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Amity College Auburn Campus


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The Amity College primary curriculum follows the requirements of the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) and is designed to:

  • Equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to build a strong foundation for their learning
  • Give students a strong start in literacy through a range of intervention programs
  • Encourage each student to achieve at their highest level in a range of subjects
  • Develop academic, artistic, musical, naturalist, and sporting intelligence
  • Equip each student with knowledge of a language other than English
  • Develop moral values and attitudes

Learning experiences in all KLAs are designed to be authentic and meaningful, enabling students to develop higher-order thinking skills through the incorporation of inquiry-based learning, and creative and critical thinking skills.

Teaching and learning programs are differentiated to cater to all learners, including adjustments and extensions to enable all students to work to their ability. In addition, a range of additional support and/or enrichment programs are available at Amity College. These include MiniLit, an early intervention literacy program, MultiLit (Reading Tutor), EAL/D, and Enrichment Programs. ICTs are integrated across all KLA’s through the use of interactive whiteboards in all classrooms as well as student use of the computer lab each week. In addition to this, a set of iPad’s is available on each campus to further integrate ICT into student learning.

Thus, the primary curriculum provides the building blocks for our students to become confident and successful learners, and active, informed citizens. Students in Years 1-6 are allowed to choose from a range of elective activities on offer, including the Kitchen Garden program, folk dancing, music, art/craft, and sports. Students also have the option to participate in the school choir or music group, as well as after-school folk dancing and music lessons. To ensure a smoother transition from primary to high school, the Year 6 curriculum is delivered by different teachers. This ensures that students are accustomed to the high school structure and how the curriculum is delivered.

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