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Southwark Park Primary School


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We are proud of our school and of the difference we make to the life and the future of our community. We aim to provide a stimulating, happy and caring atmosphere where our children can learn and develop. We want each child to achieve their potential and to grow as an individual.

We have been a community school since 1872. We take pride in being a friendly, caring, and welcoming community. We believe very strongly that when children leave our school they should be confident, kind, and tolerant individuals who have achieved their full potential academically and retain a love of and excitement in learning.

At Southwark Park, we aim to provide a rich, engaging curriculum for all children. We will continue to embed the new curriculum and strengthen the quality of provision this year, particularly around promoting British Values.

We believe that learning is a lifelong process and should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone it should be fun. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills, knowledge, and understanding they need to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives.

We aim to engage children in a stimulating, rewarding, and challenging environment with high-quality teaching through which to foster:

  • Children who have a keen sense of their progress, take pride in achievement, and have a desire to succeed, seeing themselves as having limitless possibilities in their learning.
  • Children who are literate and numerate
  • Enquiring, active minds that are excited by learning and want to learn more each day.
  • Attitudes to learning so that children enjoy a challenge, cope confidently with risk and failure, have the stamina and resilience to keep going, and see mistakes as something to learn from.
  • Children who are independent and confident in their approach to learning, who persevere in their determination to be successful and make learning their own.
  • Children who are flexible and able to support and cooperate with others, and understand the importance of nurturing good relationships.
  • Imagination and creative expression through a wide range of media.
  • Conscientious and responsible young citizens of our diverse society who are tolerant and respect others’ values.
  • Effective links between the school, the child’s home, and the community encourage aspiration and high expectations.

To start the year the children will start by telling us all about themselves, sharing the things they like to eat, their favorite colors, and books too. We will also be making portraits of ourselves and our families. We will also be reading about a very mischievous dog, who can’t help but make a mess!

In Reception, we continue to teach the children through play. Following the Early Years curriculum, we can offer your children a broad spectrum of learning opportunities. In our classes, the children are encouraged to become independent learners and are provided with opportunities to grow and develop in confidence. We plan and implement highly engaging sessions, which inspire the children to become well-rounded motivated individuals.

The children are then able to build upon their learning, by participating in a wide range of activities, including daily writing, reading, and maths exercises. We follow the CLPE Power of Reading scheme, which places high-quality books at the center of all learning. To create a sense of excitement, we do not tell the children the books that they are reading! This helps to create a highly immersive setting where the children are transported to the world of the books.

We use the “Letters and Sounds” phonics program to deliver systematic phonics lessons with the aim that the children become fluent readers by age seven. The children are taught how to decode text by segmenting words into phonemes (the smallest units of sound) and then blending them into words. Children then use this knowledge to segment words when spelling. At Southwark Park, we embed a consistent whole-school approach which is supported by scheduled assessment, targeted interventions, and commitment to pace and rigor. We continue to ensure children use strategies and strengthen their spelling capability as they progress into KS2.

Phonics is taught every day in Early Years and Key Stage 1 using the “Letters and Sounds” teaching program.

Forest School is part of a holistic approach to learning which closely fits with our Early Years provision. Through physical, emotional, and intellectual experiences, the children are allowed to learn and develop within a woodland setting.

The ethos of Forest School is based on a respect for children and their capacity to the initiative, investigate and maintain curiosity in the world around them.

Children will learn and acquire important life skills that will support and enhance the learning taking place in the classroom. Children will also learn a great deal about the natural environment, what can be found there, its uses, and how it should be cared for.

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