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Ada. National College for Digital Skills


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Ada, the National College for Digital Skills, offers a career-catapulting education that, as a state-funded College, is free to attend. If you’re excited about entering the games design industry, creating apps that change lives, or building technologies that help grow industries, then Ada is the perfect institution for you.

Ada, the National College of Digital Skills is a specialist college that inspires the students of today to become the digital pioneers of tomorrow.

The digital industry is experiencing epic growth but there is a talent shortage. Over 130,000 tech jobs are available each year in the UK but students are leaving education without sufficient knowledge and experience to get the job. We want to change this.

With Ada, students can learn relevant digital skills to pursue their dream job in tech. We are a unique community that puts computer programming at the heart of everything we do. Our students are the future game-changers: challenging the norm, excited by change, and resilient in the face of adversity.

We want to remove the glass ceiling for women and individuals from low-income backgrounds in the tech industry. Everyone, from any background, is entitled to quality education and a better future. Our community is united by digital so we work closely with Haringey Council and the local community to ensure the inclusion extends beyond the walls of Ada.

We believe all our students exhibit the following five values.

Curiosity - Learning is about more than facts and figures. It's about discovering how things work. It's about different people, cultures, and environments and a strong appreciation for the new.

Rigour - Quality comes from the discipline of hard logic, honest challenge, thorough analysis, and precise execution and communication.

Creativity - Ambiguity and uncertainty are our friends. That's why we make the space to imagine, to connect the unconnected, and to be inspired to create the new, and to solve the unsolved.

Collaboration - Individually we can be great but together we are greater than the sum of our parts. We show people how to get the best out of each other, how to motivate each other, how to co-create and how to come together to solve the challenges and create the new.

Resilience - Adversity, and change are inevitable factors we face in life. We build an adaptable and flexible mindset to ensure you are armored to face the future with confidence.

Our sixth form teaches real-world digital skills and A Level subjects to students who aspire to make a difference. Everyone studies a BTEC in Computer Science which is equivalent to two A-Levels. Typically, you will also choose two A-Levels to study in the first year which you can narrow down to one in the final year.

Earn valuable BTEC and A Level qualifications, build a digital portfolio that stands out from the rest and move forward with confidence and ambition. We help students unlock the path to apprenticeships, new start-ups, large corporations, and universities.

There is nowhere else quite like Ada. Tech is at the heart of everything we do. We future-proof your career with top-notch academics, meaningful projects, and industry support.

Combine your passions with in-demand digital skills and you will become unstoppable. Our subjects join the dots with technology so you're fully prepared for what's next.

Personal development is about being confident in yourself, pro-actively managing your physical and mental health, and finding the careful balance between work and play. We offer pastoral care, sports clubs, societies, and even trips away.

At Ada, we are responsible for ensuring that all of our students receive the necessary help and guidance they need to develop as individuals in addition to the college-wide values we strive to instill. This personal growth of every student is an essential cog in the industry focus that makes us truly unique.

Our doors are open to students of all walks of life, with differing circumstances and situations. As such, we endeavor to create a dynamic attitude to guiding each student. It works like a roundabout. Students can come from any angle or direction and it’s our job to direct them to the right exit. We’ll do everything we can to advise or support them, which at times means referring them to specific external networks which match their need.

Our industry connections are second to none. Our students love how much industry insight they get during their time at Ada, with access to companies including Google, Deloitte, and The National Archives. Several of our students have done work experience placements during term breaks. We also run skills workshops and welcome external speakers to educate and inspire our students providing a constant reminder of the world beyond the classroom.

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