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Ysgol Greenhill School


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2017 has been a year of challenge and change for our school. In December we appointed our new headteacher, who has already been actively working with us on our Post Inspection Action Plan and School Development Plan over the past weeks and months. Mr. McGovern will be joining us in September. In March we received our Individual School Budget and from this, it is clear that challenge and change will remain part of the school’s landscape for some time. With this in mind and with the end of the summer term fast approaching, we thought parents and colleagues would welcome more information about ‘where we are and the ‘road ahead’. So in the spirit of openness, in the knowledge that there will continue to be things that are unknown to us at this point and therefore the need to remain responsive this will be our direction of travel.

Despite the need for financial prudence, we will be raising our expectations at Greenhill with immediate effect. If we wait until the beginning of the next academic year, there will be a missed opportunity in the remaining seven weeks of the summer term 2017. Therefore, the next academic year will begin on Monday 5th June 2017. Each year group will move up, for example, year 7 moving to year 8 with a new Head of Year Mrs. Rapi and year 9 will graduate to the upper school and begin their G.C.S.E’s. To ensure we realize our potential our expectations will create a school where:

  • Everyone performs to the very best of their ability in everything that they do, each time seeking to improve on their previous performance.
  • Our community actively respects and supports each other, where equality and dignity are the norms and where diversity is embraced and nurtured as something that enriches us.
  • Staff is unrelenting in their expectation for high standards, and consistent in the application of our standards.
  • Pupils work cooperatively and collaboratively with staff, taking direction from their teachers, and taking responsibility for their learning and behavior.
  • Our behaviors and attitudes seek to enrich our school community the individual, those around them, and the environment in which we live and work
  • Parents actively support the goals and expectations of the school.

Taking every opportunity they can to contribute to making the school an exceptional community of learning. Ultimately, as a community of learning, we should all embrace the opportunity to learn. Not because this will lead solely to a life of useful work but for its own sake. Education and a passion for learning can enrich and transform our lives, our chances, and our choices. Making the world the better for our being in it and the contribution we can make to it. We can think of no one who has been diminished as the result of being well educated and whilst there are challenges ahead if we are relentless and unapologetic in our endeavors to achieve excellence. There is nothing we cannot overcome or achieve together.

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