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Rhodes Avenue Primary School


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Rhodes Avenue Primary is a very special school where our children are at the heart of all we do. We are a center of high aspirations, which celebrates all levels and genres of achievement. We are a school that promotes optimism and develops self-belief, ambition, and challenge across the curriculum, within an inclusive environment.
Our school aims are to promote a love of knowledge and understanding in all our children and the confidence to take risks with their learning. We celebrate individuality and diversity through a broad and rich curriculum, in conjunction with teaching social and moral values concerned with the good of society, the environment, and the global community. This helps to develop empathy, mutual respect, tolerance, social justice, and the importance of loving relationships and family diversity.
The school’s ethos and values support parents and families in raising children who will grow to become responsible adults, ready to meet the demands of a fast-moving world, whilst treasuring the awe, wonder, and magic of childhood. We support our pupils to grow – but not too fast.
As a school, we embrace our pivotal role in the community that we serve and acknowledge the importance of contributing to the wider society beyond the school gates. Both individually and collectively, the school understands its role and consequent responsibilities as citizens, within Rhodes Avenue Primary School and also within our local environment and wider communities – both physical and virtual. The school aims to ensure that its pupils develop as global citizens so that they can seize and shape the world that awaits them.
Rhodes Avenue Primary School strives to provide the best in primary education. Working in partnership with pupils, continue to pursue excellence in all aspects of school life. Our aim is for all children to enjoy learning, and to achieve success in a healthy, happy, and inclusive environment.
Rhodes Avenue School benefits from spacious grounds and outdoor spaces. The children are accommodated in a range of buildings: the Foundation Stage building for the full-time nursery and reception children, the Key Stage 1 building for Years 1 and 2, and the Key Stage 2 building for Years 3 to 6. We also have two additional buildings that provide the following facilities – a media/computing suite, an art room, a dedicated music space.
At Rhodes Avenue, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils, including the ablest, those with special educational needs, and for children for whom English is an additional language.
Our curriculum covers the requirements of the latest National Curriculum (2015) through exciting topics which offer all pupils an engaging and stimulating learning experience.
Each half-term topic has a History, Geography, or RE focus. Music, Art, Design Technology, and Drama are linked to the topic as are Computing, English, and French where applicable. Mathematics, Science, and Physical Education are taught discreetly unless there are obvious connections to the overall class topic.
Safeguarding is a preventative agenda that helps children to achieve their full potential, regardless of negative factors such as poverty or social exclusion, by providing services and support to overcome barriers to achievement.
Rhodes Avenue recognizes that pupils may face many barriers to learning that may affect their prospects in later life. The school will safeguard and promote pupils’ welfare by focusing on preventative actions and services so that all pupils can fulfill their potential. Rhodes Avenue will promote pupils’ health by educating them on healthy diets and lifestyles, using the healthy school's program and through school policy, for example, E-safety, Behaviour for Learning, Sex and Relationships Education, Drugs Education and Anti-bullying.
Rhodes Avenue will work closely with health professionals to monitor pupils’ health and ensure that pupils with health needs receive the extra support they need to fully participate in education.
Rhodes Avenue serves part of Wood Green, close to Alexandra Palace and Muswell Hill. The school has a very stable community (94.2% stability),* pupil mobility is low. The school’s proportion of ethnic minority pupils (45%)* is higher than the national average and also pupils whose first language is believed not to be English (26%)* is greater than the national figure (21%)*. The percentage of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) is 3%. much lower than the national picture (24%)*. Following a successful expansion, the school is now three forms of entry with 693 pupils on the school roll.

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