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Hampton Infant School and Nursery


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We are proud to say that our school is fully inclusive learning and teaching environment, constantly being improved and updated to prepare children for the 21st Century. Being graded as OUTSTANDING in our most recent OfSTED inspection, we know that we are the perfect choice for education in Hampton.
Every day at school does count. Being part of our exciting curriculum is your child’s opportunity to take a full and active role in everything that our ‘Outstanding’ curriculum has to offer. Holidays in term will not be authorized. Developing this attitude to attending school at the start of your child’s education will help them as they proceed on their learning journey.
As a Healthy School, we try to make every day count in terms of food and nutrition. Being part of the National Fruit Scheme ensures that every day, every child has access to free fruit or vegetables at break time and we encourage the children to bring water bottles to school every day. Children have a choice of a hot meal or a packed lunch from home every day.
The school will register your interest in the School and Nursery after your child’s second birthday. This means we will take your child’s details and send you the Nursery application forms and Reception application details on the published date. You may register your interest and make an appointment to visit the school by ringing the school office between 10 am and 12 mid-day.
There is no catchment area for the Nursery. Children with siblings in the Infant and Junior school will be given places first, and then places will be offered on distance. The Nursery has a total of 52 places - 26 in the morning and 26 in the afternoon. The application forms will be sent in the Autumn before your child is due to start the next September. In the Autumn term before your child is due to start the next September, we will send you a covering letter explaining the procedure and closing date for admission into Reception. Applications need to be made online, by the date published in the brochure.
We are very lucky to have a well-experienced and dedicated staff team who ensure that your child’s personal development and well-being is ‘Outstanding’ every day. Should you have any questions regarding how any specific medical needs will be accommodated, please feel free to discuss them with us on your visit to the school. We have 7 fully trained first aid staff in the school and the risk assessments are regularly carried on the school, its grounds, and the exciting places we visit to ensure that we retain our outstanding level of care for your child.
We also have a wide range of after-school clubs providing football, drama, dance, tennis, gymnastics, French, ICT, and -Spanish. The sports clubs take place in the back playground, drama, and dance in the school hall, and French, Spanish, and ICT in the Creativity room. When you collect your children at 4 pm the gates in Ripley Road are opened at 3.55 pm, we ask you to enter and leave via this route for school security and Health & Safety reasons.
In September 2017 we are pleased to welcome Onside Football as our football provider. Howard Newton coaches at Hampton Junior School and we are sure that coaching across both schools will be beneficial to the children. Parents are asked to liaise directly with the provider regarding booking, payments, and dates. The school ensures all staff employed by the clubs have a DBS certificate.
The new Special Educational Needs Code of Practice became statutory in September 2014. From this date, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’.The Local Offer intends to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.
By choosing to be part of our school community means that you are entering into a partnership judged as Outstanding at every level by an OfSTED survey. We see you as the first and most important educator in your child’s life. Joining our school adds another exciting route on their journey through life. Through termly consultation meetings, you are fully involved in reviewing your child’s progress as well as sharing in their targets for the future.
Every week, over 50 parents, carers, Governor, and local community volunteers work with the children. From cooking to reading our volunteer helpers add another important dimension to our partnership with you. Everyone has a crucial role to play and when you sign our Home and School Partnership you recognize the role that you play in working with us.

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