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Hampton School


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We are a lively, friendly, and caring community, where innovative teaching is underpinned by strong shared values and complemented by outstanding pastoral care. We aspire to enable our boys not only to make sense of the world but also to want to go out and improve it. However, we are not all about hard work. Hampton provides a remarkable range of co-curricular activities and a full, balanced education with many opportunities to shine. We understand that choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions that parents and boys will make, so we encourage you to come and visit us, meet our pupils and staff and experience for yourselves all that the School has to offer.
The majority of boys join at 11+, 13+ or 16+. Entry is via competitive examination, references from the candidate’s current school, and interview. Occasional places for entry at 12+ and 14+ may become available. Please contact the Admissions office if this is an option you are considering.
Hampton has high academic standards and we are proud of our exam results at GCSE and A level. Boys need to be academically minded and hard-working however, we are also looking for boys who will contribute positively to School life whether in art, music, sport, or another aspect of our co-curricular program. Motivation, intellectual curiosity, and a willingness to join in and try new things are all key attributes of a Hampton boy.
Scholarships are awarded to boys on merit and recognize talent and potential in a particular field. Academic, Art, Chess, Music, Performing Arts, and Sport Scholarships are available to boys joining the First Year at 11+ and the Third Year at 13+. Choral Scholarships are available for boys joining at 11+ and are awarded in conjunction with the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court Palace. Scholars are expected, and required, to make a very strong contribution to the academic, sporting, or creative life of the School throughout their time at Hampton.
Teaching is organized in small groups, enabling pupils to build close partnerships with their Sixth Form subject tutors, ensuring their personal and academic development. The majority of boys continue their education through to Sixth Form at Hampton School. However, we do welcome several external applicants every year from both the State and Independent sectors.
Sixth Formers are viewed as the School’s leaders, at the apex of everything: sport, music, drama, debating, and community service, to name but a few. They set the standards for the whole School in all they do and the opportunities this provides for leading younger pupils is a key difference between attending a school and going to a Sixth Form College. Our boys are encouraged to develop the qualities of leadership, initiative, and service to others. We believe this enables them to leave school with the confidence and skills to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of modern life.
In common with the great majority of academically selective schools, we believe that A levels currently offer the best post-16 education model. We continuously keep abreast of developments, assessing and examining the educational and examination options available to Sixth Form Students, to ensure that Hampton retains its place at the forefront of academic learning.
Located in a highly desirable corner of South West London, Hampton School is situated on a beautiful 28-acre greenfield site. A continuous development and investment program ensures that the School’s buildings and grounds are maintained to the highest standards ensuring our pupils enjoy the use of first-class facilities, including a state-of-the-art 3G all-weather sports ground, large multi-purpose sports hall, and a professional standard Performing Arts Theatre, The Hammond Theatre.
Generous teaching resources enhance lessons and students have access to a fully-equipped library, and specialist facilities for Art, Science, Technology, and Languages. The School has outstanding ICT facilities and is proud to be one of the leaders in this field in the independent education sector. Students have access to networked computers throughout the School, including those in three dedicated IT Suites, two Design Technology workshops, and three Science Labs, allowing the boys to access their work anywhere on the School site. The Millennium Boat House – shared with the neighboring Lady Eleanor Holles School – is situated on one of the most beautiful stretches of the River Thames providing a focal point for our internationally renowned and highly successful Boat Club.
The School has undergone many transformations since then and, although remaining in the Hampton area. It moved to its current location in Hanworth Road in 1939. Although it became a State Grammar School in 1910, it reverted to Independent status in 1975. Today Hampton School is recognized as one of the leading academic boys’ schools in the UK. It has over 1,200 pupils, almost all of whom progress to top universities either in this country or abroad before pursuing a wide range of careers.

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