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St Margaret's Church of England Academy


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St Margaret’s is undoubtedly a very special place. It certainly seems to inspire a deep loyalty from pupils, parents, and members.
The values we hold are unashamedly Christian values, for St Margaret’s is a Church of England Academy – and that faith in God, and commitment to service, is deeply ingrained in everything we do.
So we are proud of our Volunteering scheme. We are proud of our incredible range of extra-curricular activities (described as “outstanding” by Ofsted), and the superb opportunities we can offer our youngsters. It’s our dedication that enables that to happen. We are proud of the fact that so many ex-pupils have gone on to make a significant contribution to life in our great City and beyond, in so many different fields – and that so many of them are still keen to keep in touch and “put something back” into our school.
And of course, we are proud of the high standards of learning here, of consistently strong GCSE results, and of our large, thriving Sixth Form (part of “The Faiths” Partnership with other local schools). We’re equally proud of the high standards of teaching.
Our Academy Mission Statement: "Inspired by the knowledge and love of God we all come together to learn in a Christian community where we are valued for who we are and who we could become".
It is intended that education at St Margaret’s should be both life-lasting and life-enhancing. Our mission statement focuses on the work and the life of the school which takes place in an orderly atmosphere where self-discipline, mutual respect, and the welfare of each individual are greatly valued. Importance is given to regular worship, religious education in the classroom, and the general presentation of Christianity in the school family.
The school presents the teachings of Our Lord but recognizes that commitment is a matter which must be left to each individual. We regard the school as an extension of the family. We want everyone to enjoy their time with us, to be proud of their school, and to uphold the principles that underpin a Christian School.
As an Academy, we have adopted 8 Christian values which we feel are the basis of our community: Compassion, Endurance, Forgiveness, Friendship, Justice, Peace, Trust, Wisdom.
Education is not just about academic learning it is about personal development too. As we work together, we expect that a good working relationship, and FRIENDSHIPs, will develop, between students as well as between members of staff.
All boys joining the school in Year 7 have the opportunity to study English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Religious Education, Physical Education, Art, Music, and Information Technology.
They will also have a program on Learning for Life. During Year 9, boys are guided into a choice of subjects for their GCSE courses.
They will also have a program of Learning for Life. Those students who have studied two languages in Year 7 will continue to do so in Years 8 and 9. During Year 9, boys are guided into a choice of subjects for their GCSE courses.
At present, the subjects studied at Key Stage 4 are English, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Core and Additional) or the three separate sciences - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Education, ICT and a choice from the following options subjects: Art, Business Studies, Computing, Design and Technology (GCSE and BTEC), Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, ICT (Double Award), Music, Photography or Physical Education (GCSE). In addition, a program of Learning for Life, including Citizenship, Sex Education, Careers Education, and Work-Related Learning and Enterprise Education and PE and Games are taken by all boys. St Margaret’s takes a cross-curricular approach, building on content in existing National Curriculum subject areas and extending Citizenship concepts in specific Learning for Life lessons.
As you may be aware, St Margaret’s is an 11-18 Church of England Academy we have long had an excellent reputation both for our work with 11- to 16-year-olds, and for our work in the Sixth Form with older students. We are fortunate to have many good and outstanding teachers working here – and that is the main reason why so many of our Sixth Form students achieve so highly and go on to land top jobs, or to realize their ambitions to study at top Universities.
Our Sixth Form is, in many ways, an ideal size. It is small enough for us to get to know you individually. Yet our Sixth Form is also large enough to be able to offer a wide range of courses – a range of courses that is even larger thanks to our long-established collaborative links with three top Liverpool schools, Archbishop Blanch, Bellerive, and St Hilda’s.

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