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Maple Walk School


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At Maple Walk Prep School, we consider the relationship between school and parents to be very important. It is an invaluable partnership with the common goal of seeking to achieve the best for the children in terms of stimuli, challenges, experiences, and positive achievement. An open policy of reporting and dialogue is essential.
Our aim is that children leave Maple Walk confident and articulate, with the knowledge that they have achieved their academic and personal potential with an excellent work ethic, ready for the next phase of their education.
To provide first-class education at the lowest sustainable cost. Setting high expectations for each child’s individual learning and development. Using a knowledge-based approach in preparing children both for public examinations and for the rest of their life. Using a not-for-profit ethos and a model for running schools makes us as affordable as we can be to as many people as possible.
Our values derive from a broadly Christian ethos, with obligations of courtesy, helpfulness, and openness. Starting with strong foundations in literacy and numeracy, to instill a love of learning in children through an inspiring and broad curriculum. To teach pupils in a way that allows them to fulfill their potential and to grow towards maturity and self-confidence. To instill habits of effective learning and good behavior at an early age. To deliver value for money and maintain strong links with our parent body. To nurture and inspire.
Maple Walk Prep was founded in 2004 by the New Model School Company. The aim was to give parents a greater choice by providing a first-class traditional education with a focus on developing a positive attitude to learning.
The NMS aim is to provide rigorous and effective teaching at a low fee, to bring independent schooling within the means of more parents.
The NMS focus is on excellence in the knowledge-based teaching of the core subjects of English and Maths, plus excellence in all other subjects including Science, Language, History, and Geography. All our children also enjoy Drama, Art, Music, and Sport.
NMS currently runs two low-fee independent primary schools in London.
Maple Walk is a new, inspiring, innovative, and practical space that incorporates a host of eco-credentials, making it a fun environment in which to learn and play.
Inside we have just what we need:12 classrooms, a multi-purpose hall, a creative arts space, and administrative offices and storage. All classes have an interactive whiteboard. Outside there is an all-weather soft surface for play and a climbing wall. Also, the Reception class area is separated to allow free flow outside play with a Wendy house, sand and water play, and bikes. A more reflective area has been created on the upper playground for children to gather in small groups to chat or read.
To extend opportunities for outside play and sport, the children make extensive use of the nearby Roundwood Park. In the Upper School, pupils use the park at least twice a week for PE. In the summer months, the whole school regularly visits the park for picnic lunches.
Maple Walk is housed in purpose-built accommodation and comes with a host of eco-credentials, including a ground source heat pump for our heating and hot water, solar PV panels for electricity, and a growing sedum roof to attract local wildlife.
In 2014 we launched Core Knowledge, a comprehensive and new knowledge-based curriculum, which has been adapted over several years by the research group Civitas from the US original, devised by ED Hirsch. The new Primary National Curriculum (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) is inspired by the Hirsch approach. Core Knowledge goes beyond the limits of the National Curriculum, offering children access to additional content that is both challenging and engaging. We want more for our pupils, so we have further tailored Core Knowledge to align with our vision and values.
This new curriculum, which starts in Year One, epitomizes all that we believe in. Building upon the key skills and areas of learning we offer children from Reception onwards, we impart to every child a first-class knowledge-based education in the arts and sciences. Our curriculum and teaching methods aim above all at the transmission of knowledge, which we believe is the best way to inspire a child with the thirst for a wider and deeper understanding of the world. It lays the foundations for an expanding grasp of a wide range of subjects later on in education.

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