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ESF Island School


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Island School has a very distinctive approach to schooling which has generated outstanding success over a long period. Our focus is on igniting a passion for learning in every student. Giving students facts is no longer enough for them to succeed post-sixteen. Our role as teachers is to show students how they can problem-solve, question, and think creatively with new concepts and ideas. We encourage students to become resourceful, adaptable, and confident learners.
Students are encouraged to form their own opinions which they can elucidate and defend, as their decision-making will be the result of research and reflection. In other words, opinions should result from learning. Holding strong opinions does not conflict with the understanding that others hold different strong opinions.
Students gain confidence by setting goals they can realize, goals that challenge them to cross boundaries to achieve. Learning is about experimenting, making mistakes, and being supported through the process to increase knowledge and understanding. Students should be focused on what they can do not what they cannot do.
Our international environment demands a social, cultural, and political learning process from our students. We want students to be aware of the world and their responsibilities in it, and they must learn to respect the differences of others and their opinions. By cultivating empathy and awareness students will understand how they can improve the lives of others.
Mutual respect leads to a higher quality of learning and students learn respect by being shown respect. At Island, School respect is driven by a culture of genuine caring and concern for oneself and others. Teachers are role models, as are parents and other students. A culture based on caring ensures that students feel comfortable, safe, and valued in our school community.
Island School is situated on a site on Hong Kong Island overlooking Victoria Harbour. The school building consists of seven blocks grouped around three playgrounds. One is the Hall block with a School Hall, an indoor Sports Hall, Drama Studios, and a Library. Another is devoted to Science teaching and a third to specialist rooms for Music, Art, Design, and Technology, and Food and Textiles Technology. The remaining three blocks furnish the school with its standard teaching rooms. In addition, there is a swimming pool and an artificial astroturf pitch. All classrooms are fitted with the latest interactive and digital facilities served by broadband and wireless network. There is a dedicated study facility and common room for Year 12 and 13 students. There is a medical room monitored by a health professional. And there is a uniform shop and a bookshop run by the PTA.
Our success is possible due to the talented people who share our passion for education and our commitment to being the best. We believe in investing in our employees’ careers, supporting them to explore their interests and expand their horizons across different areas and roles.

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