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Collingwood School


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Collingwood School is a warm and welcoming preparatory school where we encourage care, courtesy, and consideration towards each other. The children are nurtured and encouraged to do their very best at all times. We provide a stimulating environment in all areas where our pupils can be challenged by new and exciting topics and learning adventures.

Collingwood enjoys a strong academic, musical, and sporting reputation with healthy competition encouraged through the House system comprising four Houses Drake, Haig, Nelson, and Wellington.

In their final year, pupils take pleasure in taking on additional responsibilities when Heads of House are appointed, along with School prefects and a Head Boy and Head Girl. Through a variety of inter-house competitions, they learn to be generous winners and gracious losers.

We get to know our pupils as individuals, and they are known by every member of staff. They thrive in our school community and grow in confidence, fully prepared for the next part of their adventure as they enter their chosen senior school.

We know that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions that a parent can make. Parents place their trust in us when they place their child in our care and we then have the privilege to see that child thrive and grow. A parent’s priority is the happiness, well-being, and achievement of their child and that is also our priority here at Collingwood School.

Collingwood is a happy, vibrant, and truly nurturing school. The atmosphere here is one in which our children feel secure, supported, and valued. It is a place where our boys and girls are also challenged to be the best that they can be. Beyond the high academic expectations, our pupils are inspired to develop their talents in arts, music, and sports. We offer a broad education, within small classes, which caters for children from Nursery to age 11 of all abilities, and allows us to tailor the experience to suit each child’s individual needs and celebrate each child’s success.

Care and consideration for each other and for the world in which we live are central to our ethos. The traditional values of courtesy and good manners also underpin our whole philosophy as we prepare our children for their future in an ever-changing world. We aim for all pupils to become responsible, independent, and resilient young citizens. We are proud of every one of our boys and girls and they are proud to be part of our school.

Three words that underpin the philosophy here at Collingwood School are Care, Courtesy, and Consideration. Our aim is that when children leave our school at the end of Year 6 they are confident, polite and thoughtful. We aim to help them become well-rounded, both academically and sportingly, and self-assured with the confidence to feel excitement for the next stage of their education.

We encourage children to recognize the importance of living in a community and the sharing and consideration required to work with others. Our PSHE program reinforces these values and the children are encouraged to talk during our weekly Circle Time sessions about working together. Opportunities at Collingwood help to support key principles and ideals so that the children are aware of the importance of good manners and attentiveness to others.

We love hearing from ex-Collingwood pupils who invariably contact us later on in life and regale fond memories of when they were here and it’s a pleasure to see the values that were instilled in them carry on throughout their careers.

Our School Aims:

  • To bring out the best in each child by encouraging individual talents in a wide range of fields, including academic, music, sport, art, and drama.
  • To provide a high-quality education that is enjoyable, stimulating, and fun.
  • To ensure that Collingwood has a caring and nurturing environment within a happy and friendly community.
  • To develop a love of learning within a structured, broad, and balanced curriculum so that each pupil is confident in his or her ability.
  • To develop a pupil’s learning skills by encouraging a sense of curiosity, open-mindedness, perseverance, objectivity, reflection, and critical thinking.
  • To instill values and opinions within the context of mutual respect and understanding of differing belief systems and cultures in Britain.
  • To enable pupils of all abilities to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding in all areas of the curriculum to furnish them with as much choice as possible when selecting schools for their further education at 11+.

The qualities of care, courtesy, and consideration underpin our philosophy and we promote good manners, thoughtfulness, confidence, and attentiveness towards others. We recognize the importance of being part of a community and of the sharing, trust, and consideration required to work with others.

The uniqueness of every child is celebrated and the curriculum reflects the needs of every pupil through a love of physical, active, creative, and academic activities. Coupled with a positive partnership with parents we can maximize the potential in each child.

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