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Highgate House School


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Highgate House School was established in 1992 in Repulse Bay for the founders’ children. In 2001, Julie Lam, a founder member, brought the philosophy of Steiner Waldorf education to Hong Kong by introducing some of the basic principles into the school and with additional groups for younger children. Following the set up of a teacher training program, the International Kindergarten Association accredited the school as a Steiner Waldorf Kindergarten in 2003.
There is a recognized need amongst child development experts for pre-school education to provide a more age-appropriate curriculum. Children today, particularly in major cities, can be pushed too far beyond their capabilities and this adversely affects healthy development. Stress is often expressed through social and emotional difficulties that halt effective learning. It is a case of “Too Much, Too Soon!” *. On the other hand, research shows that children with well-developed social and emotional skills can learn better in all areas and this is the key to a happier and more successful life.
we provide the time and space to be supported with relevant information and the latest insights on early childhood development. We encourage a sharing and exchange of ideas to help integrate the child’s first experience of education as a natural progression from home. Highgate House provides a stable bridge from home to the more formal environment of primary school.
We are delighted to offer a library and lounge area for learning and sharing ideas on child development and parenting. We have provided this comfortable workshop space with an open plan kitchen located by the Parent and Baby/Child ‘Blossom Room’ on the ground floor. Parents are welcome to sign up for workshops, for class parent coffee mornings, or book clubs. We also have a private consultation room for appointments with parent relations staff or for counseling sessions as well as one-to-one parent workshops as required.
Our team of experienced and enthusiastic staff is dedicated to providing the optimal learning environment for young children. All staff members are carefully chosen. Each has the special qualities needed to nurture and care for children. Each model love, trust, empathy, and peaceful communication. As adults, we are aware that working on our personal development is crucial and meet once a week for educational training sessions as well as gathering for both weekly class and whole school meetings. We value regular and open communication with parents and arrange group parent-teacher sessions to provide more information about the educational philosophy as well as individual consultations.

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