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Chapel Street Primary School


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Chapel Street Primary is a richly diverse school community in which different languages, cultures, and religions learn together in harmony.
We work in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our children. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Our children are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavor to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behavior and mutual respect are modeled by everyone and where everyone is valued.
Our Mission is to create and sustain a caring and supportive community, dedicated to providing education of a very high standard where all children, staff, parents, and governors work together and feel valued.
Our Nursery is available for children who are 3 years old. We ask that you apply for a place for your child when they are 2 years old by completing and returning the nursery waiting list form. Forms must be submitted by the end of April and places are allocated in June. All families of children due to start reception will receive a letter and a form from Manchester City Council. This form must be completed and returned to Manchester City Council before the specified deadline. This form must be completed even if your child attends our Nursery, failure to do so could result in your child not being allocated a Reception place at our school.
At Chapel Street Primary School we believe that all children are entitled to a rich, broad, and balanced curriculum, which will enable all children to reach their full potential and develop personally, socially, academically, spiritually, morally, and aesthetically.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum ‘Development Matters’ as this is a statutory framework that sets out a broad range of knowledge and skills to develop the children’s learning in the Foundation Stage. The children will be learning skills, knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the seven areas of learning and development. The Early Years curriculum at Chapel Street is designed to be flexible so that staff can follow and cater to your child's unique needs and interests.
Children in the EYFS learn through playing and exploring, being active and inquisitive, and developing their creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. We consider ourselves partners in your child’s learning. The activities that you do with your child at home are essential in supporting their learning and development and are critical to your child’s learning as they progress through school. For example, talking, listening, reading, singing nursery rhymes, cooking and baking, or playing outside with them.
All children will complete the EYFS profile by the end of Reception as part of the statutory end of key stage assessment. Staff who work with the children carry out ongoing assessments and observations and use this to fill in the profile and report the outcomes. We have high expectations of our children and support all individuals to reach their potential.
In Reception, our learning is developed through topics that are developed through the children’s interests and understanding. With key learning objectives and questions that nurture their language, thinking, reasoning and understanding in all areas.
At Chapel Street Primary School we believe our well-embedded SMCS curriculum prepares our children well for life in modern Britain. We realize the personal development of our children is essential for them to reach their full potential. The SMSC development of all pupils is therefore at the heart of our ethos.
E-Safety is a safeguarding issue, not an ICT issue and all members of the school community have a duty to be aware of e-safety at all times, to know the required procedures, and to act on them. The school must ensure that every child and young person in its care is safe. The same ‘staying safe’ outcomes and principles outlined in the Every Child Matters agenda apply equally to the ‘virtual’ or digital world. This expectation also applies to any voluntary, statutory, and community organizations that make use of the school’s ICT facilities and digital technologies.
All staff has a responsibility to support e-Safe practices in school and all pupils need to understand their responsibilities in the event of deliberate attempts to breach e-safety protocols.
Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools to boost the attainment of pupils from low-income families. It is intended to enable schools to provide targeted support to help children reach their full potential. Funding is allocated for children who are looked after by the Local authority and for every child which is registered for Free School Meals.
It is really important to make sure that all children who qualify are registered for Free School Meals. Registering is the only way to ensure the school receives the Pupil Premium funding to spend on your child, even if you choose to send a packed lunch or your child already has a free lunch as they are in either Reception, Year 1, or Year 2.

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