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Wimbledon High School


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School years are a journey of discovery – outward and inward – and we revel in that adventure. Take a look around our site to find out more about our teaching and learning in Juniors, Seniors, and Sixth Form, our exam results, the friendly community you would be joining, and the many opportunities for enrichment and fun that you would have.
Life in our Junior School has often been full of such excitement since we introduced our creative curriculum. Year 2, in this case, will unearth the mythologies surrounding fire and will discover something new about science, the arts, history, and geography under this theme. We tap into children’s natural curiosity and creativity, encouraging their imaginations to flow and their descriptions of what they are experiencing to become ever more elaborate. This, alongside teaching core skills of numeracy and literacy, brings outstanding academic achievement and, just as importantly, a joy of learning that will be with Wimbledon High girls for life. An education here brings the opportunity for music, art, dance, sports, and a whole host of enriching co-curricular activities, with girls enjoying the use of our whole school facilities. In a selective school, we assess girls for entry into Reception and Year 3.
It’s an exciting time and one where you, girls, are starting to make things happen for yourselves. You will be curious, inquisitive about the world, and flexible in adapting to challenge and change. WHS is a warm and caring community, with teachers who will help set you on the path to success.
Our job in the Sixth Form is to nurture and support the whole of you. Support is a keyword: our Sixth Formers tell us again and again that they regard Sixth Form as their extended family. You will receive advice about university choices and the professions you might enter as well as gain practical experience in preparing for the world after school.
It is the community that is challenging and intellectually exciting. Our combination of outstanding teaching and the unique, individually tailored Inspire program will set you up to become one of the next generations of experts and leaders, striding out to take on whatever the world has to throw at you. Universities value the depth of knowledge A levels bring and we believe you will enjoy the flexibility of being able to play to your strengths in your choice of subjects. Within your scheduled weekly timetable, independent study periods will be built in, so you will learn about the importance of carrying out your research and managing your time to allow plenty of opportunity for enrichment. Inspire pulls together strands of PSHE, Tutorial Support, PE, Enrichment, Open Mind and EPQ, essentials, Striding Out, and Student Leadership - all to bring breadth and balance to your Sixth Form experience. As you consider 3 or 4 A-level courses, you will receive lots of individually tailored advice about combinations of subjects, workloads, and the expectations of universities. Our Sixth Form offers one-to-one tutorials, where tutors get to know students well and help ensure you are working independently and getting the most out of your Sixth Form years. Many students do an Extended Project Qualification.
All students are screened within a year of joining the school. If learning difficulties are identified, our Learning Support Co-ordinator will make recommendations to help the student and her parents - we very much encourage a dialogue between home and school - and will advise staff on specific teaching strategies. Form teachers and Heads of Year work together with the Learning Support Co-ordinator to form a network of support and concern, encouraging students and monitoring their progress.
A Library is a place where girls can rest and reflect, a place to serendipitously browse the shelves, engage with online learning, and explore the world of scholarship and independent study. Open throughout the day, the library is a shared space where students from Year 7- 13 work alongside one another, supporting each other in their work and discussing book recommendations and favorite reads. Alongside the physical collection of books, magazines, and DVDs, our library extends far beyond the room, with a growing collection of online resources, a library without walls, that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
Working closely with the English department, the library hosts lessons for girls in Years 7 to 8, to support their studies and encourage them to make the most of what the library offers. For older students, the library provides resources and advice on conducting independent research and encourages intellectual curiosity in a quiet and purposeful environment.

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