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Edmund Waller Primary School


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Edmund Waller is a hive of learning activity located in the Telegraph Hill area of New Cross in south-east London. The children and staff make full use of the opportunities offered by a larger than average school site which we utilize to best effect. Our Victorian buildings feature large classrooms that are bright and airy and we have lots of outside space providing the children with plenty of room within which to learn and play.
Our children learn from a dedicated, experienced, and dynamic staff team. The staff team promotes the ideals of independence, responsibility, and determination alongside kindness and care. The children work hard within the context of a motivating topic-based curriculum, developing an appreciation of how learning is an investment in their future life choices.
We encourage our children to celebrate their many achievements and to take responsibility for their learning. To achieve this we provide stimulating and creative learning experiences tailored for individual needs. Learning is immersive, experiential, and memorable never more so than on regular educational visits, which are carefully planned to enrich and enhance the curriculum. Each term parents and carers are invited into school to see their children celebrate and reflect upon what they have learned.
The majority of children choose to participate in the diverse and exciting extra-curricular activities (such as playing in our orchestra, learning one of the many languages on offer, taking part in football, basketball, gymnastics, gardening, cookery) on offer at Edmund Waller. Edmund Waller’s children are at the heart of everything we do. Our children are respected, enjoy coming to school, and feel safe here. Together with their parents, we want the very best for each child who enters our school. We are extremely fortunate to have parents who are tremendously supportive and loyal to the school. They invest their time, energies, and expertise to help ensure Edmund Waller School is a vibrant and unique place.

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