taipei Kuei Shan School is a Christ-centered community where students have opportunities to know God, follow Him, and strive to live uprightly in a way He would approve. Our mission is to educate the whole person and develop life-long learners who are equipped to become knowledgeable and critical thinkers, effective communicators, responsible and engaged world citizens, virtuous servant-leaders, and enthusiastic stewards to serve one another, their community, Taiwan, and the world. Inspiring students to impact the world inspiring students to reach their greatest promise.
Who are knowledgeable, critical thinkers, and independent learners? who are skilled questioners: able to define problems, determine what information to seek, and where to find it. who use technology appropriately to help solve problems. Beginning the fall semester of 2002, a Chinese-English bilingual program was launched starting with the 1st and 2nd grades. Keeping with the Kuei Shan tradition of experimental learning coupled with optimizing student learning, the new bilingual program aimed not only to provide an exceptional English literacy curriculum but to build upon the principles that had served Kuei Shan so well throughout its long history.

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