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Brampton Primary School


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At Brampton, we have high academic expectations for our children while remaining a friendly, community-focused school that is both caring and inclusive. We are at an exciting stage in the school’s journey and now have four classes in every year group as we enter our centenary year.
Our school was built in 1915, with two buildings - Infant and Junior. These have been used as girls' and boys' buildings and as separate primary and secondary schools. We have a new Dinner/Sports Hall with amazing facilities, alongside our Nature Garden.
This building has a rich history, which may surprise you! It started life as a bicycle shed but later had its sides built in to create two rooms. Former pupil Dame Vera Lynn tells us that during her time at Brampton it was used as a craft room. It has had various other uses including its time as a Parents Room and as an after-school club run by Community Links. More recently it has been a resource center and following the current building program will become a well-being center.
We are based in a residential area of East Ham, next to Brampton Park. There is a range of housing, from semi-detached houses to terraces and flats. In Geography and History topics we study the local area. We look at changes that have happened in the past and our ideas for the future. We frequently use the park for events such as Sports Day and sponsored walks, but also for Art or Science activities in April 2011 we hosted a party in Brampton Park to celebrate the Royal Wedding – 2,000 children from five local schools attended together with many parents and residents.
Brampton has an exceptional team of teachers and support staff who are dedicated to providing an outstanding educational experience for every child. We aim to ensure that every child is equipped with the skills and a thirst for knowledge and learning that will help them be successful in the next phase of their education. We recognize your children represent society’s next generation and we teach them to become responsible, respectful, and tolerant citizens of the future.
As education is constantly changing it is important that we continue to join together with parents and the community to build for the future. We have a joint responsibility that must be based on mutual understanding and trust. Only by working together in partnership will we be able to achieve our aim of providing the best possible education for your children.
We have a very diverse community, which is reflected in the make-up of our school. Our children come from a variety of places around the world and we like to celebrate this in classrooms and at special events, like Refugee Week. The atmosphere around the school is positive and each class has its character.
From Nursery to Year 6 the children are encouraged to become independent learners and take responsibility for their progress. We work together to build confidence and self-esteem, allowing children to explore different activities in a range of ways. We are developing pedagogy across the school which emphasizes putting the needs of children first. It allows them to learn in visual, auditory, or practical ways.
We celebrate children’s achievements in lots of ways, from stickers to trophies, to end-of-year certificates. We participate in a lot of sports events, where we have shone out above other schools. There is a selection of other clubs available to children across the school.
We are also close to the ever-growing area of Docklands and the O2 (formerly the Millennium Dome). West Ham Utd's home, the Boleyn Ground, is a short walk away and some pupils use the ICT scheme running there after school or in the holidays.

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