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Brigham Young University, Idaho


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Brigham Young University-Idaho is a private, four-year university affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
BYU-Idaho seeks to create a wholesome learning environment in which students can strengthen their commitment to their faith and receive a quality education that prepares them for leadership in the home, the community, and the workplace.
Brigham Young University-Idaho was founded and is supported and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its mission is to develop disciples of Jesus Christ, who are leaders in their homes, the Church, and their communities. BYU-Idaho's strong sense of purpose is shaped by the insight and direction of visionary leaders. Through the inspiration that comes to BYU-Idaho presidents and leaders of our sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we receive the guidance that helps us understand our mission and what we must do to make it a reality.
Sports Activities develop individuals by instilling positive character traits through athletic recreation, competition, and leadership. Competitive Sports provides opportunities for individuals to develop Personal Honor in a disciplined team environment. (Requires a commitment of 6-10 hours per week for practices and competitions) Players must attend the tryout(s) to be selected for a team. Recreational Sports requires a commitment of 1 hour per week.RecSports provide various sports where participants can compete and grow as leaders, team members, and individuals. These teams can be formed by friends, ward, or a free agent. Sports Classes and non-credit sessions taught by experienced students for participants of all experience levels. Often held 1-2 times/week. Participants may attend once or as often as desired.
While the controversy over removal progressed from 1957 to 1961, more than 6,500 students were added to the alumni roll. Full-time faculty increased from forty-five to sixty-eight. Leadership programs were well attended. All student activities-academic, social, political, religious, athletic, and cultural-continued without interruption.
Tuition costs $210 per year or $70 per quarter. To live in college residence halls cost $165-$175 per quarter for board and room. Several General Authorities visited campus to speak at assemblies or baccalaureate or commencement, including President McKay, Elder Marion G. Romney of the Quorum of the Twelve, and Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson of the Presiding Bishopric. President Clarke always set an optimistic tone in his commencement reports. As part of his June 2, 1960, report, he announced a significant change in the academic year-starting organization with the 1960-1961 academic year, both Ricks and Brigham Young University would move from the three-quarter system to the two-semester system. That put Ricks in line with all other Idaho colleges and "approximately 80% of all colleges and universities in the United States."
Interesting and informative speakers were invited to forum assemblies, notably Eleanor Roosevelt, the widow of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who compared the United States and Russia's governments. If things got overly academic, students could relax at drama or musical productions such as Bedrich Smetana's comic opera The Bartered Bride or dance to the Kollege Kings' music.
After the announcement of April 26, 1961, community leaders such as Mayor Gilbert Larsen, Chamber of Commerce President Howard Potter, John Porter, Arthur C. Porter, Rexburg Stake President Delbert Taylor, and North Rexburg Stake President O.P. Mortensen very quickly assured President Clarke of their support for college programs and urged all others to do likewise.
Don C. Archibald, the Alumni Association president, called an Alumni Council meeting on May 15, 1961. They established the Ricks College Alumni Development Fund to "assist in making Ricks College one of the land's finest institutions." President Clarke announced at the Alumni Council meeting that "the sum of $2,700,000 has been approved to be used for the construction of a science building, classroom-library building, two or three women's dormitories and for campus development." He also spoke of the building program in his commencement report. Those attending commencement, especially alumni, sang "Happy Ties" with renewed vigor and sentiment.
Everyone was gratified at the speed with which Dr. Wilkinson and the Board of Education moved on the building program. Harvey L. Taylor, the vice administrator of the Unified Church School System, was sent to Rexburg along with BYU's campus planning committee, headed by Sam Brewster, to get building sites located and to review the 1957 campus master plan. A revised master plan was submitted to the Board of Education and approved on June 7, 1961. Often many months, sometimes years, are spent getting significant buildings through planning, funding, and construction stages. President Clarke announced late in 1961 that construction would start in mid-1962.
In recognition of his long and significant service to Ricks College, Marriner Morrell was presented with the first Faculty Association Honors Lecture Award in April 1967. Along with the $100 stipend, which Morrell announced would go toward fishing gear, went the privilege of preparing and delivering the honors lecture. The award has been presented annually since 1967, going to the outstanding faculty member of the year as determined by his or her peers.
Elder Thomas S. Monson of the Quorum of the Twelve spoke to 544 graduates at baccalaureate on May 10. President Clarke, giving his report as part of commencement on May 11, noted that the Manwaring Student Center "has provided a tremendous lift to student extra-curricular activities and varied Church and community events." He also announced schematic drawings were underway for a technical education building.

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