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Intercultural School Bogor


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Welcome to ISB, one of the oldest and most prestigious schools in the region wholly committed to providing truly international education. Established in 1974 we have been the school of choice for expatriate families and since 1998 have welcomed Indonesian families, giving all our students an authentic multicultural learning experience.
We provide a quality education where each child is respected and valued as an individual. We have a staff/pupil ratio that many schools could only wish for. Our curriculum is flexible and ensures that students are motivated to learn in a safe and supportive atmosphere.
We are authorized by the International Baccalaureate Association to implement the Primary Years (PYP) curriculum and for Middle School (grades 6 to 8), we implement the International Middle Years Curriculum both recognized throughout the world. Our international teachers are highly experienced in teaching these programs and take pride in delivering a meaningful and engaging curriculum that promotes intercultural understanding, environmental stewardship, and a strong sense of community service.
Our school has long been planning with an eye on the future. This document is a result of many hours of deliberation on the part of all members of the community and drives everything that we do here at ISB.
We provide educational excellence in a supportive community environment, preparing our students to thrive and succeed as responsible global citizens in a changing world.
The Intercultural School of Bogor was originally founded in 1974 as the Bogor Expatriate School (BES) to educate children of the international community. Thanks to new regulations, in 1998 we opened our doors to Indonesian families and changed our name to reflect the truly multicultural learning environment that we provide.
ISB became a member of the East Asian Regional Conference of Schools (EARCOS) in 1976 and the same year was registered as a Yayasan. As a non-profit organization, the school is governed and administered by a 3-tier board of directors consisting of present and past members of the school community, thereby ensuring that the interests of the children and the school are always at the forefront of the agenda.
For 40 years, ISB has had a history of delivering quality schooling and childcare in our community. We recognize that the parent is the child’s first educator and as such we aim to establish good links with parents and families, to ensure the best outcomes for your child. Our teaching methods emphasize key skills for the 21st century so that our students can get ahead in a rapidly changing world.

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