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Marion Richardson Primary School


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Marion Richardson Primary School is a happy, safe and successful place of learning and we are committed to building a long and productive relationship with you. We are committed to excellence in as many fields as possible and we believe this is best achieved when we all work together in partnership.
We aim to give your child every opportunity to achieve the highest possible standards in everything they do. We are committed to offering an exciting and creative curriculum with a wealth of different experiences and opportunities to learn and flourish. We expect the highest standards of behavior from our pupils and a commitment from pupils to try as hard as they can in any given field. In return, we will provide many opportunities for trips, sporting activities, the arts as well supporting your children to achieve academic excellence.
We have a deeply held set of values shown in our school vision statement. Particularly, we believe that children need to leave our school with skills in reading, writing and maths skills that will equip them well for the next stage in their education as well as in life beyond school. Our aim is that children at Marion Richardson Primary School will become confident, lifelong learners. We have strong parental groups, workshops, trips, and social activities to support you – the parents and carers – in supporting your child in the best way possible.
Marion Richardson is an inclusive school. We aim to foster a school culture of respect and belonging so that all children can learn about themselves and accept individual differences. We are committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education for all our children. As an inclusive school, we have high aspirations and expectations for all children to achieve their best and become confident young adults that lead happy and fulfilling lives. Our school is part of a rich and diverse community that aims to respond to learners in ways that take into account their varied life experiences and needs. We are a happy, caring school that endeavors to overcome any barriers to learning to ensure full participation in school life.
At Marion Richardson, we teach units from the International Primary Curriculum. This is a cross-curricular, thematic approach, consistent with recognized good practice. In our curriculum planning, we always endeavor to ensure that activities are matched to the individual needs, development, and ability of the children.

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