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Sladefield Infant School


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At Sladefield Infant School we aim to give children a happy and confident start by welcoming both children and parents to our Induction Programme this includes a varied range of activities in the summer term, to prepare the children for the big and exciting event of starting school. In September, the Reception children begin school on a part-time basis initially, to settle them quickly and to develop good relationships.

We are sure you will agree with our values which underpin everything that we do at Sladefield.

  • Achievement
  • Commitment
  • Community
  • Respect
  • Equality
  • Friendship
  • Caring
  • Enjoyment
  • Trust
  • Excellence
  • Responsibility

At Sladefield Infant School the promotion of SMSC and British values is not something new and the promotion of these values is in much of what we do. This starts with our school Values and Ethos and permeates right the way through the curriculum into every part of the school day. As well as actively promoting British Values and the development of SMSC the opposite also applies: we challenge pupils, staff, and parents/carers where opinions and behaviors which are contrary to these values are shown.

Many pupils at Sladefield Infant School have a very limited personal experience of other cultures and faiths, therefore we feel that it is essential that we promote diversity and broaden our pupils’ experiences. We celebrate and learn about the differences between the diverse communities in Britain but always with a focus on what also makes us similar. Evidence of prejudice is challenged and dealt with and we have a comprehensive RE and PSHE curriculum which explores and gives value to the difference in detail.

Sladefield Infant School is known in the community as a happy and caring school. We believe that all individuals within our school should feel valued and able to contribute to the well-being of the school. We want our children to know how to behave well towards each other, their teachers, their parents, and other adults and have respect for other people's property.

Sladefield Infant School believes that children’s behavior and success in learning are intrinsically linked. Our school focuses on improving attitudes and behaviors that lead to a positive climate for learning which is underpinned by high-quality teaching, a stimulating learning environment, and culture of praise, recognition, and self-discipline. At Sladefield Infant School, we aim to provide a working environment where all members of the school community feel safe and secure. The policy aims to ensure this is achieved and aims to maintain the high quality of pupil behavior in our setting.

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