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Ark St Alban's Academy


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At Ark St Alban’s Academy, we have high expectations of our students, exactly as if they were our children. We expect them to go to university and succeed there and then lead fulfilling lives that make them happy and allow them to contribute back to the community.

We believe that all children can - and will - achieve, we do everything we can to make sure that they reach their goal. We act with integrity and discipline to challenge all members of our learning community to make the most of their God-given talents, maximizing their contribution to society and making the world a better place for us all.

These expectations and values are built on the twin pillars of our inclusive Christian mission and the underlying principles of the Ark Schools network. They lead to high-quality teaching and learning in a structured and disciplined environment that ensures outstanding student progress across all subjects.

Our school achieves remarkable results. Not only do we have an Outstanding Ofsted report, but our GCSE results are some of the best in the country. The progress our students make ranks our school within the top one percent nationwide and pass rates are 15% higher than the national average. We know that our staff is having a real impact - and we're are always on the lookout for exceptional people to work at our school.

We are proud of the academy’s inclusive Church of England ethos and its multi-faith intake. We have strong partnerships with other faith communities, especially with the Birmingham Central Mosque which is represented on our Governing Body and strongly supports the faith ethos of the academy.

Christian, Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu parents and those of other faiths or none send their children to Ark St Alban’s because of its high expectations and good discipline founded on strong moral and religious principles and because they recognize the value of children being encouraged and supported in their faiths.

The staff and governors of Ark St Alban’s Academy believe in standing up for what is right in our community. As a Church of England Academy, our Christian principles inform our actions and beliefs, giving us confidence in defining and communicating what we mean by “right” and “good” and “better”.

We have a strong pastoral commitment and work hard to ensure that each child is known well by all their teachers. Teaching groups are small so children get more individual attention. The welcoming, caring, and supportive atmosphere is one of the reasons parents choose Ark St Alban’s. Parents also welcome the high degree of supervision and security that our small school structure promotes.

Our statement of moral purpose and mission statement is:

  • We are here to challenge every individual to make the most of their God-given talents.
  • That we “challenge” everyone is the foundation of our high expectations.
  • The inclusion of “every individual” reflects our belief in the equal importance of every student and our commitment to developing the full potential of our colleagues as well as our students.
  • “Making the most of” our talents drives our pursuit of excellence in all things.
  • We believe that talents are “God-given”, for a higher purpose. Making the most of our talents means using them and developing them to the full, to help others as well as ourselves, in the interest of creating a better world.

We have exciting and engaging extended schools and enrichment programs. These include extra-curricular classes, trips and visits, and special events. We provide residential and personal development experiences and opportunities for young people to participate in their local community and a comprehensive program of after-school clubs and activities. Five ‘Super Learning Days’ when the regular academy timetable is suspended, provide scope for extended project-based learning in real-life contexts.

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