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The Mulberry House School


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Welcome to The Mulberry House School, a mixed pre-prep school located in West Hampstead. We are friendly and welcoming, offering excellent care, guidance, and support, along with high standards of behavior and academic achievement. You will notice from the ISI inspection report that the standard of care and education at the school is Outstanding.
When you enter Mulberry House School you will be entering an exciting, vibrant school that embraces creativity. We believe in preparing children for the future, encouraging independent thinking and resilience. We aim to provide the highest quality education for all in a caring, supportive and inclusive learning environment. We ensure high-quality teaching and learning opportunities, that enable all pupils to thrive and achieve their very best.
The school successfully prepares children for the next stage of school. We have excellent links with schools such as North London Collegiate, Haberdashers’ Aske’s (Boys and Girls), South Hampstead High School, City of London School for Girls, University College School, Highgate, Belmont, Latymer, Colet Court, and Wetherby. I hope very much that you will attend an open evening to find out more.
The Mulberry House School was established in 1989 at number 7 Minster Road. In 1995 the second school building was acquired and is now the center for older children. The Mulberry House School curriculum is underpinned by the high expectations of all children. We teach children from two years old in a stimulating, creative, and nurturing learning environment. As children move through the school they are met with increasing challenges and motivation to learn. Teachers facilitate learning, supporting active learning and challenge.
We aim to develop within each child a love of learning. We offer a planned and challenging education that is designed to enhance their emotional, intellectual and physical development while preparing them for entrance to the next stage of schooling. We strive to ensure that each child’s full academic potential is realized while individual talents are nurtured.
The curriculum is designed to be appropriate to the age of the children and to meet their individual needs. During their time at school the children will have experience of literacy (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), mathematics, personal, social, and emotional education, citizenship, science, design and technology, art and craft, geography, history, drama, music, cookery, nutrition, physical education, information, and communication technology and Mandarin. Educational visits are an integral part of the curriculum.
For the younger children, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum in line with Sure Start (a framework to support children in their earliest years) and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage. Once the children are of statutory school age we are guided by the Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum.
“We reach high to be the people we want to be, respect ourselves and others and enjoy each new challenge”

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