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Hampton Junior School


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Hampton Juniors is a happy and friendly school where every child has the opportunity to reach excellence. Our children enjoy an active, exciting, and fast-paced curriculum that seeks to stimulate, engage and challenge them whilst developing a lifelong love of learning. Through personalized learning and high expectations, our children can flourish and experience success. We are a strong, caring, and supportive school community where children learn to take responsibility for themselves whilst being encouraged to value and care for others.
We are always gratified to see the achievements of all our children and we know that successful education relies on a real partnership between pupils, parents, and teachers. Our work within the local community, supported by longstanding friends and parents, has helped our children develop and succeed into responsible young citizens with the will to succeed.
The facilities at Hampton Junior School are first-rate. We have specially equipped spaces that are designated for the promotion of our broad and balanced curriculum, including a wonderful food technology room that has been newly refurbished, a specialist art studio with kiln, and a fully resourced music room where specialist music lessons take place and our ensemble groups rehearse.
In addition to this, we have a spectacular library that contains a wide range of engaging reading materials, 2 large halls, and a fabulous award-winning school allotment complete with a pond and wildflower garden. Our two large playgrounds, private sports field, and green area enable the children to enjoy their recreation and P.E to the full. Our refurbished classrooms offer children a well-equipped learning environment that is complemented by the ICT facilities including pads and kindles. Our new multiuse hall, kitchen, and up-to-the-minute year 6 classrooms are wonderful additions to the school facilities.
Through a diverse and exciting curriculum, Hampton Junior School pupils will develop skills in English and Mathematics as well as a lifelong love of learning. With the introduction of the new primary curriculum in September 2014, Hampton Primary Partnership schools have worked together to develop a curriculum that is dynamic, broad, balanced, and innovative to ensure that the children enjoy a practical, fun, challenging learning experience that will prepare them for life in 21st Century Britain. Our aim is for children to be able to enjoy a range of sporting activities, have the opportunity to learn new musical instruments as well as taking advantage of our fantastic facilities, including the sports field, specialist Art studio, refurbished library, well-resourced music room, iPads, kindles, garden allotments as well as pond area.
We foster a love of reading and the ability to read for information through daily guided reading sessions, author visits, and regular use of our fantastic school library. We deliberately select high-quality texts from a range of authors, ensuring that the children enjoy a range of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry alongside media texts. The school gives children regular opportunities for poetry recital and holds an annual performance poetry competition. Children also have regular lessons to help develop their reading comprehension skills.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and at Hampton Junior School we ensure that your child’s safety is of paramount importance. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in ‘Keeping children safe in education –July 2016’ as: protecting children from maltreatment preventing impairment of children’s health and development ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
E-Safety is important to everyone at Hampton Junior School. We have an up-to-date policy that demonstrates how we keep our children safe online. Alongside this, we have developed an E-Safety Curriculum which helps the children learn about how to keep safe when using the internet and new technologies. Our Internet Safety Rules are displayed around the school and regular assemblies and parent meetings are held to support the promotion of E-Safety.
For over a century Hampton Junior School has stood at the heart of Hampton as a focus of learning. The school opened in 1907 as Hampton Council School with separate departments providing accommodation for up to 400 boys and 400 girls! The two entrances with their signs can be seen as you enter the building. During World War II the school was adapted for use as a first-aid center.
In 1969 the education committee changed the name from Percy Road School to Hampton Junior School. The school celebrated its centenary in 2007 to the delight of many former pupils and staff who were able to revisit their school (some over 70 years later!) and relive memories of their schooldays.
The school has undergone much refurbishment and updating recently, providing extra facilities for the children as well as a Nurture Suite, a Library, a Studio, and Music Room as well as external improvements to the grounds. Most recently, we have opened a new hall, kitchen, and classroom block in preparation for expansion. In 2013 the Hampton Primary Partnership was formed, forging stronger links with Hampton Infant School, and continuing the school’s long tradition of serving the local community.

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